March 10, 201213 yr "exuse me mr penguin can you give us directions to the ski slope?" penguin:- "squawk....tap tap....squawk" translation:- "stupid bloody foreigner....forgotton your skis!"
March 10, 201213 yr people:- "awwwwww look at that penguin looks just like happy feet!" penguin :- "im gonna take a dump in your tent when your not looking!"
March 10, 201213 yr penguin:- (in the voice of terminator) give me your cloaths, your boots and your ski poles.
March 10, 201213 yr (voice of David Attenborough) "and so, as we prepare to leave for the oceans for 6 months, we'll leave behind these curious mammals, the only species on the planet that wilfully destroys its own environment in return for tokens and pieces of paper that they cannot eat.Let us hope that when we come back, they havent been able to locate where we've hidden all the oil and gas"
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