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This is a nice friendly forum

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Well hello and goodbye, seems like a waste of time on here, all i find is forums full of kids who dont know the basics and thanks for the greeting as a new member, this is my last post i am signed out of here.

i should stay on bike specific forums, this YOC isnt as good as i thought it would be

bye bye

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Could you give an example of your issue.

Looks to me that you were included in any thread you joined.

I expected to see some sort of problem. An insult maybe, but there is nothing, just bike talk.

Why leave with an insulting post. Its like a child flicking the v's as the car pulls off.

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Forum full of kids? Well you can just shut up you silly poo-poo head!

Don't know the basics... Well, in 16 hours and four posts, you've failed to wow anybody with your worldly wisdom youself, so I'd say that makes us even.

No-one said this is an über-geeky, ultra-knowledgable forum full of mechanics and everyone who knows everything and it's certainly not a free provider of what you'd normallypay a mechanic decent money for - That's what the service manual is for.

This is a Yamaha Owner's forum, for people who own Yamaha bikes - It's pretty much all there in the title, mate. Or did you not manage an attention span sufficient to make it through the entire header?

The greeting as a new member?

Oh, what, the post at 8:05pm? Well, since I haven't even logged on until now and hadn't yet seen it, no wonder you haven't had a reply, eh...

I don't give a fuck what your other three posts were or how wise and sagely the information from your 'oh, so learned and experienced' self might be... if you're REALLY that much of an impatient prick that you'd not even give people even 24 hours to see your posts, I don't think you belong here... or indeed most civilised places!

Tip: Don't ever order anything that has to be delivered, even with guaranteed 24hr delivery - Someone as impatient as you would probably be climbing the walls waiting for the postman to arrive!! :D

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Ha Ha, what a cock! Fuck me not even my 18month old daughter is as impatient as you. as tasky said, you posted your intro yesterday at a time when hardly any one is on the forum so you wouldn't have gotten a reply right away, and as for your other posts................? nothing but nice friendly advice from both you and other members So whats your pissing problem?

looks to me like your the type of guy that would fuck some one in the arse and not even give them a reach around! Get a grip of your sorry life and face the fact that not everyone is going to reply to what you said within a matter of seconds.

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  • Moderator

I am sorry that the forum fell short of your expectations. Some people join and go and some people stay a while.

To be honest I am not sure what you expected but if this forum isn't for you then so be it. Writing what you wrote will not change that. It does smack of being a little immature though.

Please don't slam the door on your way out and good luck in finding that utopian forum you are searching for.

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>cant post without swearing, just proves my point.

Grown up enough to use it.

This isn't the 1930s BBC, here, where even the radio announcer must wear a bow tie... It's a forum full of bikers. We spend our time riding the roads, hanging out at bike rallies getting drunk and doing stupid things.

If you were looking for tea with the vicar and dialogue that would put a PG Wodehouse character to shame, you really chose the wrong hobby, mate!

>i am outta here faster than a speeding bullet

Not on any of those bikes, you aren't :D

Besides, wasn't that your last and final post, last time? If it's so bad here and we're such children, what are you hanging around replying for? Got something to prove? That's kinda... childish, isn't it!

Off you go then... I hear Mater calling you for tiffin!

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:biglaugha: One day mummy i wanna grow up just like Tasky................blunt........to the point but factual!
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Start your own "hello" thread please and include your name and a bit about you.

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:biglaugha: One day mummy i wanna grow up just like Tasky................blunt........to the point but factual!

You don't... you REALLY don't!! ;)

I'm actually a lovely guy in real life, or so I'm told...

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new to the club HELLO to all


As mentioned, you might want to start a new thread in the Intro section - This one's kinda gone to pot and it's now Open Season on the rude guy ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

this has been one of the best forums i have signed up to, full of decent people

i do belive the other forums wich cover a wider region of bikes (some i am a member of under different name) seem to be full of people with chips on there shoulders only ever wanting to sprout there point of view and bash people constantly for arguing a different point- there full of kids!

you could have said nothing and went, instead you stamp your feet and throw your toys all over...

just shut the door quietly on the way


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This is one of the best forums on the internet. I just can't understand the mentality of some people. A lot of forums are just full of dickheads that abuse and try to ridicule you as soon as you ask a question. Good riddance, we don't need people like you in our forum anyway. (I know for a fact your reading this).

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Hasn't logged in since the 16th... :)

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