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Right, i am now quitting smoking for the second time now last time i quit by cutting right down and deliberately leaving my baccy at home so i couldn't smoke at work and when i did have a smoke after work it would make me feel so ill i just stopped! (Yay me) But then after finding out another one of my mates i went through phase 1 training with got killing in Afgan i started again.

Well i haven't had a smoke now since 1200hrs yesterday but im now craving them, i cant use patches as i have lady skin and they bring me out in blisters, the gum is shit and so are them little tablet things in the blue packet.

So my question is........how can i curb these cravings!? i was a habbit smoker and like the social side of it, so ive broken the habbit but still go to the smoke hut for a chat and that.

Cheers for the advise/ tips in advance

I took the medicated way out... Chantix. I had already done as you've done and stopped taking my cigarettes to work. I also stopped smoking in my car and house. But the prescription made me sicker than shit when I did smoke so I eventually didn't crave them anymore. When i did have cravings i found that if i occupied myself with something else the cravings would pass... so i guess for me it was about finding distractions. I haven't smoked for four years and I still love the smell of a fresh lit cigarette.

Sorry about your mate btw. Good luck!!

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Yer guess thats one thing i need to do and find some thing to distract me. I also love the smell of fresh baccy! (Blue Drum is what i smoked or golden Virgina) lol

What about those electronic cigarettes? I know a few people that use them and they admit they arnt like the real thing but work okay and can be used in doors.

what i did was stick the cash i would have spent in a jar, then at the end of week / month treat yourself

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vick inhaler. Everytime you get a craving, have a sniff. I still smoke but it works!

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Yer I will have a look at one of them electric smokes. And will also stick the money in a pot.

Gulf war number 1 cured my smoking, but I still crave the smell of a newly open packet of tabs or baccy, I once tried to smoke a tab in 2002 whilst p'ssed in the south atlantic holiday camp, made my chuck up timmys finest hooch and I got crated :(

I stopped around 6 years ago, having tried all the gimmicks at the end of the day it came down to pure will power, get over the first two weeks and the nicotine is out of your system then its all down to habit.

I tried the sucking a mint thing and that didn't really work, what I found did help was every time I felt the urge for a smoke, I just found something else to think about or do for the next ten minutes or so.

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See the first time i quit i stopped for 3 or 4 months and really didnt miss it but then that day i had one its was as if id never stopped. im finding it hardest at work because when it got quite or there was little going on id have a quick smoke then off i went again or if i just needed 5 mins away from the desk / warehouse id nip out for one, but now...............................im finding my self just sat at the desk making circles with me thumbs or just walking round the warehouse looking at 20 year old stock lol.

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I smoked quite a lot, then i realised i was on fire and someone threw a bucket of water on me.

I'm ok now thanks for asking

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Glad your ok drewpy! where your Adidas trackies ok tho?

  • 3 weeks later...

I quit using hypnotherapy, cost £140 but havent smoked for 5 years now. On the other hand, I have become the stereotypical ex-smoker. SWMBO still smokes, F**k it stinks worse than an oily exhaust.

As previously stated though, it is down to habit. Sick to it for a fortnight to kill the cravings then change the habits.

I stopped on my own once for about 3 months - Cold turkey and just fought through it, to make life better for teh non-smoking other half. Then she and I had a massive bust up and I started again, out of spite.

Not bothered trying since, been too busy enjoying life, meeting the new one (who smokes, too), getting married, etc.

A Chinese recipe is to get a Betel nut, hollow it out and fill it with tobacco, then boil it for an hour. Whenever you feel the need to smoke, sniff the nut and you'll soon just stop.

Electronic ones appeal to me. I tried an aerosol style one as a market product test (brand name witheld for legal confidentiality reasons), but it was crap.

Best of luck, whatever you choose.

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Well i have just bought an electric one (yesterday) and its really good! i have had two rollies today but this electric one really is helping. i stopped for two weeks but was getting the shakes and becoming very snappy at little stupid things like the kettle taking too long to boil!! lol

Today has been an extremely shitty day at work and for no reason at all im getting very fucked off and i need to chill out before my ride home!.

  • 2 weeks later...

i had one of those electric smokes for quite a while, still have it in fact, but during a typical 12-hour shift i often found it was too easy to smoke and the battery would die about half way through the night, and god help me if i forgot to put it on charge, i also used the refillable cartridges with the foam wadding in them but found that the liquid would seep out of them and taste rank, when i deployed to afghan in 2010 fags were so cheap i stockpiled them and started smoking again, same happened this year, and probably the same is going to happen next year, sorry to hear you lost your mate, still dont understand why we are still there.

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Yer i too am confused as to why we are still there considering that your out there to train the afgan police then you find that the pricks are now dressing up as police and shooting guys! personally i think we should fuck em and Nuke the pricks lol near on every country now has tried to help them out or in other cases invade and look at what happened........nothing! you aint gunna change a tigers stripes

Nuke every mountain and any other taliban occupied area and have done with it............ job bobbed. but this is why im not a member of parliament lol

obviously i can't say my exact feelings about the situation due to my current occupation and the fact that government/parliament have us all by the balls... but you've hit the nail on the head definately.

at the same time i like that place and look forward to going back, the work environment when your on an operational detachment is completely different to working in the UK, and the non-terrorist locals are usually always pleasant and polite, i remember walking into a local "jingly" shop and being offered a cup of watssinit tea and a piece of bread, its just the extremists that let the side down, i've always said if they built a few nightclubs in the middle of bastion the place would be ideal

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........................ i've always said if they built a few nightclubs in the middle of bastion the place would be ideal

2000 sweaty blokes in uniform.......................................Not my kind of party........................................but whatever floats your boat Foamy.

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Was easy for me to quit, have some blood circulation issues in my left leg caused by tobacco that may ultimately see it gone( i'm already considering a RH gearshift). Docs words around 7 years ago were simple, "choose, keep smoking you'll lose it!".

I decided on keeping the leg for longer.

If it makes any odds i am also now a big time anti smoking nut. Thanks to them i have the issues with my leg and i'm asthmatic after a near fatal pneumonia attack, hows a temp of 40+deg and breathing pure oxygen for 48Hrs grab you, week in hospital and 12 weeks recovery at home. (pneumonia is fairly common for quiting smokers).

And the worst part, there is no such thing as an ex smoker, you just haven't lit up for a while, no mater how long its been.

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