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May or may not be related, but I had a similar last year when I did the clutch on the yx600. I hadn't got the setting of the pin #17 set up right with the clutch cable at #26

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May or may not be related, but I had a similar last year when I did the clutch on the yx600. I hadn't got the setting of the pin #17 set up right with the clutch cable at #26

no its not that, i never got that far. the inner hub is spinning even with the clutch hub bolts tightened up

it can't be the oil gear as the back of the basket has to rest on the bearing, not the gear.

I'll find out tomorrow when I have the time (and hopefully the weather)

K the #5 washer has to fit on the shaft splined area otherwise tis just floating around and when you tighten up the inner /whole assebly it's going to be wrong.

So what went wrong the outer basket has to fit in enough to allow the #5 washer to fit back on the area of the shaft that will accept it?

EDIT did you get a factory pin for the oil pump or is it holding the whole thing out?as it might be longer and not allowing the basket to fit in properly,,,realy I'm lost on this one,

But while you have it appart check the pins that hold the gear to the outer basket seems to me that they they could come loose/worn and the basket has extra play to the gear,we were putting in new pins on the drag bike to fix this problem.

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well I had it off today (ooh vicar)

took all the plates off and put them back in. the new springs were about 5mm longer and da daaa, it all fits in nice and tight.

probably it was the springs not putting enough tension on the plates, even though it wasn't slipping before hand!

managed to set the float heights and a quick test on the bike and it purrs on tick-over, no nasty rattly noises and revs cleanly too.

now i have to get new fuel tap rubber and gasket as it pisses out of there, being removed for epoxy tank lining.

nearing the end of the tunnel now :)

thanks guys for your input as it does help putting things into perspective.

new order for bits to yamaha and that should be it :D

LOL your not telling the whole story ,but glad you got it sorted.

I loved that bike( well mine was a 86) the chassis was so stiff and the bike just wanted to dive into cornners,next to my rd/ rz day's and then the all mighty gsxr 750 in 86 ( and no one can argue that,, that bike raised the standered for sport bikes,sorry but the fz 750 couldn't hold a candel to the gsx) the 600 fz is and allways be one of the most fun bikes I have ever riden,,, not over powered but enough to know your riding a power/handeling machine,,just has a seat that sucks.

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LOL your not telling the whole story ,but glad you got it sorted.

I told it as it is,

I could spin the inner hub by hand, After checking that all the gears lined up behind the basket, I refitted the plates as before but with the new springs.:)

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finally, after the fuel tap leaking and just happened to have a kit handy (kismet) I went for a little run and everythings tickety boo! :D

look forward to seeing it next week drew how's the tracker ?

Any :photo2: ''s for thoes of us who can't make squires or do we have to waite untill after?

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look forward to seeing it next week drew how's the tracker ?

same, been getting the FZ ready.

Any :photo2: ''s for thoes of us who can't make squires or do we have to waite untill after?

best get some pikkies when we've been to Squires :)

Any :photo2: ''s for thoes of us who can't make squires or do we have to waite untill after?

you can still make Squire's if you leave now :biglaugha:

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Just bought a AGM battery as the other one left me high and dry Saturday.

rode to three sisters to watch the racing and had my lights on. negotiating the slow traffic into Haydock and the bike dies. hardly and juice left, a power crash for want of a better word.

Managed to get a jump start from a local and rode home with no lights on.

Everything charges right, so it just isn't holding the amps to cope with the lights on.

Anyhow hope its £50 well spent (I hope)

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went for a blast last night. Why is everyone wanting to race me FFS?

bike ran great, so all set for squires :)

went for a blast last night. Why is everyone wanting to race me FFS?

bike ran great, so all set for squires :)

LOL drewp it's the fox eyes lamps and the fz 600 is such a small looking bike people think your riding a 250,as I said before It's the one bike I wish I had never sold even over my RZ350,It wasn't quite as fast but the handeling was off the chart,the bike just did what ever you wanted it to do and felt planted all the time.

you can still make Squire's if you leave now :biglaugha:

Tommy i have done some watter skipping BUT thats a big pond between us.Fraid I'd sink before I made it across.

Have fun at squires just getting ready to head down to Port Dover myself,fn weather was 33c on tuesday and today only suposed to get to 13c :crazy: go figure :shrug: O well allready seen a bunch of guys headed to Dover so ttyl

hey drew forgot to get any pics of the FZ at squire's, do the honours

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bloody hell,

the carbs flooded again only because I filled up the tank, so I think the spring on the fuel tap diaphragm is a little weak!

problem this time is the bike sounds like a bag of nails and runs shite.

All i can think of the fuel bore washed the bores and broke a piston ring. I'll have to strip the top end and do that porting job earlier than I thought. looking at a gasket set on eBay ATM but I know it won't be done till march next year now as I want to do the Gilera.

That sucks,have you checked the oil level/thickness for fuel contamination.

I had that happen years ago and thought I had blown the eng and got lucky with a oil change. Got 2 extra liters out thin as water,the bike ran fine after it had some oil to cushion the parts ,,but the cam lobes took a nasty and had to replace them shorty after.

Your not havin a good week,good thing it didn't happen at squires.

BTW nice lookin free bike to start working with,, in your hands I'm sure it will be a beauty when done

Your not havin a good week,good thing it didn't happen at squires.

yeah imagine it going when you was giving it wellie on the ride out!!

could have had to give you a lift home with faulty brake's

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