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Well here's a little story for you,

At work i park my bike down by the smoke hut, one because im down there a fair bit, two its a good chance i can get a space there and three its out the way.

Well i was down there just now and this twat comes over and starts poking and prodding and playing with it.........in front of me. So i just politely said "stop touching my bike" in a nice tone etc etc.

His reply was "well im only looking"

"well i thought you only look with your eyes, unless you blind!?" (me)

"no need to get shitty with me" (him)

"well give me your car keys and i will go have a LOOK at your car" (me)

"get fucked your not touching my car" (him)

"well then touch my bike again and i will brake your fingers" (note im still not resorting to foul language)

"I'd like to see you try!" And touches the bike again!

So summary is............ he stopped touching my bike and went and popped his finger back in its socket. :D:madflame::wank4az:

Serves him right! I came out of a store behind a family and watched as their youngster started touching my bike... I was glad when I heard his dad say "Don't touch that. It's not yours." I'd hate to have to break a kid's finger, but I would. :biglaugha:

I don't often give warning, I just grab the most appropriate weapon around and approach in the most threatening manner I can.

Scared the fuck out of some big bloke who thought he'd try and impress his girlfriend!

Came out of a coffeshop to find a dick head sitting on my bike.

I yell get the fuck off my bike.

I want one of these bikes I was just checking out the fit (him)

Well does this look like a bike shop NO so get the fuck off my bike

Make me (him)

So I walked up to him like I was going to grab him he grabs my hand and I smash him in the head with my helmet in my other hand knocked him :hah: out cold. I would have pissed all over him but thats why I stoped at the shop

The nerve of some people :madflame: EH!

Try out his girlfriend to check the fit.

  On 8/23/2012 at 11:39 AM, Ttaskmaster said:

Try out his girlfriend to check the fit.

LMAO He was prety ugly his girlfriend is prob a fat sow

I once parked my bike in the town centre and when I came back two Eastern European birds were sat on it taking pictures of themselves. I thought fair enough they're not doing any harm. They were unaware I was watching them, so once they I thought they had had enough time I set the alarm off on my bike with my remote. They proper shit themselves it was proper funny.

On a more serious note, I am always having people (kids especially) messing with my bike. Once I came out of the supermarket to find two kids messing with my bike. The worst thing was their mother was watching them and in a sense encouraging them. As I approached my bike they noticed me (although they did not acknowledge me) and continued to mess with my bike. So I asked the kids politely to not touch. Then the mother took offence and told me that they are only kids. I was really pissed off, I could tell she was a proper chavvy Jeremy Kyle wannabe slag. I couldn't belive that she was making me out to be in the wrong. I then politely explained to her that bikes are easy to damage but expensive to repair and that her kids might accidentally break something. Even though she went away then, she still did not understand my point of view. Stupid bitch, I dread to think what sort of adults her kids are going to become having her as a role model.

I work with 16-25 year olds and some of them are problem kids who are from social services. One lad in particular was always messing with my bike. He burnt the cotton coverings on my chains, ripped my bike cover, was continuously setting the alarm off to annoy me, the worst thing he did was take a rubbery/plasticky cover from a cluster of wires near my headlight and throw it away, he then messed with the wires. Luckily he didn't cause any damage and I made a replacement cover.

I wanted to strangle the little cunt, but obviously I couldn't.

Holy hell Grouch... that's terrible. One day that kid will mess with the wrong bike and get his comeuppance. Would've been tempting to strangle that woman too... those kids may have had a fighting chance without her!? They'll likely turn out just like her... with no respect for other people. :shakeno:

or worse still , they may turn out like me. :headscratch:

Back when I lived with my parents I was always getting kids crawling over my bike. I got fed up warning them off the roasting hot downpipes (headers, sacha), anyway one day, a kid lets out a scream and leaves some skin on the right hand pipe. I left it there for about a month, as a reminder. It worked, no more kids climbing on my Bonnie

  On 8/25/2012 at 1:11 PM, Grouch said:

I dread to think what sort of adults her kids are going to become having her as a role model.

I've always said. Follow an idiot kid home and you will find idiot parents.

  On 8/25/2012 at 4:06 PM, up.yours said:

or worse still , they may turn out like me. :headscratch:

LMAO :biglaugha:

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i was down brighton for the speed trials weekend and i seen a little group of about 5 people and one had a camera and these 2 guys were taking it in turn to get on somebodys bike to take pics! i actually had to stop because i didnt think some people could be so stupid but anyway one guy sat on it and stood it up so the alarm went of and he soon jumped off and him and his friends stood laughing about it!!! :madflame: i then told them that they were absolute twats and what if the bike had fallen over and they couldnt pick it up? they still just stood and laughed....NO respect for other peoples property

they just don't think?

if i returned to my bike and some snotty nosed scruffy little twat was sat on my bike, i would kick the living shit out of him.

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