Posted March 13, 201213 yr Hey Guys and Gals, Bit of a weird one but what kind of dog/s do you have (if you own a dog) just that im in the market for one and cant make up my mind which i want to adopt. I wanna get a rescue dog as i want to give one a better life/home than they previously had. The ones i found so far i like are: German shepherd (a big possibility) Collie (not 100% sure yet) Inuit (would love one) Husky (again would love one but very high maintenance) Lurcher (missus hates them) Rotty (missus is scared of them) I want a big dog because over the past few months there has been a spat of burglaries in my area and about 4 nights ago my front door was "tried" but was locked so they left, so from now on when im at work the missus has the doors permanently locked but when we are out together she is more nervous than you would normally be. So what would you guys recommend?
March 13, 201213 yr We have two at the moment, a Siberian Husky and an Old English sheepdog. The husky is good as gold, i wouldnt say high maintenance but then again she is 8 this year. The old english on the other hand.. lol hes only 2 mind, bundles of energy =) Id recomend both breeds, both brilliant dogs.
March 13, 201213 yr Moderator Heres Casper our Pug He's just turned 15, deaf as a post, eyesight failing and not many teeth left so not a great guard dog lol but hey! I just wanted to show him off Had a Rottweiller, a long haird German Shepherd and a Dalmation in the past...all good barkers
March 13, 201213 yr Moderator My sisters latest, ok you have heard of a Foxhound for hunting foxes, Deerhound for deer hunting , otterhound etc well this is a mousehound actually a cross between a Pug/Shitzu/Jack russell
March 13, 201213 yr i've got a jack russell,emmie the small gay dog... she's a light sleeper,good barker... but her yoda impression is crap.... but on a serious note,bitches are far more loyal than dogs i've found. also make sure you know the exact history of the dog you rescue. i still got scars on my right hand from a dog whose previous owner used to beat him while drunk,rescue home did'nt tell me...came home from pub,stroke the dog,dog goes CHOMP.... my mate always had akita's...big,powerfull,very clever and very loyal. look cool too...
March 13, 201213 yr Another important thing to bare in mind when buying a puppy from a breeder is to make sure you see the parents! The Akita reminds of the Norweigan Elkhound, thats a breed id love to have.
March 13, 201213 yr Moderator deaf as a post, eyesight failing and not many teeth left you just described your self there
March 13, 201213 yr So you dont want a dog for the love of having a dog ! You want a guard dog ????? There is a Big difference ! Anyway, Get the youngest dog you can,,,,, this way he can be thaught more easily. Also he gets to know your ways/style/voices etc. Pure-bred dogs are much more demanding,,,,they have big ego's and attidude's to match there bred. My vote would have to be the Collie,,,,for many reasons. If you really want to rescue a dog from a shelter, there are guide dogs who are too old to do there job yet they are still relatively young,,, these dogs are really really good, they are pro trained to be totally loyal to there keeper, when not on duty they are fun and loving dogs, when on duty there main objective is to lookafter and protect there keepers. The best guide dogs are a mix of a Goolden Retreiver and a Labrador.
March 14, 201213 yr meet angus this is one of three i have. not like a stupid staffadshire bull, these are inteligent,perfect companion ,loyal ,easy maintenance , very good with other dogs. but very-very energetic. im a big fan of these ,as you can see from my art work, this is inga, and angus. no one is entering your property with this running around. their aggressive looks are not reflected in their nature though, they are actualy big softies.
March 14, 201213 yr Author So you dont want a dog for the love of having a dog ! You want a guard dog ????? There is a Big difference ! Sorry must have worded my post wrong at the start, I want a dog for the love of having a dog, the enjoyment of walking him/her and the whole "mans best friend" milarky but also to have it as a deterant to those who wish to help them selves to my property. Ryan your Sheep dog is lovely n so is your husky, will have to show the missus the sheep dog as i dont think she has even considered one yet. Whats the breed like to keep? And Kev, me and the missus aren't Bull Terrier people but Angus dose look quite cool lol Cheers for the help so far guys n i hope to have another member of my family some time in the near future to love n look after
March 14, 201213 yr Thanks, the sheepdog is our second now and both have been fantastic. Theyre really loyal, will follow you everywhere, he is also a really good look out dog and can be quite noisey if he doesnt like the look of something outside. (He lives on a farm) They are very laid back dogs though, i cant think of anything negative about them to be honest.
March 14, 201213 yr Author That's awesome! cant find any down near me tho to adopt tho but i think im set on a German shepherd tho seen these two lovely ones that im gunna phone up about in a bit. Mishka And Max Hoping i can go up and meet either one this week end.
March 14, 201213 yr We have a Staffy and a Cocker Spaniel, neither are classed as big dogs, suppose they are medium sized, would recommend either of them on all of your counts, I have also had German Shepards, Westies, Springers, Collies and a couple of heinz mixes, to be honest I think most of this one bread is more intelligent than others is a load of tosh, most dogs if trained from being young can exhibit the same amount of intelligence.
March 14, 201213 yr We have a Staffy and a Cocker Spaniel, neither are classed as big dogs, suppose they are medium sized, would recommend either of them on all of your counts, I have also had German Shepards, Westies, Springers, Collies and a couple of heinz mixes, to be honest I think most of this one bread is more intelligent than others is a load of tosh, most dogs if trained from being young can exhibit the same amount of intelligence. exept a staffi , cos their thick as bricks..
March 14, 201213 yr Author Well this has come to a screaming stop as my Landlord (mother in law) said we cant have a dog even tho we have no tenancy agreement or any thing! So we are now looking at moving. Not only due to the fact we cant have a dog but she is a fucking bitch! our gas fire is WELL over due a service so we contacted her to say she needs to get british gas out to do the service and she came back with "can you do it and pay for it as i have no money!" so where the fuck has our rent gone too? o yer thats right 2 weeks in Goa, week long cruise for two, 1 week in Spain and a 2 week Christmas Carrabien Cruise for two 2 plus beach wedding. all in one year! Least our money is helping some one enjoy their life lol. Now its time to "TRY" and get on one of these first time buyers scheme things fun fun
March 14, 201213 yr Have you noticed how many labrador owners go blind? Hope I don’t need to worry! we’ve got a black Labrador On the plus side to noise she always lets us know- long before the door bell goes that someone is outside (not the most aggressive dog but can bark for England)
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