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Hi everyone I've completed my survey and much boring research to come to the conclusion that the biggest issue about riding a motorbike is awareness for bikers.

After some money was spent and pain was gained I came up with a light up LED helmet.... Don't worry this is the first phase of prototyping, I just want a general oppinion.

I will be making another prototype with another helmet, boots and clothing using similar LED's but with Legal requirements met, such as: rear face lights must be red (brake and rear-dipped lights) & front facing lights must be clear white or halogan yellow (front dipped lights)

My question to you is do you think this is a good idea and would you consider buying such a product if it would help you stay more viseable...

Remember the finished prototype will either have a power supply on the back of the helmet or a connector that clips onto a wire located on the outside fuel tank which would of course be wired directly to the battery....

All thoughts are valid....

images are here....


  • Moderator

alex at first I laughed and thought Oh Dear! but you know something...thats a good idea and i'm amazed no one has done it yet!, someone may make some money out of this soon and I hope if they do...you will get some :thumb:

alex at first I laughed and thought Oh Dear! but you know something...thats a good idea and i'm amazed no one has done it yet!, someone may make some money out of this soon and I hope if they do...you will get some :thumb:

i am still laughing paul these things have been available for some time.


Wont work !

The stupid cunts see you,,,,,,look straight at you,,,,,,then pull out in front of you anyway......Cunts

Money should be spent on training thick cunts to drive with awarness towards bikes,,,,,same as if we were a big Lorry

  • Moderator

@ OT not quite what Alec has come up with.

I think as a styling feature it could be developed more.

the issue i can see it a car driver will see and think " what the f*ck is that " pull out to see it closer :)

another thing is, with the motorcycle headlamp on would you see it with a main bean in your vision?

I think it would be more useful on the rear and spells F*ck off or some thing. if its LED I would use a couple of batteries in the helment instead of plugging your self in i hate wires dangling from me and then forgetting to unplug! (christ i leave me keys in the bike)

  • Moderator

yeah I would stich with simplicity, just red and white leds, no need for the fancy stuff and I agree that plugging in is not good so forget the brake lights etc

But its a helmet OT ?

are you going next sat toy run?

yes its a helmet but they are available as well saw them at the earls court motorbike show a few years ago also a helmet with a built in rear view mirror so you could see what was behind you by just looking up above the visor, the problem is most riders know dispite riding along with headlights on and reflective jacket the bastards still cant see us.even next week when kevs dressed up as santa some twat still wont see him and yes i am going no santa suit so will strap the crimbo tree to my back lights pluged in to cigar lighter so no excuse for not being seen :babyha:

good i'll buy you a butty at the showcase ;)

thanks see you there.

i wouldn't buy this idea, it's down to a dress code with me ,

IE matt black helmet matt black jacket jeans matt boots. a lot of bikers go for this look hence the popularity of this type of clothing,

im not saying it's a shit idea, cos it's not, it's a good idea, but this is my input that you asked for,

ps, see you two at the toy run you two old crusties.....

  • Moderator

Hi everyone I've completed my survey and much boring research to come to the conclusion that the biggest issue about riding a motorbike is awareness for bikers.

After some money was spent and pain was gained I came up with a light up LED helmet.... Don't worry this is the first phase of prototyping, I just want a general oppinion.

I will be making another prototype with another helmet, boots and clothing using similar LED's but with Legal requirements met, such as: rear face lights must be red (brake and rear-dipped lights) & front facing lights must be clear white or halogan yellow (front dipped lights)

So from the biggest issue being "awareness for bikers", you have decided that bikers should do more! This obviously means more expense for us. Plus it will then probably be made compulsory, be part of the MOT and we would get points if the batteries ran out part way through a ride for "failure to comply".

My question to you is do you think this is a good idea and would you consider buying such a product if it would help you stay more viseable...

Remember the finished prototype will either have a power supply on the back of the helmet or a connector that clips onto a wire located on the outside fuel tank which would of course be wired directly to the battery....

All thoughts are valid........................

I do not consider it being a good idea, whether it was retro or designed in. I have seen these on cyclists helmets.

A retro fit would have to not disturb the integrity of the helmet. Not really an engineering project. Easily knocked up with a medium set of Meccano or Lego Tecnik. Also, one of the beauty's of expensive helmets is that they are light. Not sure what a battery pack would do for that feature. If the answer to drivers being more aware of bikers is lights, then add the lights to the bike. This solves the majority of issues with a helmet light!

Give everyone involved in an accident a minimum of 3 points and £100 fine, this would also help the economy.

Can you design a bikers disintegration ray gun to blast anyone who pulls out on us?

Are these the same blue lights the boy racers have in their windscreen washers and lorry drivers have in their cabs?

If so, they are a pain in the arse, I pulled over once at 05.00 in the morning because I thought it was an emergency vehicle coming up behind me only to be overtaken by some twat in a girly car with a baseball cap on.

Friend of mine rode a bike that was the same orange as the Dyno-Rod vans. Wore a yellow hi-viz vest, white lid and black leathers, rode with headlight on and has been pulled out on twice, sideswiped twice and run into once.

People don't look and if they do, they 'look but don't see' (which is an official description cops use for accidents).

The average car driver takes between one quarter and one third of a second to check for oncoming traffic.

Then there's the plague of my life - The ones who either only look for big car-shaped blocky vehicles, or see a bike and think that it's not something to worry about because it's smaller than them and either they can beat it on speed, or simply that the biker will die but they won't get hurt in a crash.... so they pull out from the junction/roundabout.

Then there's the tossers who come at you on purpose, thinking they can concoct some kind of BS to convince plod that you were the twat.

Nice idea and would probably be great as cosmetic aftermarket accessories (seriously, DO THIS!), but really... I don't think little lights will do anything to make us safer.

it's all down to the subconcience mind, on a bike you aint a threat to a car.

nothing to do with size and shape or colour , you could fit a bloody big beacon on your head ,it won't make a differance.

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