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  • Moderator

drag yourself into the future paul.buy an android, they piss all over the iphone.

No mate. I was dead against the iphone because of the pose factor and hype but android is google and they want to take over the world. The HTC phone I had at camping last year just ate battery so I got an iphone. Great phones. A few things I would still change but much better than the androids.

mods talk shit.

  • Moderator

Succinct kev.

Mine's android and to be quite honest it makes the iphone look like a toy. Pull em apart and there is no contest the apple is a far better piece of engineering.

But software wise the android is far more fluid and open the systems are updated far more often. In use my phone beats the I phone hands down for my needs.

Do we still talk shit?

  • Moderator

mods talk shit.

I don't think it is a prerequisite Kev.......................................................but it helps ;)

i need to become a mod , then i can also use long bullshit words like the rest of you.

and yes you still talk shite :razz:

  • Moderator

Bovine excrement could be manifest in expediently manifesting a comensurate solution to conversation becoming mundane.

back to satnav .

im currently trying out a free gps "no internet conection needed, called navfree,

it appears to have all the usual , voice direction , speed cameras, spoken roads speed limit,and more.

you need about 400mb free to download though.

as yet i havn't tried it, i will give it a go over this weekend, :eusa_think: have you treated yourself to an android phone yet paul.

  • Moderator

I just downloaded navfree for the iphone. Even paid a couple of quid for the ads to come off. I will give an update when I have used it.

upto now it seems you need to put a full address in, it won't exept just a postcode,

once you put a town ,which i do quite often it ask's you for a street, so up to now it's proving itself to be a load of shite.

  • Moderator

Mine does postcodes.

right then? i have downloaded the FREE postcode download . and a few FREE voices.

i went out today over to newchurch, (it supposed to be haunted) well ? it ain't.

from there i wanted to go to botany bay in chorley , i didn't have a postcode so i put botany bay chorley and it couldn't find it.

so i put chorley, it wanted a street ,but i didn't know any ,so i wouldn't search any further without a street.

from there i went off to manchester ,no problems at all, spots speed cams warns you that your speeding ,speaks the names of roads your turning onto,

very good at getting you into the right lane on motorways and rounerbouts etc, (not like the tomtum piece of shit.)

takes some shorter routs than the garmin .

i would recomend this navfree but i wouldn't swap my garmin for it.

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