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i nearly killed a 12-14 year old kid last week, and i decided that children should not be allowed roads

i was on my way out of Bolton, at the back end of the afternoon school run (slow traffic, but not stopping every few hundred yards)

the car ahead of me indicated right, and moved over, leaving almost enough space for another car to pass to their left, so i just moved left, slowed it to 20 and cruised through the gap

as i came level with the stopped driver, i saw a kid sprinting across the road, head DOWN, not looking for traffic, far too close for comfort (had i not hit the brakes, i would've hit him for certain)

after a short slide (not my best emergency stop at all) i stopped with my front wheel a few feet from his legs, and the cheeky bugger had the cheek to call me a D***head

i told him angrily that i could have just killed him, and refrained from smacking him, and started getting down from 4th to 1st (if you've tried this when stationary, you know that the gears are never in line, and it takes a while, at least on my YBR)

now, considering that he was right next to a junction, on a main road out of a large city, and clearly didn't look for traffic (i wear "sorta" high vis stuff), could this actually have been my fault? clearly, i wasn't going too fast, since he's not in hospital, and the gap i rode through between the turning car and parked ones WAS wide enough for a small car

sorry for the rant, just a little annoyed at what the cheeky bugger said

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Little shit. Kids today are horrible, thier attitudes are disgusting. I work with kids from social services and the only thing that gets mne through the shift is fantasising about throttling the little cunts.

O boy here we go again

Kids /horses try this ............Just pick a local race track and go give it shit........... then when you got it out of your system ...just ride acordingly to what ever road enviroment's you encounter. When your just trying to get around for work or play...

This is life today!Suck it up!

At least on the track everyone knows what's happing and if all goes to s***it then ..no one is to blame..we all signed the same waiver declaring no one is at fault.

I realy cant strees this enough,,if you enjoy riding ...then go test your limits on/in a safe envirioment. It will make you a better rider.!!

If you can't deal with the day in and day out of BS that cars ,horses and kids and all the other crap will bring daily then get a cage. And when you kill someone or something DEAL WITH IT THEN.

You won't be as mad at the object you killed as you will be with yourself ...If you walk away uninjured/alive

My redemption for the horse issue but I still think they shouldn't be on roads!

I work at a university and you'd swear these college kids have no common sense. Too preoccupied with themselves to even look for traffic before stepping out into the crosswalks. They figure they have the right of way whether you've seen them or not. :madflame: You really have to drive defensively all the time... bike or car.

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O boy here we go again

Kids /horses try this ............Just pick a local race track and go give it shit........... then when you got it out of your system ...just ride acordingly to what ever road enviroment's you encounter. When your just trying to get around for work or play...

This is life today!Suck it up!

At least on the track everyone knows what's happing and if all goes to s***it then ..no one is to blame..we all signed the same waiver declaring no one is at fault.

I realy cant strees this enough,,if you enjoy riding ...then go test your limits on/in a safe envirioment. It will make you a better rider.!!

If you can't deal with the day in and day out of BS that cars ,horses and kids and all the other crap will bring daily then get a cage. And when you kill someone or something DEAL WITH IT THEN.

You won't be as mad at the object you killed as you will be with yourself ...If you walk away uninjured/alive

My redemption for the horse issue but I still think they shouldn't be on roads!

im not pissed off at the fact i had to stop, obviously, id rather he had seen me and nobody had to be annoyed at anyone, but i AM pissed off at the kids response to me NOT putting him in hospital

and yes, i am definitely more careful now, just imagining the worst case scenario as you approach a hazard helps to slow you down i find

You were only doing 20 in what I suspect was a higher limit area.

Yes - you should have seen him and reacted accordingly, yes - hazard awareness and whatever other crap the prosecution would spout at you, yes - the kid would probably hav tried to claim off your insurance, so a lot of it would have been down to other witness statements, yes - if you're really unlucky,no-one would have been watching and/or they hate bikers so would happily fuck you over on that one.

But without knowing more precise details (directions, distances, etc), I don't believe it would have been really your fault. He probably swore at you in to reassert himself and out of fear for what nearly happened (no-one likes to believe it's *their* fault, after all). I'd still have probably decked the little prick, though...

Next time just kill the fucker and eliminate all possible comebacks from him, at least.

When they step out so close to you, well within your stopping distance, there's nothing anyone can do except make sure you leave some skid marks so it looks like you made the effort.

Not condoning their behaviour in anyway at all, but sometimes I think kids believe they are indestructible. Lets be honest, we've all been there! Of course, as for his foul language... Totally not cool.

