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Foamy is going "insert location" for a week

wild foamy
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Hi peeps.

Ive come to a realisation, ive been here for 3 years atleast and still have not travelled a great distance for recreation on a bike, i used to post about going to ireland for a week when i was riding the DT but in reality i doubt the old donkey would have got me there and back on one set of piston rings.

i now have a fireblade, am out of the country until march and will be moving to wolverhampton in april, during which i have 4 weeks off work.

so, where is the best place to go?, may be like asking a blind man to tell you what the colour blue looks like but even so i want to get away for a week or so, i will need to take kit appropriate to the climate (im not going to the peak of mt everest with a mars bar and a space blanket), just asking for opinions on what is good to see and with what kit at minimal expense. :)

So, where have you been/what have you taken and what are your experiances?

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Hi Foamy

For my sins I was brought up in Wolves, for ride outs we used to go to North Wales, the roads are brill, and at normal speeds the coast is only 1:30 hr,

Any quicker and you have to look out for the speed gestapo, on Sundays loads of bikes used to go to 'Enville Comon' but like wise so did the feds, Iron bridge is a nice ride out too, looking at your avatar at a guess I suppose you will be some where near Cosford, which is on one of the main routes to North Wales. As for kit we used to just take normal bike gear and stay in B & B's, some people use to have static caravans that we would visit over the closed months to open them up and air them out for a day or two, In between pub visits.


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The best road trips start with no destination,a small tent and sleeping bag a small fishing pole frypan fork and fillet knife.I have traveled very far and met many people.When people ( fellow riders) find out your just ridin blindly into wherever it's amazing how nice they can be.I have been invited to stay with complet stranges dinner and beers just by stoping a the right bars(pub) and chating with locals

This year in june or july I'm going to Edmonton Alberta to visit a old friend who moved out there 5 yrs ago about 28hr drive going to do it in 2 days chill there for 3-4 days then set off north to Alaska to see the top of the world and catch some big ass salmon, wind my way back to Ontario over a 5-6 day period fishing and camping,there are lots of places along the way that I would like to stop and see and camping is prety easy it's very rural so just pull over and find a spot near a river and set up camp.If time permits I might skip comin right home and stay north swing through ottawa and hit the east coast another 2 -3 days ride and visit another friend in Fredicton New Brunswick who i haven't seen in 10yrs.

So wher ever you deside to go, follow your nose when it's looks like fun ,over planing makes for a rushed trip pick some spots you would like to see and if you get there great but if you end up some where else o well. My buddy Mike ended up bring home a wife 15yrs ago after a 2 week road trip, so just go to prove you never know what the fun part will be untill you get there.

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Insert location, eh?
"I now have a fireblade"
That'll be the nearest gay bar, then!! :D

I kid, I kid... mostly ;)

My dad grew up around the Albrighton area, which is Wolverhampton-ish. That's all I can tell you about that, except that Steve Bull played for the Wanderers.

"like asking a blind man to tell you what the colour blue looks like"
Watch the film Mask, starring Cher. That answers how to describe colours to blind people. Good film, but make sure you're in a serious mood!

I hear Holland outside of Amsterdam is pretty good...

A friend of mine plays violin on the street for a living and every year he He's ridden the route a couple times and loved it, but gave up on bikes as the train was cheaper.
Also, he says to do Barcelona second (spends are better in Zurich) and keep a FUCKING close eye on your wallet all the while you're there - Barcelona cops won't give a shit if you're pickpocketed, unless you come to actual harm (whereupon your stuff will be recovered or fully recompensed and a local gang of street-scrotes will all have strangely coincidental accidents). Generally, be very paranoid about anyone who enters your personal space. Zurich, by contrast, is peppered with plain-clothes cops and about as safe as you can get when other people are about.

Lastly, touring France is always good. I'd personally visit the battlefields and beaches, but there's loads out there.

If you're into organised trips, a lot called J The B's are known for doing such things - www.jthebs.com

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tbh i would like to have my old XJ600 back, took me and the ex from lydney to bournemouth on £20 of fuel, would be great for touring if it didnt have such a pissy little tank, trouble is the fireblade wont be as good on fuel :(

Holland sounds good tbh, aslong as i stay away from the red light district and the weed

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The best road trips start with no destination,a small tent and sleeping bag a small fishing pole frypan fork and fillet knife.I have traveled very far and met many people.When people ( fellow riders) find out your just ridin blindly into wherever it's amazing how nice they can be.I have been invited to stay with complet stranges dinner and beers just by stoping a the right bars(pub) and chating with locals

This year in june or july I'm going to Edmonton Alberta to visit a old friend who moved out there 5 yrs ago about 28hr drive going to do it in 2 days chill there for 3-4 days then set off north to Alaska to see the top of the world and catch some big ass salmon, wind my way back to Ontario over a 5-6 day period fishing and camping,there are lots of places along the way that I would like to stop and see and camping is prety easy it's very rural so just pull over and find a spot near a river and set up camp.If time permits I might skip comin right home and stay north swing through ottawa and hit the east coast another 2 -3 days ride and visit another friend in Fredicton New Brunswick who i haven't seen in 10yrs.

So wher ever you deside to go, follow your nose when it's looks like fun ,over planing makes for a rushed trip pick some spots you would like to see and if you get there great but if you end up some where else o well. My buddy Mike ended up bring home a wife 15yrs ago after a 2 week road trip, so just go to prove you never know what the fun part will be untill you get there.

The voice from the land of the free. If only you could do that here. Fishing without a permit.. That will be poaching. Fly camping, nope you will get moved on or done for trespase. Lastly there is nowhere 24hrs away. Unless you want to get wet.

Much as i like the uk. Its not really a free country anymore for a man with a house, a job and 2.4. Kids.:-(

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Lol just wait untill someone gets ahold of that avitar and photo shops it,honestly whats with the big hat???

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Its an engine blank, when the cabs (helicopters) are left outside we put giant foam blocks in the engine intakes and giant fabric hats over the exhausts to stop the ingress of dirt, moisture, animals and occasionally people (if there is no work on and you have downtime, its quite common to find the lineys asleep in an exhaust), we were taking the blanks off one of the cabs one day and one of the other lads was on the top throwing the blanks down to me and i was throwing them into the landrover, i missed one and it landed on my head, looked funny so took a photo.

they are actually surprisingly warm, ive used one as a pillow before

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Blast over to the continent - check the forecast, but maybe Holland (as said above, I did it April last year [the photos on this forum]) was a cheap break or head to Little Switzerland in Luxembourg (Nurburg is close) and mooch around the Ardennes (some great hairpins and long bends) and the Eifel, big ol' forest roads.

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Hey Foamy,

In my humble opinion you need go no further than the West Coast of Scotland. We have some of the most wonderful roads...that is after Glasgow right enough. Go up past Loch Lomond, up over the "rest and be thankful" and keep going.

To quote Billy Connolly, "there's no bugger there!"

The only downside is rain. Quite a lot of it to be honest. There are very few speed cameras too.

Look on Google Maps and trace a rout North of Loch Lomond going towards Inveraray then Oban and I doubt you'll see much better.

Let me know if you need more specific ideas

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Oh, well if Scotland is your choice, then he's right!

Do stop over in Glenfinnan and explore the road to the Isles - Some great riding to be had there!

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Insert location, eh?

"I now have a fireblade"

That'll be the nearest gay bar, then!! :D

seriously LMFAO!

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