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so i had my tw for 2 days, went for a ride this morning, everything was allright, bike had a 2hr breake, and i jumped on it again, started up fine, done around 20 meters and first i lost the power, then engine went off, and since then bike would not start up, i ve checked airfilter, spark plug, battery, fuel tap, and to be onist i do not have a clue whats wrong with it!

btw its my first 125 and im pritty newbie in bikes and at this forum, so hi to everyone :)

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little update, cleand the carb, no change, compared the sound it makes when i try to start it up and it sounds like the kill switch is on constanlly, anyway to by pass it?

Do youhave spark? check it by holding the plug to the hear while cranking the eng over. To disable the kill switch just follow the wires and un plug.

no spark 1st try a new plug and cap

2nd buy a manual your going to need it to do the rest of the tests to determin why you have no spark. your going to be checking the ignition coil and pick up coil and you will need a multi meter to do these tests.

  • Author

got a new spark plug, got manual too, where will i have to unplug it? and thank you for your reply

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thx for ur fin help, after spending over 100hrs in garage i managed to find out its valve, again thx and hopefully i ll never have to go on this freekin forum again cause its waste!

thx for ur fin help, after spending over 100hrs in garage i managed to find out its valve, again thx and hopefully i ll never have to go on this freekin forum again cause its waste!

Well that's not very nice. :( There are so many posts sometimes that it's hard to keep up... and sometimes threads get buried. If I could've helped I would have, but I am a beginner myself... haven't even started on my engine really. Hopefully you've at least learned more about your bike and its workings. ??

your too nice sacha,

i would wave by by , and say ,don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out :hah: tosspot.

Way way way to nice sacha what did the dick think he could put up 1 post and magicaly we could tell him whats wrong. I don't even understand what he found wrong ,not that I care now after that last post.

I know. This isn't some kind of magical place that has an on-call mechanic who can read minds and troubleshoot at great distances... just didn't want him too soured on the site. It's a fabulous place with a virtual cornucopia of information... I can get lost for hours looking through old posts and learning as I go. Maybe we should direct him to Dan's site to learn more? http://www.dansmc.com/mc_repaircourse.htm

  • Moderator

It just isn't good enough. Obviously all the good people on here still do not have enough knowledge and time to answer all of the help posts. Because of this I think we all need to change.

Welcome to the new way of dealing with help posts









It just isn't good enough. Obviously all the good people on here still do not have enough knowledge and time to answer all of the help posts. Because of this I think we all need to change.

Welcome to the new way of dealing with help posts









LMAO! Especially the really vague ones. "my bike won't start... can you help?"

That funny DT ,when ppl call and say My check eng light is on whats wrong? My comeback is "sorry my crystal ball is in the shop right now so you will have to bring the car in for me to have a look"

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