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I went out side at about 20:00 tonight and seen that my bike had moved so I asked the wife if she knew what had happened and she said nothing and came and had a look and on closer look my bike had been moved of its centre stand and was resting against the wall and the steering lock was still on in the left position but the bike had moved strait along so if it had fallen of the stand it could not get to where it was so on a close look on the floor there were wet foot prints on the dry parts of the yard which are larger than mine or the wifes ,there is no damage that I could see in the dark but the steering lock looked loose but is still on,so from now on ill put the bike lock on strait away instead of last thing at night when I put the cover on,thank god we lock our back gate or it would have been gone ,and first thing in the morning I'm getting a ground ancor to fit to the floor invade the barstewards come back

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  • buy one of these alarms the're great.

  • Ttaskmaster

    Nah, trip-wire mechanism with blank shotgun shell. Cheap as, can make yourself and does a great job of convincing 'em to just fuck off, while they still can!

  • steve 1052cc
    steve 1052cc

    See that's where most people go wrong you must restrain (not hit the little darlings) using the appropriate minimum force to affect a citizens arrest or restrain them. The minimum force might well be

mine gets put in my shed.. Its a PIG to get in and out because there is not much room between the back of the house and the actuall shed (its brick and cement)

but i do ocasionaly just say "oh sod it i cant be bothered hauling it in there"
and if i dont go up to the house for a few days i find my self worrying about it.

lucky for us our new house is miles out of the way of any towns or city's and its a semi detatched in a culdesack.

some one isnt going to just pass and say hey lets check the back garden of that house for a bike...

So that lets me sleep a bit more soundly.

there does seem to be a increase in bike thefts from what im seeing recently though,
Which confuses me.. because its the winter.

glad they didnt get your bike.
Should be legal to put a gin trap under a seat cover on your bike seat.
And then when they sit on it "SNAP" bye bye testies. i think that would be fair.

Hell even some rusty razor blades on the handle bars would do.

But noo they say thats inhumane. But if some one walks in to an electricity pylon and gets killed thats theiere fault..
you set up a shot gun on your bike so if some one tries to steal it they get shot, then thats your fault..

Sounds like you've had a lucky escape there Paul, i always lock the bike(s) as soon as i get off them, i used to even carry the chain and lock under the seat of the XJ (or in the topbox of the DT) so that if i nip to the shops or to a friends house it was always secure, it only takes a few minutes for you to dash inside the house for a well needed piss and the scumbags could have your bike away.

as for the shotgun alarm, it would be held up in court of law as "entrapment" im sure, tempting the fuckers with a nice shiny motorbike which they could have away, and then blasting them in the face with a buckshot of lead when they try and take it, well where's the fucking justice hey?

That's not good, but a lucky escape. Whenever I get home I immediately put the disc lock on and a chain through the back wheel. Even if I'm only stopping for a short amount of time.

If I'm travelling into a city centre or anything then the chain comes with, but regardless the disc lock is always with me and I put it on for even the shortest of stops.

Not going to guarantee someone won't try but hopefully it'll help.

  • Moderator

I hope there isn't any damage.

While we are at it, just a reminder to all that if you have said you use a particular security device to your insurers and you didn't have it on, dont expect to get any money from them. The SV is kept on my drive and I always put the U bolt on it when I park. This is what is recorded with the insurers. When the bike has cooled I use a cover and then bolt it to a ground anchor. The extra chain and ground anchor are not recorded in the insurance so I won't get penalised if anything happens when there are not on.

buy one of these alarms the're great.


  • Author

Yes I was lucky but I'd love to find the fecker and show him the errors of his ways and after that he won't be thinking of steeling any one else's bike LOL

  • Author

Got the ground ancor in now and the only thing I can see wrong is the barrel is a bit loose

f*ckers probably had a go at it, maybe think about a disclock with motion sensor? atleast that way if it gets moved again and the alarm sounds you can react accordingly

security light with a sensor. feckin great bright thing, worked for me and my mate a few weeks back when some pond life thought they would try and have his cx away out of his garden. i was sat watching american football at about 2am and the light came on so got my attention. looked out of window and saw the scumbag. phoned my mate who was home in bed and woke him and we hit the little foooker from both sides, hehe.. he wasnt hurt during our motions but he did fall over several times....

  • Author

looks like I'll need new handlebars as mime are bent from when they tried to snap the steering lock barstewards I was looking at some new ones but now I really do need to buy some ,I only found this out on my way to work and the left hand is in a different place to the right it feels like driving around corners all the time but I'll manage unroll payday

buy new, i once got a set from a junk yard ,then realized they where slightly out-a-sinc..

  • Author

yes I was going to buy new as it had thought the second hand ones may be worse than the ones I have now lol

Apparently you're supposed to leave it all unlocked and unsecured, possibly with keys in it, because that's what the insurance is for and security is for law-abiding citizens only... so sayeth some dozy prick who doesn't like it every time we drag up the security thing.

For the record, I've lived in Camden, Aylesbury, Harrow, Watford, Reading and several other places, with varying degrees of 'bad area' status. Always locked my bikes, never had a single one nicked. Just sayin'... :)

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My area ain't all that bad ,the only reason people try and steel things is that they can't be arsed to save up for what they want to pinch and are not bothered that you have saved up for it I come from a rough area and I can say there are good and bad people where Ever you live that's just life

I have an alarm/immobiliser, disk lock, chain with ground anchor at home and always put the steering lock on, and it is locked in a garage, we also have two dogs that let us know if anyone is outside.

When I am out and about I take the chain and disk lock, this will generally stop the normal toe rags, not sure if it would stop the professional thieving barstewards.

  • Author

I'm looking into frying an alarm fitted even just a motion censor one so I can hear if its moved

i still say gin/man traps all around the garden is a good idea..
i know that technically they are illigal and have been for a while..

and I know man traps are a bit ott if you put the shotgun shell in them..
But then they shouldnt be in the garden should they.



Nah, trip-wire mechanism with blank shotgun shell. Cheap as, can make yourself and does a great job of convincing 'em to just fuck off, while they still can!

  • Author
Nah, trip-wire mechanism with blank shotgun shell. Cheap as, can make yourself and does a great job of convincing 'em to just fuck off, while they still can!
Just by chance I do know a man who makes shot gun shells and if I ask home he may make me some with some rock salt in and from persinal experience it hurts like a barsteward if it gets you.

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