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Hi all i posted his elsewhere on the site but think i stuck it in the wrong area.

Thing is i have a xj600 pre and was wanting to know about putting wider tyres on the bike. I know there is a rule not to mess wiht this but im not talking 180 rear here.

I was thinking of maybe either 120 or 130 rear and maybe a 100 front. Reason for this is i feel its a bit to prone to jumping into road rutts and you get pulled about a fair bit. Also would like a more rounded profile. Another factor is this is the first bike i have owned with such skinny tyres and i also ride a gsxr 600 so im not want to go risking anything.

Dont get me wrong i love the bike and i seem to be using it more than the gsxr which aint pleasing the wife ill tell you but i do feel the tyre change would help.

  • Moderator

I would not do it.

If you do don't forget to tell your insurer.

Not sure why you need to tell your insurer, I belive your bike came 90/90/18f and110/90/18r if it's the same as the 86 I ran 100/90/18f 120/90/18r the bike handeled thoes nasty road cracks better with that set up. I also ran that set up on all my rd's and the 2 bikes share the same rims.

I think the most important part here is to keep the increase in size proportinal front /rear so as not to affect the steering head angle and not over strech the tire vs limit of the rim. The 130 would be way to fat to proprely fit on the skinny rim and the side wall would be weakened. Where I see people makin a mess of things is when they start changin profile and width or only putting on a big fat rear and it totaly messes up the steering angle, 1/2 of a degree can realy change the way a bike handels.

  • Author

Yip the 100/90/18f and 120/90/18r sound good to me.

I gather you get a more rounded profile over the width of the tyre on the 120 rear as i have noticed the 110 is a bit dull and flat looking and its not wear as the tyre is newish.

  • Moderator

Not sure why you need to tell your insurer......................

I don't have a clue about motorcycle insurance in Canada and therefore I wouldn't feel qualified to comment on it.

However, I have purchased motorcycle for most of the 37 years I have been riding in the UK.

The following link may not be your insurer but may share the same underwriter, and therefore may be relevant. It may be of scary interest to all those who have minor changes (I wouldn't even say mods) on their bikes. LINKY

If an insurer can get out of paying out, they will. I would guess that injuring someone whilst riding with no/void insurance can be quite serious,

Funny enough, insurers don't like riders with a conviction for no insurance. They seem to think that you have fiddled them in the past out of some profit.

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