Posted August 7, 201212 yr Admin Group consensus needed here please, we've seen to significantly grown with both US and AU users, should we have specific forums which are country specific? Let me know your thoughts. Cheers
August 7, 201212 yr Not sure what you mean 1) only US members can read US posts in all sections or 2) just a seperate sections for Us to post US stuff ie rides outs, events Au .. Au stuff ect..? Workshop which I read daily, seems to get alot of input form Brits helping US CAN ect.. to vice vers So it would be harder for some to get help if only people in thier country read thier problems. As well as projects I like looking at what other ppl are doing so would each country only see what others in thier country were doing?If so than NO to sepereat threads Phil K
August 7, 201212 yr Make certain profile information compulsory, like town, county & country. Make the country flags much bigger. That way, everyone knows where the OP is and to which country their threads might pertain, where it matters. Where it doesn't matter is where a bike is still a bike and problems get fixed the same way whatever land you're in. Job done. TBH, I'd rather see Intro posts made compulsory, perhaps limit Newbies to read-only on everything, but only allow posting rights outside of the Intro thread after a minimum number of posts - Many other forums (including the ones I run) already do this, mainly to stop one-post wonders from spamming up their Sale forums, but the same principle works everywhere.
August 7, 201212 yr Not sure what you mean 1) only US members can read US posts in all sections or 2) just a seperate sections for Us to post US stuff ie rides outs, events Au .. Au stuff ect..? Workshop which I read daily, seems to get alot of input form Brits helping US CAN ect.. to vice vers So it would be harder for some to get help if only people in thier country read thier problems. As well as projects I like looking at what other ppl are doing so would each country only see what others in thier country were doing?If so than NO to sepereat threads Phil K + 1 from me
August 7, 201212 yr I too like to chat to the Over sea's folk that join up etc would hate not to be able chat up old Sacha but i def agree with Tasky that once some one joins up that the next screen they see is the intro forum and have to post a minimum of say 5 post in there before they get access to the rest of the site, as it seams that all we are ever doing is answering the same old questions like "How fast will my DT go" then they bugger off never to return lol
August 7, 201212 yr Moderator I voted "maybe" This was based on the idea that all posts would be open to all but ride out, supplier and specs could be country/region specific. On the down side, it would dilute some threads, create some fractionality (is that a real word?) and duplicate a lot of similar posts. I have seen it in other forums and some are very active and others have no activity. I am with ttask'ie. with the newbie stuff. Straight in with a question, one, two posts and gone. Especially when they claim to have been lurking for a while but never seem to have read the straplines on a lot of us regular posters. I go through stages of using the "manage ignore pref" to block me from seeing some of the few post wonders. Nice to be asked though.
August 7, 201212 yr I voted "maybe" This was based on the idea that all posts would be open to all but ride out, supplier and specs could be country/region specific. On the down side, it would dilute some threads, create some fractionality (is that a real word?) and duplicate a lot of similar posts. I have seen it in other forums and some are very active and others have no activity. I am with ttask'ie. with the newbie stuff. Straight in with a question, one, two posts and gone. Especially when they claim to have been lurking for a while but never seem to have read the straplines on a lot of us regular posters. I go through stages of using the "manage ignore pref" to block me from seeing some of the few post wonders. Nice to be asked though. I agree. fractionalization
August 7, 201212 yr Moderator to answer the original question. no I like having social intercourse with everyone.
August 8, 201212 yr ...would hate not to be able chat up old Sacha Aww thanks... too bad I don't have any useful information. And btw how fast will my DT go?!
August 8, 201212 yr I voted no I don't think it's easy to sort one hit wonders out, rather than replying to them I just ignore them. But can't it be made compolsury compulsery mandatory to fill in basic details such as. Gender Location Interests Bikes Vital stastistics
August 8, 201212 yr Country/Regional threads NO Maybee new sub for this users, so they can organise rides, workshop etc...
August 8, 201212 yr Moderator No for me too. Cannot see a benefit. The interaction makes the site better. Something to sort the one post wonders, but the age old question of how? comes up, i am not sure there is an answer. The way the site controls its self for the mostvpart is somethingto be proud of. Ttask has something with making the profile info mandatory i think.
August 8, 201212 yr Voted no - as I totally agree with DT and with Tasky - That being said, I think its very hard to filter out the one post wonders. For example, having a few issues with my bike spurred me to find this place, now I read every morning and evening (more often than fb in fact) and am enjoying my... Erm... Initiation? (for want of a better word - none of that rolling up my left trouser leg thanks ;-) ) into the forum. However, if I found that after intro etc I didnt like it, I would prolly be branded a one post wonder. In short, no to regional segregation, but nothing against the odd UK/US/AUS ONLY stickys, Yes to compulsory profile info, yes to sorting men from boys, BUT giving them the benefit of the doubt first. Now Im gonna go check my profile info hehe
August 8, 201212 yr However, if I found that after intro etc I didnt like it, I would prolly be branded a one post wonder. That term refers specifically to those whose one and only post is something like, "My bike is broken. Any ideas?". If your total life with the forum is posting an intro, a couple of chit-chat threads and then a final plea for help, before buggering off and never returning even to say thanks, then so be it. You've taken the time and had the chance to see the forum as a whole community and not wasted our time/bandwidth/forum space with "I can't be arsed to Google, how fast does my bike go?". Like I said, posting rights in the forums/threads/sections outside the Intro/Newbies section should be restricted to those with more than 5 posts. I can't stress how many other forums do this and how bloody effective it actually is!
August 8, 201212 yr I totally agree with you there tasky, As you say loads of sites i been on have that in place! Also i still think the site would benefit from a "How too" section which paying members only can get access to, to solve those age old problems with their bikes or easy to do MODS etc.???
August 8, 201212 yr Moderator would benefit from a "How too" section which paying members only can get access to, to solve those age old problems with their bikes or easy to do MODS etc.??? Grand idea. I am off to put a couple of posts in the secret paid members area now. The titles will be: "how fast does my bike go". & "how to make my DT do a trillion MPH"
August 9, 201212 yr Author Admin Sorry I should have clarified this further. What I was meaning to suggest was that the overall forums stay exactly the same, but we would have a few forums which are specifically for certain regions. This was to make it easier for people to organise ride outs, meet ups etc. The threads would be visible by all, but just to help separate out certain content so it doesn't drown. TBH, I'd rather see Intro posts made compulsory, perhaps limit Newbies to read-only on everything, but only allow posting rights outside of the Intro thread after a minimum number of posts - Many other forums (including the ones I run) already do this, mainly to stop one-post wonders from spamming up their Sale forums, but the same principle works everywhere. Ttaskmaster good points about newbies, I'll need to double check about the intro forums. But unless a setting has changed at some point with an upgrade they should have to post in the intro section before anywhere else. But I like the idea of increasing this number to stop exactly what you've said.
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