Posted August 19, 201212 yr Hi All, I am no biker ! But my son who is 17 is... well was up until yesterday. In April I bought him a 2012 125 yzf R something ! Anyway yesterday he crashed it but only on tarmac and was not too badly hurt thank god. Its going to cost me 1500 just to get the bike rideable with out having the cosmetic stuff done. Dealership is offering me 200.00 scrap its only done 6000 miles and I paid cash for it 4,300 4 months ago. I can't afford to fix it . What do I do Oh and its only 3rd party insurance...the bile is not under any claims or finance Thanks Jen I feel that 200.00 dealer is ripping me off can you advise me please ? ThisQuoteMultiQuoteEdit
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator Its worth a heck of a lot more than £200 Jen, but youre in a bit of a fix if you havent got the skills to fix it up
August 19, 201212 yr Author Thanks.your reply is good news . I have not slept all night because of this. I feel I am being ripped off, dealer knows I am a single Mum doing a nursing Job he see's me coming lol..... He was happy to take my saved up hard earned cash for the bike, now does not want to bend a help a little. He knows the crash was not my son's fault too. and he knows he is only 3rd Party.
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator Worth well over £1000 in that condition would be my guess. Very sought after for the learners and a '12 plate. Got to be worth at least that.
August 19, 201212 yr its only a bike at least your sons ok is the inurance company involved if so there i think they probaly see it as a cat c write off you should be able to buy the bike off them cheap then either e bay it an make some money back or try to find some cheap used parts to fix it dont sell it to the main stealers they will make alot more than 200 just selling the parts whats parts need to be replaced?
August 19, 201212 yr Author Hiya Its 3rd Party Insurance, Dealer said Bike is fixable, I just can't afford to do it. so he offered me the £200 . Its all the front . light speedo Too be fair I only glimpse at the bike, I was more concern about my son when the recovery guy dropped off at the dealer. They just wheeled it in and said its about 1,500 to fix without touching the domestic stuff like farrings. I do have a picture of it if that helps . I bought the bike outright so No Finance on it. Yes I am happy my Boy is ok... only bruising . He was in a concertina accident and jumped off the bike pushing it away so it didn't hit anything. Or his mate who crashed first . There is No claim on the insurance, they said they couldn't help with fixing the bike up and just cancel insurance
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator its only a bike at least your sons ok is the inurance company involved if so there i think they probaly see it as a cat c write off Not sure about this and it makes a huge difference. If your son came off and there is no claim from anyone else then it should be "unrecorded". If so the value would be a lot higher than any bike where a payment or claim has been made and a category assigned. If it is unrecorded you need to say so in the ad. Explain concertina accident please.
August 19, 201212 yr Author The accident was... A Jeep was turning right off an A road, The large lorry in behind slammed on his breaks, The audi behind the lorry did the same, son;s mate swerved to miss Audi hitting an on coming car, he was thrown back into lane he was in, My son then threw the bike away from him to avoid Audi and Mate and ended up under the Audi with his body....My son was the last to crash, They have it all on Video too as they were blogging. Anyway police told me on the phone as no one was badly injured its not recorded. Even tho paramedics came too. Because everyone walked away from it case close as far as police concerned. My insurer said just cancel policy as there is no claim to be had unless the Audi wants to claim from my son. She said she does not want to claim she glad he alive and her car was only a small dent, and a punctured tyre.
August 19, 201212 yr Leave the insurance policy as it is for now,,,,,,, just incase the audi driver does decide to claim later on. can ya show us a picture of how bad bike is.... people in the know about bikes could fix it up for alot cheeper than 1500. Do you know any good local garage fella. I would stay away from the dealers. Edit: glad your son is ok.
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator So there is a possibility of a claim. Amazing the number of people who change their minds after an accident. The bike would still be unrecorded as far as I am aware and this needs to me mentioned when selling. Just a line saying "third party insurance so not recorded". The reality of it is how you advertise it. This will make a difference to the money you would get back. If it goes for £500, someone would have got an absolute bargain.
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator List the good bits in the ad, make them statements. The salient info can get lost. You should check the following statements but people like lists Insurance not recorded No finance outstanding Brought new this year V5 and xx sets of keys (red one??) One owner Buyer to collect within xx days. Cash payment required within xx days Engine still runs perfectly (?) MOT not required until April 2015 Etc..
August 19, 201212 yr Author Leave the insurance policy as it is for now,,,,,,, just incase the audi driver does decide to claim later on. can ya show us a picture of how bad bike is.... people in the know about bikes could fix it up for alot cheeper than 1500. Do you know any good local garage fella. I would stay away from the dealers. Edit: glad your son is ok. THANK YOU, AND I HAVE SENT YOU THE LINK FOR THE BIKE PICTURE ALTHOUGH ITS ON EBAY NOW, I CAN ALWAYS STOP IT !!!
August 19, 201212 yr Moderator No worries. There is a 2010 one, which looks a little better, for sale at the moment. 2 years older and could be used as a reference. LINKY If it doesn't sell I would get it home and take some additional photos and re advertise it. Also make sure the dealer isn't charging you a day rate for storing the bike. You may end up with a bill from them.
August 19, 201212 yr If you just want to get rid of it now then thats fine. if it were me i would prob look into fixing it. From the pic it doesnt look too bad. Providing the forks aren't bent or twisted then than wont cost much to fix. The plastic's would be the dear bits if they are all cracked. If ya had the time to leave it in your garage for a while, get bits an pieces as you can afford them,,,,the bike would be ridable again fairly soon. Would need to see bike in the flesh though to make sure of its condition. If you sell now,,,,then have to start over again with another bike then the cost of doing that would be much bigger. Me i would keep insurance going,,,,fix bike to ridable condition,,,, fix the rest when i could,,,, this would be cheeper. Pat
August 19, 201212 yr Author forks were not bent or twisted so thats a good start ! I am planning to now get the bike brought back home tomorrow as long as i can find a recovery company to do it.... You have all been magic, and have helped me so much Thanks everyone xx
August 19, 201212 yr get some pics of it up as it is now, take plenty of them so if we ask for such and such shot you have it, but to start with, forget the plastics damage, repairs and repaints are easy enough when he wants to sell it on after he has used it to get his full licence,. get shots of the forks and wheel and the headstock, thats the bit where the forks meet the main frame, and any other areas of damage. but from what your saying it sounds like the dealer is having you over a little, he will be charging you main dealer prices for labour probably £50 plus an hour, he will be using brand new parts, headlight indicators bars ect, and these wil be mega money. they may possibly have another one in and are intending on using yours as parts. or will do it up and sell it off, just because they are main delaers it does not mean that they aint a bit ropey. and if your son is serious about biking then he now has a golden chance to learn alittle about maintaing and mending/ modifying his ride. get him to look at the parts and try to figure out how he will fix them.. dont you do it all, make him do some. a replacement headlight unit may be out of your price reange but if you take it off and ged rid and have twin spots and replacement headlights. a quick look at the link and assuming there is no frame damage and the forks and wheels are good then.. and assuming the bars are twisted and the levers bent then.. Twin spot headlights £40 replacement indicators £8 new handle bars £15 new levers 2 @ £8 = £16 new grips £12 new cable 2 @ £15 = £30 so the parts would be £121. if he does it labour = nothing and expeience = priceless if a local shop and not main dealer does it 6 hours @ £40 so total repair could be as little as £360 if i was you i would get it back off the main dealer and then find some one local to have a look. dont rush in get a couple of local smaller bike shope to have a look and give you a price. oh and glad hes ok, the first one spill is always the worse.
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