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Hello everyone! I am in Idaho (the potato state of America). :D I am new to the YOC... I actually registered right after I bought my 1972 Yamaha (last December), but have been über-swamped with school (currently working on my thesis for a Master's of Education in Instructional Technology)... long story longer... I am finally posting so I'm not considered a total "lurker". :eusa_shifty: I've been trying to read all of the new member posts, and it sounds like such an interesting bunch. Can't wait to learn from all of the experience you have!

This is my first motorcycle. Sorry about the blurry pic. I got her for $1000 from someone who's grandfather had her in the garage for years. She looks great, but I think she could use a little TLC. Got the Clymer manual, but am still looking for an actual owner's/rider's manual since the Clymer one doesn't seem to be very model-specific. She also needs a new headlight, and the horn stays on when it's wired. I'm hoping that I can get her all tuned up and with regular maintenance and care she'll last me a long time. The vin starts with G5, but from everything I've seen online I think she's a G7S. If anyone has any insight into the model please let me know.

I haven't ridden for years, and usually only off-road then. So now I'm trying to get used to riding in traffic - people make me nervous. :crazy:

Thanks for putting together such a great resource!


Hi Sacha

Looks a very pretty bike, as for riding in traffic keep your wits about you and ride safe.

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Thanks nayruf! That's all I can do. I drive and ride defensively, you just can't tell with some people, and you're better safe than sorry. She's just a little 80cc... I was expecting to get laughed at. :D But for my first motorbike she's all I need to get back and forth.

Laughed at? Never!

I have had a few bikes not many but a few, My first bike was a 1977 DT 175 1g1, followed by a 1979 400 Four Honda, a short period on a 1976 Z900 Kawasaki, 1980 Maico 250, 1997 900 Diversion, 2007 FJR1300 and I liked my first bike so much I got another 1976 DT175 1g1, out of them all the DT gets/gives the most smiles per mile, it’s the quickest thing through the traffic and the ‘rozzers’ ignore it. So you might find that your 80cc bike could be the bike that you become the most attached to,

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wow thats a real nice example sacha, has it been restored or is it worse than the pictures portray make out

Greetings and :welcome:

Thanks Airhead! It's actually in really good shape - I think. Supposedly it only has around 500 original miles. Looks like it was laid down or just dropped at least once because the knob on the end of the clutch handle has been broken off. I do have a few concerns (although my husband tells me I tend to over-react). He and my dad tell me it's normal for 2 strokes to (oil) foul spark plugs, but I also just noticed oil in the exhaust pipe... wondering if that is a red flag. ? I am waiting on a manual from e-bay to see if maybe I've screwed up and been riding it with the choke on. :eusa_doh: The Clymer manual just hasn't told me much about my bike specifically. To name a couple of things, it doesn't mention the choke or the fuel petcock... I'm thinking O is for on and R is for reserve, but what is S? Maybe I've screwed up there. ? I guess that's probably why you're supposed to READ THE OWNER'S MANUAL, eh? (dummy me)

And Nayruf, I'd say you've had a few bikes. I'm not sure what "rozzers" are, but I sure do like my little 80. She's perfect for me... not too much machine like some of the bikes out there. I can firmly plant both my feet (which makes me a helluva lot more comfortable) and I feel that if (when) I do drop her, I can pick her up by myself if it comes to it. Oh, and she brings plenty of smiles with her! :D

Rozzers = Police, its old English slang name,

As for oil in the pipe some oil is to be expected, providing the bike is running smooth I wouldnt worry too much, but if the plug keeps fouling regularly and is very black and is thick with oil I would take a look at pump settings(unless it runs on pre mix), but I would get a manual for that.

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Rozzers = Police, its old English slang name,

As for oil in the pipe some oil is to be expected, providing the bike is running smooth I wouldnt worry too much, but if the plug keeps fouling regularly and is very black and is thick with oil I would take a look at pump settings(unless it runs on pre mix), but I would get a manual for that.

Awesome! Rozzers... I'll have to use that. I don't think anyone here will know what I'm talking about. :D And thanks for the info on the oil in the pipe. The bike has the autolube pump so I'm hoping it's getting the right mix. I'm excited to get the manual and learn as much as I can about it. I've always wanted to build a bike from scratch, but for the price on this one I just couldn't say no. :)

Welcome to the forum, Sacha, cool little bike. :)


The bike has the autolube pump...

I almost bought one once but was told they don't actually work. :blush:

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Oh no! I seriously hope that's not the case with mine. :( That would not be good. How do I test it to make sure it's working?

On a happier note, I got my new rider's manual today... it's teeny-tiny so I've already read through it (a couple times). I'm sure you've all seen how little the manual is, but I included a pic next to the Clymer manual just for fun. :D


And now back to bad news... my headlight was burned out so I've been searching for a replacement. It turns out it's nearly impossible to get (and it's sealed). I found a place (NW Vintage Cycle Parts) in Oregon with a knowledgeable person. He said people are using the headlight from a 1968 YG5T (funny that the '68 is still available, but not the '72). Anyway, my old headlight is a 6V/15W and this new one is a 12V/25W. Will that be problematic?

One other question... in checking my battery level I noticed a clear tube in the battery compartment that's not hooked up to anything. I haven't found any mention of it in either the rider's manual or the Clymer manual. Does anyone here know what it might be?


Oh no! I seriously hope that's not the case with mine. :( That would not be good. How do I test it to make sure it's working?

Don't worry, Sacha, it was just a bad joke, sorry. :)

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LMAO - I was a bit slow on the uptake for that one wasn't I? :D

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