Posted March 7, 201213 yr Just ordered a pair of Hornee kevlar jeans (well combats actually), and was wandering what you chaps think of kevlar jeans? Anyone here had their skin saved by them? I got them mostly for motorway use. Last summer and autumn I was riding wearing just ordinary jeans or combats, and If I'd had a spill at 70mph that would have been very painful until my skin would have grown back! The other option is of course leather, which I could find at a decent price, about £65ish on amazon, but only in black (my leather jacket and boots are brown). So went for the Hornees instead.
March 7, 201213 yr I got a pair of kevlar jeans too, (never had to see if they work tho) but my old bike instructor come off his bike at 40mph with his dragging jeans on and he said apart from them riding up and getting gravel rash on his lower leg they worked great! i don't wear mine at the mo as i got them Christmas 2010 and i've put on a bit of fat since then and they don't fit
March 7, 201213 yr Someone I knew was supposedly wearing the famed Draggin' Jeans when she came off her Fazer... They slid up, the seams tore and her leg was 'de-gloved' - This means that, in a fraction of a second, her skin was peeled off in one complete sleeve leaving raw flesh grinding along the road. With that in mind, now see how you fancy hooning around at (ahem) miles an hour in inadequate kit!! Sliding along the road at 40mph: Your flesh (not skin, your actual flesh) is ground away at the rate of 1 inch depth per second. Skin grows back. Ground off muscle tends not to... ever! 2-ply denim wears away in less than 0.5 seconds. 2-ply plain-weave Kevlar lasts about 6 seconds. 2-ply 1.3mm leather lasts 18 seconds. 3-ply 1.3mm leather lasts 55 seconds. There's a reason why pro racers still wear leather Power Ranger suits. Leather is still THE best option for protection. More info:
March 7, 201213 yr Great statt"s Tasky " was thinkn of kevlar jeans too . but will go for real leather now,,,
March 7, 201213 yr Moderator good info, I came off at 30 in normal jeans but rolled, so only got grazed knee, fractured L3 and a broken arm. The knees where more painful than the broken arm and they weren't deep!
March 8, 201213 yr Years ago, on the last of the very few fucking stupid occasions that I've NOT worn leathers while riding, I was in my cotton work trousers. It had rained the night before and was still drizzling. I was on a 40mph dual carriageway, at the speed limit, when I had to brake. It was heavy traffic and I had limited visibility of the road surface ahead. I was already on the brakes, when I suddenly found myself heading into a swaythe of diesel across both lanes. By the time I'd seen it, the bike had already hit the floor. No escaping that one, even if you're superhuman. So I'm lowsided and sliding along, right leg tucked beneath me, left stretched out in front (imagine a Baseball player's slide - Same position). I surmise that my weight was on my leather booted right foot, because I could have dug my other foot in and actually stood up out of the slide - Would have looked cool, too. I didn't do this however, because the bike was sliding along in front of me and I'd have tumbled over it if I'd tried. So I sat back into the slide and waited to stop. It all happened in a few seconds, but it was enough. End result, shredded trousers, slight scuffs on leg, hevily scuffed bike and one serious lesson learned while I had the fortune to survive it. I don't plan on there being a next time!
March 9, 201213 yr I have been looking into getting some of theses fancie jeans to. Seems to me theres abit of mixed feelings which is makeing me think hmmm should i shouldnt i? To me they seem like they are better suited as short journey kit. You can buy padded protection for them as well. But if your just nipping to the shop or going for a little ride i.e for me down the marine drive to the popular cafe on the beach which is about 3 mile roughly, and if the weather is rosting hot or you dont wana have to fight to get in to your leathers they seem like a good option. Yes leather is the best and will allways be better than kevlar jeans untill such technology catches up. Wouldnt tucking the jeans into your boot help with the riding up situation? I no it would'nt look very good haha but when you get off you could just un-tuck them haha just a idea haha
March 9, 201213 yr Pads aren't the main issue - After the initial impact, they don't do much and can cause problems if they move around when you slide. The main problem is any point of contact with the ground as you slide along it, requiring decent abraision protection. Kevlar is still OK, but they are one-time use only (if the Kev survives, the denim outer is still fecked). I'd not trust them on a motorway, either. Here's how I decided: I favour leathers that are one size up. It allows for extra layers in Winter, airflow in Summer and easier movement, as well as easy on/off when hot and sweaty. I chose a style of jacket and trouser that are both comfy enough for daily wear in all kinds of activity, from at work to shopping, to down the pub. Since both leather and jeans get soaked in rain, leather still wins. Since the jeans will wear right through to the kevlar layer even in a low-speed slide, while leathers are likely to last several slides, leather wins again. I wear vented leather in Summer - Entire panels with lots of little holes that facilitate such great cooling airflow that it feels like you're not wearing anything! Tucking in - No. The Bloused Combat Boot look is a cunning fashion choice... But any part of the material can still catch on the road surface and pull everything up to expose your skin. In fact, the more material that catches, the more likely it will rip to bits. End of the day, Sweat or bleed - That's your choice.
March 9, 201213 yr Moderator This is very interesting topic. Can we also bring textile M/C trousers into it? I spent most of my youth riding in jeans. Although I came off a few times, I was lucky that I didn't have to scrub any gravel out of any open wounds. The worst I had is similar to Ttaskie's; over cooked it in London, came off, the bike spun on the footpeg and I slid about 25 yards on my front in a superman pose. I passed 2 bus stops and can still remember the people waiting for a bus watching me go past. When I stopped the loose change in my front jeans pocket (normal jeans) had got hot due to the friction and were burning Not good. I have never liked leather jeans. I ride in textile trousers with armour but would still buy a pair of kevlar jeans, if only the top end of the market ones.
March 9, 201213 yr I totally agree with u Ttaskmaster. I've yet to get leathers as I've not been riding long. I've got a set of textiles at the moment but I want leathers. I've tryed my mates leathers and totally felt alot safer. I've also worn normal jeans to the shop and was alot more nervous about riding just in case I fell off. So I think this thread has made me think I think I'll pass on a very exspensive pair of jeans and put the money towards a more safer option.
March 9, 201213 yr I wear textile trousers which I'm happy with. Have worn normal jeans once but wouldn't again as felt like no protection at all. Still Kevlar jeans must be better than the kids in shorts and t-shirts I see riding around in summer.
March 9, 201213 yr Moderator What do u think of kevlar jeans now? Think I will pass for now. I would still have a pair. 36 years of riding having owned 1 pair of leather trousers for a short time.
March 9, 201213 yr Author Yes, I'd still have a pair for short trips. I'm sending the Hornees back because they resemble clown pants, as the legs are too long and wide, not something you can wear off the bike (which you can with leather jeans - variations in taste permitting!). The images on the website are far more em, flattering! Thinking about getting a pair of these:
March 10, 201213 yr 36 years of riding blimy haha ive not even been riding a year haha. I think I'll have To see them first and make my mind up. But i want some leathers first tho. I've looked at them leather pants and they look good. There pretty cheap to which is good. All the ones I seem to look at are pretty exspensive and if there cheap they look awfull!
March 10, 201213 yr Them hornees seem like a right dodgey pair off trousers haha. I'm gunna have alook see what they look like. Did they come with huge red shoes haha
March 10, 201213 yr Have you seen the 3 quarters? What's all that about? You might as well just where shorts because as we have been told full length jeans ride up! So what's the point? That's def more of just a fashion statment! I'd rather have skin than look really cool haha
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