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i currently have my bike in bits, and my frame is ready to get blasted and powder coated, but i would like to paint my engine black. how do i prep the engine and what paint do i use, i am a complete novice so please have mercy on me, and use likle words, thanks for taking the time to read this.

  • Moderator

I rub down and wipe with a tack cloth.

Paints are always a difficult choice. At the moment I am leaning to VHT brand so VHT case paint and VHT barrel paint.

All the work is in the prep.

  • Author

This is where im more worried about, i havnt a clue what cleaners to use and weather i need to rub it down with sand paper or just paint it, urghhhhhhh

  • Moderator

Gunk to clean it. Use wet and dry paper 320/400 with some washing up liquid in the water. Dry, Tack cloth and spray. It is a lot easiler than it looks to get a good finish if you take your time.

  • Moderator

tooth brush everything and get a good key for the paint to stick.

It takes ages so do it in stages bit by bit

  • 2 months later...

Hi Kev, can't wait to see final product....have a xvs650 myself(1st ever bike)......cool what other vstar owners do to there bikes..

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