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Hey guys i was just wondering if any of you have used Wemoto.com? if so what was your experiance like? e.g deliver times, after sales etc.

I just bought a set of new main jets for the carbs but i feared i got too bigger size, so i e-mailed the chap at wemoto n he said for me to return them and he will send the next size i asked for with no questions asked! i ordered them on the monday and i had them by the wednesday so im well happy with there delivery times.

Very friendly and very quick at replying to e-mails, and i cant fult there web site, so easy to use and they have a good selection of stuff for the bike too, could have more stuff for the XVS but atleast the sell gaskets and odds n sods at really good prices, the main jets where only £3 each!

So come on......have you used them?

Yep, can't complain, the guys are great. Got a speedo cable and a couple of mirrors from them, delivery to my place of work, very fast! The next thing I'll be getting from them are some replacement allen bolts for my rear header exhaust, as the original ones are quite a bit rusty. Just got to figure out the size...

+1 never had a problem with them delivery quick, always helpful on the phone one minor hic up but sorted really quickly always recommend them.

hey noise hows yeovil these days loved my time there 2nd posting was houndstone camp and i think mike1949 was at HMS yeovilton got some stick off them when i had to spend a month in hospital there being army.

that scrumpy is something else. :razz:

+1 for Wemoto!

Not the widest rage of parts, but pretty damn good and they can often get stuff that isn't on the webshite.

Customer Service is a major part of who I will or will never shop with. Asda can fuck off every time, whereas I will pay the high prices at Waitrose just to be around staff who give a shit!

Wemoto are one of those who will bend over backwards to get you what you asked for, or even figure out which one you *meant* to ask for!

Utterly brilliant folks!

Hi Noise

Can’t say I’ve had any problems with wemoto :)

Prices seem fair & the fast delivery is always a bonus...

  • Author

+1 never had a problem with them delivery quick, always helpful on the phone one minor hic up but sorted really quickly always recommend them.

hey noise hows yeovil these days loved my time there 2nd posting was houndstone camp and i think mike1949 was at HMS yeovilton got some stick off them when i had to spend a month in hospital there being army.

that scrumpy is something else. :razz:

Yeovil is well.......Yeovil lol, may step dad is ex RAF (spit) so he ended up working at Yeovilton as a civvy in the ejection seat shop till the Harriers got the finger then he was in the battery shop but then was made redundant i got a bit of stick when i joined the army from his mates but seeing that they are all ex fly boys their opinions where worth shit to me lol.

Yes i do like a bit of the old lumpy cider but im more into Whisky so ive not drank much of the local stuff recently.

Back to Wemoto, i really cant fault them ive just had another e-mail from them saying that the jets are on the way, (hopefully not the RAF lol) and i should have them by Wednesday the latest. I said to them i would post up a good review on here just to give a thanks for their help so far n hope that they will get new custome or even more custome from their previous customers

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wemoto is great, sort out any issues you may have promptly and no questions. they have my vote

+1 above

  • Moderator

yup me too, ordered a battery once realised 30 minutes later i needed acid phoned them and they put the acid in and did not charge any more postage, just he cost of the acid,

  • Moderator

yup me too, ordered a battery once realised 30 minutes later i needed acid phoned them and they put the acid in and did not charge any more postage, just he cost of the acid,

does he do coke too?

30 minutes later he hadn't posted it,? he's going down hill. :eusa_snooty:

Excellent service from them, have used them many times.

Never had to worry about post as they are only one mile away from my front door.

All the guys ride motorcycles themselves and all parked outside.

They have always been friendly and certainly take an interest in either of my bikes when I go there.

Their website doesn't always find what you want even though they stock it, the search needs to be exactly as they list it.. I wanted a new front M14 castlellated nut, if you look for Nut M14 you wont find it, neither will castlellated, but it can be found under castle nut

You would have thought nut would have found it, but it doesn't you just have to think how they would have described it, other than that I've never had any problems.

  • Moderator

Excellent service from them, have used them many times.

Never had to worry about post as they are only one mile away from my front door.

All the guys ride motorcycles themselves and all parked outside.

They have always been friendly and certainly take an interest in either of my bikes when I go there.

Their website doesn't always find what you want even though they stock it, the search needs to be exactly as they list it.. I wanted a new front M14 castlellated nut, if you look for Nut M14 you wont find it, neither will castlellated, but it can be found under castle nut

You would have thought nut would have found it, but it doesn't you just have to think how they would have described it, other than that I've never had any problems.

I tried nut and your name came up :eusa_whistle:

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