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ok, ive got my mod 2 in a couple of weeks, but no more training sessions, so i thought id post a couple questions here

first, the highway code says that we shouldn't indicate when there's nobody around to indicate to, but on our test, there should always be an examiner, so would i be correct if i always indicated where appropriate, on the grounds that he is another road user, and needs to see my intentions, even if he is directing me.

secondly, speed:

this was always a big thing in my trainings, my instructor criticised (in a constructive way i'll add) that i was a little too cautious when approaching what i perceived as a hazard (low visibility, very narrow roads etc), and that i was a little slow getting to the speed limit

in my defence, i've since found that my speedo is as much as 10% optimistic (so im doing 28 when the speedo says 31), and teh highway code says that if i want to go slowly to give me more time to react, the motorists behind me can either overtake (SAFELY!) or sit behind me

on the other hand, holding them up will make them a little more frustrated, and might make them overtake dangerously

at the end of the day, does it all come down to the examiner's discretion? because i imagine that they would all allow a little tolerance before handing out the minor faults, so long as you can show throughout the test that you aren't being a crap rider, and you have some desire to ride safe

any advice would be welcomed,

thanks for any help

ok, ive got my mod 2 in a couple of weeks, but no more training sessions, so i thought id post a couple questions here

Good luck, just remember to relax, but concentrate. Dont forget your lifesavers before you pull away and before changing direction and sometimes speed. If you make a simple mistake, dont dwell on it and get worked up, just let it go and try not to do it again.

first, the highway code says that we shouldn't indicate when there's nobody around to indicate to, but on our test, there should always be an examiner, so would i be correct if i always indicated where appropriate, on the grounds that he is another road user, and needs to see my intentions, even if he is directing me.

I'd indicate to show that you know where/when to do it. I still indicate, even with nothing behind me, you never know what could happen.

secondly, speed:

this was always a big thing in my trainings, my instructor criticised (in a constructive way i'll add) that i was a little too cautious when approaching what i perceived as a hazard (low visibility, very narrow roads etc), and that i was a little slow getting to the speed limit

Well it sounds like you know what the issue is here, just try to break the habit and twist that grip abit quicker :)

in my defence, i've since found that my speedo is as much as 10% optimistic (so im doing 28 when the speedo says 31), and teh highway code says that if i want to go slowly to give me more time to react, the motorists behind me can either overtake (SAFELY!) or sit behind me

By going too slowly, youre creating a hazard/danger by motorists being impatient and possibly doing a dangerous overtake. Keep as close to the speed limit as you can (conditions/visibility/hazard depending)

on the other hand, holding them up will make them a little more frustrated, and might make them overtake dangerously

Aye. (i didnt read this far before replying above lol)

at the end of the day, does it all come down to the examiner's discretion? because i imagine that they would all allow a little tolerance before handing out the minor faults, so long as you can show throughout the test that you aren't being a crap rider, and you have some desire to ride safe

Yep. Hes looking for a safe rider, not a perfect one (does one exsist?)

any advice would be welcomed,

thanks for any help

Just remember that, unlike a car examiner, a bike examiner was a BIKER first (a special breed of people ;) not just a cager) and an examiner second, so he's making sure that people who ride safely are the ones that pass. Good luck! Hope this helped.

i would indecate if i were you.

prety sure the highway code says you dont need to indecate when there is no one around, not that you should not indecate.. "but i havent read that thing for quite a long while lol"

as for the rest I just notice that most of the quoote in the post above has answers in it lol

  • Author

thanks, its reassuring to hear all the nice stories about bike examiners in comparison to car examiners

hopefully i can prove myself safe enough, after all, 6 month's experience and a great instructor must count for something :D

thanks fellas

Get into the habit of always indicating.

TGSM7 comments make sound sense

Examiners are looking for a confident rider, dominate your road position, you have a right to be there

Good fortune on the day

  • Moderator

I am with most of the above really. neversaydie said it in a nutshell.

Good luck.

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