Not long ago I was driving (not riding) down a main road, heading into Manchester and a ball rolled into the road - closely followed by a suicidal kid! Thank god myself, the other car (dual carriageway) and the oncoming traffic were paying attention. Even though none of us were obviously speeding, it just pays to give the road full attention at all times as things like this can happen in a flash. The joys of a public highway eh?!

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kids! gotta love them...lol just another one of those gonna have a lot of those near misses :o

When I'm on the early shift and tend to finish at around school emptying time, the dullards just walk out into the road in front of traffic without looking. If I give them the horn they just look, then carry on, as if its their right to just walk out, they just expect everyone to stop. They're fuckin appalling. And I suppose if one of the little angels was to be cleaned out, then the County Council would be erecting sign/road humps etc etc etc.

Jesus christ, I got run over when I was a kid, running from round the back of the bus. Fuck me, it hurt (and I looked, I just misjudged the distance). I never blamed anyone else, neither did my parents (in fact my old man walloped me), nor did I sue anyone. Today, there'd be road closures, investigations, inquiries, preventative measures, risk assessments yah yah yah

  • 3 weeks later...

im a youngster myself and yes kids, including me at times are stupid and dont tend to look before crossing the road but then again you can get knob head bikers (not everyone) i have an incredible amount of respect for bikers as my dad is one upon the rest of my family, it works both way really

i bet he was black :eusa_think:

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i bet he was black :eusa_think:

actually i think he was indian, but of course i dont mean that in any racist way

im a youngster myself and yes kids, including me at times are stupid and dont tend to look before crossing the road but then again you can get knob head bikers (not everyone) i have an incredible amount of respect for bikers as my dad is one upon the rest of my family, it works both way really

at the end of the day, its got to be someone's fault, or sometimes everyone's fault, this was one where it was a bit of both i think, because we both could have prevented the close call

i bet he was black :eusa_think:

Of course he was black... a white kid would have been too busy fucking with his iPhone to even notice he was being run over!

at the end of the day, its got to be someone's fault, or sometimes everyone's fault, this was one where it was a bit of both i think, because we both could have prevented the close call

At 20mph, you can almost stop on a dime. If he stepped out so close that you could barely even see him, there's fuck all you can do and it's not your fault.

As is, you did well and avoided any badness, so that's even better.

Chances are that if you had hit him, it would not have been your fault, but I daresay the courts would screw you over anyway if it was the easiest option.

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someone stepped out in front of my car from behind a van. Luckily I was in 2nd gear so just knocked her over as the car lurched when braking.

Trust me, the police were everywhere (must have been a quiet shift) and they were lapping it all up. The whole road was shut off and as it was local, was quite embarrassing for me.

I got put into the police van, breathalysed, cautioned and had to make a statement. luckily the girl was just a hysterical mess (30yr old) crying for her mum.

I also got witnesses that said it wasn't my fault and the girl did say it she made a mistake.

I wasn't prosecuted (what for?) but was a load of hassle and time.

I wasn't going to post it on here, in fact I haven't told anyone because

I feel really bad about it, I don't know why because it wasn't my fault.

A few weeks ago it was the school rush and I was going down a big

busy double lane road complete with artics and all sorts. Anyway I

was riding down the road observing the speed limit when I noticed a

young lad just run into the fucking road without even looking and lucky

me was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thank God I noticed him

and did an emergency stop just in time. My bike just about touched him

the kid said sorry and carried on walking. I thought what the fuck! So I

got off my bike and followed him. I asked him if he was ok and thank God

he was. I then told him how lucky he was and he needs to be more cautious

and sensible when crossing the roads. I just could not believe he just ran

into a toad without looking, actually it was a fucking dual carriageway. I

was a bit shaken after this incident and if I had of hit him, it would've been

me who got the blame I bet. It was a bad experience.

Ah to be young without a care in the world.

Unfortunately kids are more interested in their ball, ipod, phone or whatever than whats happening in front of them. We just have to keep a good lookout at all times, and you did, so well done. As was said above, he probably just called you a dickhead because he shat himself. Chalk it up to experience and enjoy the bike riding

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Its worse for students who should know better.

They happily step out in front of you sending you in a full wheel slide and trying to avoid their oblivion on this planet, then smile at you along with a cheeky wave and carry on their merry way!

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kids are the reason ABS was invented i think ;)

wish there was a YBR spec with ABS, it would certainly have earned its keep by now

i find that the blacks have far less road sense than us whites , why is that?

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