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God as a kid trying to create a chicken © Gary Larson...The Far Side

bollox to that lot , the cock cum all over the bluddy chicken and the egg, good night , mistery solved .

lol g'night up yours

sacha, the conundrum remains, but the question has been answered lol

In the words of the Great Dave Allen, goodnight and may YOUR god go with you :wavey:

Discussing religion, are we?

Norse gods were here before God. Personally I'm a fan of Crom and his followers, but the old Viking gods were the absolute best. Here's the long explanation of why:

"Christianity promised to rid the world of evil...

Odin promised to rid the world of Ice Giants.

How many Ice Giants do you see stomping around?"

'Nuff said, I think. Now off to the mead hall!!!

Boom! that was my head exploding.

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Wow peeps..!!! Just logged in as been away training with mr Bernard Matthews and god you lot Are like girls.... Any how ive given up uni now and am going to join green peace in saving the trees.... Can't wait Alaska here I come and I'm going on a road registered Suzuki LT50 quad from Essex to Manchester then fly to Uranus to Hugg trees and catch some rays in the tropical forests of Alaska.....!!!!! Chickens were never my thing they alway out smarted me and kept stealing my bike. Pmsl

if you are going tree hugging make sure you do not hug any ash trees

or you might get diseased

fuckin hell peeps, what's become of us :(

  • Author

I've had HIV 3 times now. Paracetamol sorted it every time. To cure ash just add hash..!!

  On 11/17/2012 at 7:04 PM, Hunglikeahorse said:

Wow peeps..!!! Just logged in as been away training with mr Bernard Matthews and god you lot Are like girls.... Any how ive given up uni now and am going to join green peace in saving the trees.... Can't wait Alaska here I come and I'm going on a road registered Suzuki LT50 quad from Essex to Manchester then fly to Uranus to Hugg trees and catch some rays in the tropical forests of Alaska.....!!!!! Chickens were never my thing they alway out smarted me and kept stealing my bike. Pmsl

Ahem. Like girls? You say that like it's a bad thing just to be a girl. :shakeno:

i know several girls who could quite easily hand my ass to me if the moment called for it, however due to the fact that i am a lover and not a fighter, it hasnt happened yet ;)

it was still the chicken first. :madflame:

  On 11/18/2012 at 8:58 PM, wild foamy said:

i know several girls who could quite easily hand my ass to me if the moment called for it, however due to the fact that i am a lover and not a fighter, it hasnt happened yet ;)

Rather have the ladies handle your ass than hand it to you, eh? :yeah:

It is usually me handling the ladies asses to be fair, hence the lover not a fighter remark.

Definition of bravery?, staggering into your house with another womans lipstick on your shirt smelling of her perfume and slapping your missus on the ass saying "you're next, fatty!", did that once for a dare on a night out, took a lot of groveling to get back in the saddle after that... :|


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