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Top o the marnin all,

Looking at maybe doing a NEO conversion to 12 volt electrics on my U.S. DT. So far cannot find any sealed-beam 12 volt lights to fit, so thinking about buying the U.K. version 1M1 headlamp assembly which takes the three-hole bulbs. Any thoughts?

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I am thinking you are in the USA ? correct? in which cae the low beam angle will be incorrect. but if you geta unit from another EU country, I:E germany it will be correct

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read the post mate , he says he cannot find a 12v sealed beam in the correct size and is considering a UK spec unit that takes a bulb, so i consider he is after a uk spec glass and lens, which would be incorrect for countries that drive on the left side of the road ,and suggest a unit for another EU country would be better, so no bulbs do not have angles you are correct,

It would appear a lot of seventies yamaha,s in the states had sealed beam headlight which are NLA now,

I did once see a article maybe in USA 2 Strokers or the rd club forum where a guy had successfully managed to take the sealed beam unit and cut a hole and araldite in a bulb holder ,

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sorry merv i thought you were meaning the skew came from the bulb itself, you are correct that german market bikes had a different headlamp thats a good call :thumb:

I too have seen where someone cut out the lamp of a sealed beam and attached a bulb holder

Are you sure the glass etch on a single light vehicle is aimed to the side of the road?

True a car which has a handed glass lamps will throw the beam to the left if its right hand drive like UK and the lamps are etched to throw it to the right on a left hand drive car, but for a bike..... surely the beam just goes straight forward?

Its angle can be adjusted up and down but it doesn't angle it towards the kerb.

I've just had a look at my car, the etch on the off side lamp is angled to the kerb, no doubt and the near side is etched forward. On an imported car the lamps are the other way around, I know this because mine's an imported Opel and I still have the original lamps upstairs. but only one is etched to the side.

My DT has the etch forward with no visible etch in the glass that suggests otherwise.

I'd venture to say i wouldn't bother with a lamp from germany, its probably different part number because it's yellow!

Nice to hear that converting a bike to 12v is known as a "Neo conversion" chuckle chuckle!

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Are you sure the glass etch on a single light vehicle is aimed to the side of the road?

True a car which has a handed glass lamps will throw the beam to the left if its right hand drive like UK and the lamps are etched to throw it to the right on a left hand drive car, but for a bike..... surely the beam just goes straight forward?

Its angle can be adjusted up and down but it doesn't angle it towards the kerb.

I've just had a look at my car, the etch on the off side lamp is angled to the kerb, no doubt and the near side is etched forward.On an import car the lamps are the other way around I know this because mine's an imported Opel and I still have the original lamps upstairs.

My DT has the etch forward with no visible etch in the glass that suggests otherwise.

I'd venture to say i wouldn't bother with a lamp from germany, its probably different part number because it's yellow!

Nice to hear that converting a bike to 12v is known as a "Neo conversion" chuckle chuckle!

nahh its a different lamp NEO, anyway the uk lamp swivels on a vertical axis, that is how aim left is achieved on mine!

pretty sure the French ones are the same as ours and they drive on the other side too!

I think its just a thing the Germans had, they did it with other things such as fenders, indicators and chainguard on their model!

I've just spent a bit of time 'googling' on riding motorcycles in Germany.

I found this..

If you ride in England and your motorcycle's headlights have an area to the right where the bright part of the beam is raised up to illuminate roadside signs, put black tape on the part of the headlight that makes that.

but I also found .....not ALL motorcycle lights have this...modern ones do! but not Old DTs or old 400'4s

In the UK more modern lamps have reflectors which dip the beam to the left and not straight ahead!

My DT certainly dips down but it doesn't go to the left!..just tried it and it went through the MOT last week, they just checked the height.

Yellow lights are banned! so much for my idea!

and i also found

BMW R1100S headlamp can be adjusted by getting into the back of the headlamp unit, loosening three screws and turning the bulbholder to the right so that the dip beam kicks up to the left for driving on the left

Pauls right! it's a German thing!

I guess there must be some European tourers which visit this forum,

Come on guys what do you know?

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Nice to hear that converting a bike to 12v is known as a "Neo conversion" chuckle chuckle!

Your welcome.

So, about purchasing the entire headlamp bucket, ala http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-DT125-DT175-Complete-Headlamp-w-Rim-Grill-QBUR1-/310314738307?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item4840332283. Would this work?

Oh, and sorry for the delay in reply. Been out of country till last night. :ninja:

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The culprit in all this:


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Them yuniparts lamps look pretty good to me and i like the grille they have re-produced, never seen one 'in the flesh' though, will they accept a 12v bulb?

the bike is looking good,... if a little out of focus.

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That's the stupendous camera on Apple's ab-fab iPhone 3GS. In the process of using a gen-you-wine device to take some better photos.

I think it will be worth it to try this unit out, the rear shell has the correct holes. More of my money crossing the ocean eastward. Just wish I were paid in pounds.

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Yuniparts sez no shippi to les estados un-unidos so on to plan B...whenever I figure it out.

les estados un-unidos

where's that then?

The US is not listed but........

If its a fancy name for barbados? then it is listed in the yuniparts shipping to.

use ebay.co.uk NOT .com

looks like a "round tube swinging arm" you have there, so probably late 70's................1978?


This is my tuppence worth,

Back in the day I had a 1979 400/4 Honda, the headlight spread cut off was a flat beam that shone across the road at a fixed level, (did not rise or dip at the left or right). I fitted a ‘Cibie’ Concave head light conversion that used a twin filament halogen bulb, this conversion had a beam that was raised to show the curb and not blind the oncoming traffic and it was specified as suitable for the UK,

So as Neo suggests a headlamp unit that uses light bulbs should be ok so long as the new lamp is of the older type specification,

You could confirm this by e-mailing one of the UK e-bay sellers who sell second hand US import DTs to be used in the UK.

so on to plan B...whenever I figure it out.

I've just seen your other thread showing your bike and also your other scooter.

Why don't you simply have your headlight package delivered to you at heathrow when you land there and take it home?

If not you must know someone who works there who would bring it to you by having it delivered to them?

IF I worked there i'd help you!

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Why don't you simply have your headlight package delivered to you at heathrow when you land there and take it home?

If not you must know someone who works there who would bring it to you by having it delivered to them?

Now THAT is a capital idea! Thanks for all the input, me hearties. Our maintenance guys will most likely help out on this one.



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