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I've been wanting a bike for so ridiculously long i cant even remember. When I had the money to get one, I had a wife to tell me no :(

But... I finally won the argument, and am now the owner of a '99 SR125. It needs a bit of TLC as its has been standing idle for a LONG time. So far I have cleaned it up, drained the oil, changed the brake fluid, checked brake pistons and seals, fitted a new fuel line, rewired front lighting (It originally had side spots on it but one was broken so previous owner removed them but never rewired) and thats about it.

There are a few cosmetic bits and bobs needed, and there are a few problems I am hoping to get some help with here :) .

Firstly, the clutch... previous owner told me that the clutch plates will need changing as it was only biting and the end of the lever and sometimes slipping during gear change. However, upon inspection, the cable broke into two pieces pretty much in my hand - from what I can make out, it was the rubber that was holding the cable together and therefore I am HOPING that this means the plates wont need to be touched. Any thoughts on this would be great! Also if they do still need doing - I am a complete noob, but want to do all the work myself.

The battery is fine, it was new-ish, basically bought new then left idle for a year plus, but once i was able to fill her up and give it a good charge, it starts! It only starts with some choke, and currently cant idle without choke either, which is a little annoying as the two stage choke no longer works properly, it has to be held out, which I am told is a common problem. Am hoping that once i have run it a few times it will eventually sit idle quite happily?

Anyone who does have any spares laying around that are no longer needed, that would be great, and also if anyone has a pdf of the Haynes manual, id greatly appreciate it. All i could find was the Yamaha service manual.

My plan of action is to fix this up, get on the road properly with it, have a few miles out of it (its currently only done 25k) and then sell it on and buy a bigger fixer-upper, with the ultimate goal of a Harley.

Thanks for reading, and happy riding!


  • Moderator

Hi and welcome to the forum Matt.

Best to post the woes in the workshop. Start a new thread. There have been quite a few SR owners on here recently. If you have the Yamaha service manual you are better off than just having the Haynes one - assuming you mean the service and not the owners manual.

The clutch cable and clutch are easy to do but you need some decent tools. The carb sounds as though it could do with stripping but get that thread started in the workshop and I am sure you will get some help.

:welcome: to the YOC!
  • Author

Thanks guys, will do that straight away - will ctrl c+v into the workshop an DirtyDT - are you really in her majesty's house at the mo? Or just a witty remark on your info lol.

Looking forward to using the forum regularly - who knows, not too far from now I'll be uploading pics of my Custom Harley ;)


  • Moderator

................an DirtyDT - are you really in her majesty's house at the mo? Or just a witty remark on your info lol................

Would I lie to you!

  • Author

With internet access? wow... guess crime pays lol. A family member was recently a resident of high point - he had no such luxuries lol.

  • Moderator

I suppose I will have to come clean and admit I am not banged up, nor ever have been. I thought it was funny. We do get visitors from HMP Nottingham at work. Normally shackled to one or two guards.

  • Author

Figured you were yanking my chain to start with, then I thought that to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't surprise me at all with today's "punishment" system. After all, the EU apparently made internet access a "basic human right" in 2009 lol.

  • Moderator

Don't get me started on the EU!

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