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Hiya all,

Got some worries here, bought a bike from a dealer, the bikes description said delivery to anywhere in the uk...

Upon paying, I was given the couriers number to get a quote, of 95 quid, so thats a firm "I'm paying for it"

The bike was £1,895... 95 on the end is making me suspicious, I would have thought a description saying "Item delivered to anywhere in the UK" would mean.... he gets it delivered to me upon buying.

Am I right to think this?

Getting all psyched up on this.

Cheerz for any input.

  • Moderator

I agree, is it in writing? its bloody misleading if they expect you to pay for it, after all you could have got your own courier. I take then that really does need delivering?

  • Author

Yeah deffo need delivering, it was on the website, and its on adtrader, website has been removed due to purchase, but adtrader is still there.

  • Moderator

do a screenshot of it and then talk to the dealer, say that you were of the understanding that delivery was part of the deal and thats why you were attracted to it

  • Author

Righto, will try that out, if he declines, then what can I do, he didn't actually delcare he would pay, but yeah I could have found my own.

I will Screen Shot it, but what do I do with the SS if he declines, he could worm out of any accusation.

  • Moderator

ive done screenshots for you .

as far as i'm concerned they implied they will deliver anywhere in uk, if it had said delivery can be arranged it moght be another matter.

as i said you should talk to them, be firm but polite and say thats one of the things that attracted you...as it obviously was!

  • Author

Cheerz for your input, yeah, I've paid, I should hear from him today, I'll mention it first, if he declines, I might just ask for a refund, see if he back peddles...

If he dont, then hes never gunna accept it, and may aswell ask for the bike to be sent, if I can review the site somewhere, I'll give it bad feedback.

Other than that, I still need the bike.

  • Moderator

Trade sale = The Distant Selling Regulation law states that the purchaser has a 14-day cooling-off period that starts from the date of delivery.

Use this as a lever.

Hi Morph, OG is right of course about being polite but you must be firm about the delivery, it shows in the details that the bike is sold WITH delivery and the extra bits (helmet gloves etc) as being extra to the original cost so by implication the delivery is part of the deal unless otherwise stated (which it's not) stand firm and let him know your not happy about the extra cost you might just swing a concession from him, if all else fais tell him your a member of the YOC and you will do a writeup of his sharp practice, you never know it might help sway him to drop the delivery charge.

PS DT is right as well distance selling regs are pretty strict so fire them at him.

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