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Hi guys,

Just a quick one. I have noticed a clicking coming from the front of the bike which speeds up when I speed up. Now the ticking goes away when i apply a slight pressure to the front brake (not enough to slow the bike down) and therefore, in my knowledgeable opinion (which is just short of absolutely nothing) i'm thinking something to do with the brakes :eusa_think: .

Any help would be appreciated

ps its a Yamaha XVS650 Dragstar


Is your speedo working correctly?

Could be the cable needs oiling.

  • Author

Hi Peter,

Seems to be. Would that affect the noise re it disappearing when using the brake?

  • Moderator

yes brake pads rattling would be my guess, are all the necessary shims fitted, remove pads and lightly smear some copper grease on the back of em and see if that stops it

  • Author

Many thanks for the advice. Will endeavour to take apart everything tomorrow with the help of the trusty service manual and various screwdrivers!!!!!! and try not to end up with that one niggling nut that always gets left over :eusa_doh:

Also best place to purchase and get fitted a rear tyre somewhere around Manchester

Check you have no stones or other crap stuck anywhere.

Check your mudguard has enough space around it.

Check everything else is not loose or misaligned.

  • Moderator

I had the same on my TDR on the rear wheel and it was loose spokes due to another failing. You could only hear it on a neutral throttle (basically coasting) add power or brake and it stopped as the wheel loaded up.

  • Moderator

I had the same on my TDR on the rear wheel and it was loose spokes due to another failing. You could only hear it on a neutral throttle (basically coasting) add power or brake and it stopped as the wheel loaded up.

Always tap your spokes every few months, a dud sound means it needs tightening

  • Moderator

Always tap your spokes every few months, a dud sound means it needs tightening

Mine were loose due to others failing, common on TDR's if you have the wheels rebuilt its worth going up a spoke size.

Iv got a similar problem on the r6 at the mo, is definitely coming from the front and its been bugging me like mad. Il try the front brake like you said (hopefully will work), i was thinking i had an exhaust leak as apparantly that makes a funny sound too.

Be nice to get rid of the sound thats for sure, probably doesnt help having to ride in the wet?

  • Author

yes brake pads rattling would be my guess, are all the necessary shims fitted, remove pads and lightly smear some copper grease on the back of em and see if that stops it

cheers . sorted it.

now, noticed a slight bit of oil on the fins at the front. worked out it was coming from the cover just above the exhaust connection. so removed the coveronly to find the top left screw was fine. the bottom right however had no screw just glue. after taking the cover off, noticed the screw hole was screwed. the only way i can think of fixing is to weld a nut into the opening of where the hole should have been and use a slightly smaller bolt. any other ideas.


  • Moderator

cheers . sorted it.

now, noticed a slight bit of oil on the fins at the front. worked out it was coming from the cover just above the exhaust connection. so removed the coveronly to find the top left screw was fine. the bottom right however had no screw just glue. after taking the cover off, noticed the screw hole was screwed. the only way i can think of fixing is to weld a nut into the opening of where the hole should have been and use a slightly smaller bolt. any other ideas.


not sure what you mean and a pic would maybe help?

you cant weld to aluminium though

cant you fit a thread insert into the stripped thread?

  • Author

will try and get a piccy tonight. Basically where the hole should be to accept the bolt (on the engine rather than the cover) the hole is missing the top right quarter so any bolt going into it just has nothing to fully screw to (if that makes any sense?). Looking further in there is no thread at all.

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I'm thinking, would epoxying a well nut into the existing space work, then reseal with silicone sealant and tighten with new nut?

Would anybody know of the top of their heads what size nut it is that holds in the tapping cover?

Edited by andymck

  • Moderator

I would think a thread insert would be more reliable than trying to glue anything in

I haven't read what everyone else has wrote but i had this problem with my yz125 whenever i pushed the bike backwards, it was the break pad clips so this maybe your problem also?

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hmm. its currently off the road due to me trying to find someone in manchester with the skills to advise me on the missing bolt/screwthread problem. Ask me about computers and i'll tell you everything you want to know, and build it, but until I get a bit more techy with engines, it aint going anywhere. :cussing:.

Had it 6 months ish and have sent a nice polite email to the place I bought it from (if they services it correctly and checked it over i'm sure they must have noticed it), asking them to have a look to see if they can fix it. Awaiting reply

You need to put either a threaded insert or a helicoil into that hole to sort the thread out. A decent mechanic should be able to do this fairly cheaply for you.

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