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hello everyone my names Alex Vindis, I'm a third 3D design student at UCF in Penryn, Cornwall I've been working on 7 week long university project to design something for motorbike safety or awareness, as part of my research I've come up with this questionnaire please take the time to fill it out, you don't have to put down any personnal details only simple safety questions to do with riding, it will only take 5 mins.... Thank you

This project is designed to make a difference and the outcome could be made for real to benefit riders so please as a many responces as possible please....


Survey could do with multiple option select, since many of these factors are of equal importance. Can currently only pick one.

Other than that, cool - Survey submitted!

I did your questions...but I think you may be asking the wrong ones...

"Do you think that motorbike riding is safe?"

Thats not really a yes or no question.

I personally think its almost as safe as it could practically be, that doesnt mean its safe.

For biking to be 100% safe we'd need our own bike-only roads which isnt practical.

That said, i think its almost as safe as it could be PRACTICALLY.

"With all your motorbike clothing on, your wrists, fingers and neck are still the most vulnerable and exposed body parts. Would you like to see this area or exposure improved?"

Theres not much that can be done about this...Knuckle armour and scaphoid protection are present on higher end gloves but sans making everyone wear armoured mittens, theres not much more to do.

Bikers need mobility in their hands to control their bikes, there's always a tradeoff between mobility and protection.

Neck protection exists but screw looking like a twat, what did I buy a bike for?

"In the subject of safety what aspect of motorbike safety would you like to see an improvement?"

The bike - Fuck off EU

Clothing - I just covered this

Awareness - Cagers are generally too cozy in their boxes to look for us. Force em all into convertibles? or ban cars? Signs are about and I think they've had an effect but they should be EVERYWHERE

Hope this constructive advice helps you cause it took a while to write ;P

Peace and Love

Columbos got my vote, and make the car test harder, anyone can pass it and then it's flat out in every gear, if your 17 and just passed your car test then the same as bike riders move up in power as you get better not straight onto some earth shattering monster. just in case you think I am biased I am 59 and had a car licence since I was 17 and a bike licence since I was 16 and the only time I was injured was on my bike (head full of wool female!) so DON'T ask bikers how to stay safe ask BLOODY motorists to stop using us as targets., :madflame:

DON'T ask bikers how to stay safe ask BLOODY motorists to stop using us as targets., :madflame:


  • Moderator

There are gaps in the questionnaire answers and sort out the capitalisation but there are 2 main problems with this;

1) The survey is accessible to anyone so if it appeared on "gofastercarshatebikers" or "oldgrannysandflatcapdriversarebest" forums they could click whatever they wanted and you wouldn't know.

2) Answering a complex question with a "yes/no" answer does not work. If you said that you wanted more safety then that could be misconstrued so many ways from leg shields - old folk will remember that the tried to make them compulsory - to ABS, speed limiters, BHP limiters, more levels of licensing, compulsory daygo clothing etc. etc. None might be the actual thing you were considering.

Making car drivers drive to a better standard would help - Checking that some are still alive and do have some sort of vision could also be considered. I was recently looking for a "Biker aware" sticker for the car but they seem very hard to find. I would have thought that I could have ordered a couple on the interweb but gave up trying.

He never put the real question:

Q. Cars are safer than bikes so should they be banned:

A. Yes.

B. Only if its got 2 wheels.

C. No. (this wont count anyway as we will delete it if we need to).

The EU has a similar questionnaire which is biker negative.

We need a questionaire for car drivers to make them more aware of riders.

And ask them questions like

Q: Why did you pull out in front of the on coming rider?

Answer we'll get: "did'nt see him."

Answer we want: "I did see the rider, but i did'nt realise that bike's move alot faster than cars. I did'nt realise that the rider nearly shat himself because he had to break hard to stop himself from becoming a pernament stain on my drivers door. Sorry".

I personally think that there should be more Shock tacktics via adverts both with Bikes and kids being hit by cars! They had one that put the shitters up me with that bloke seeing that kids that he hit and at the end it just said "its 30 for a reason" (or somthing like that) but i aint seen it for a long time now.

If you scare the fuck out of people then they get the message, same if some one tries to steal my bike or car or damage any thing of mine i wouldn't hit them as such i would just simply "correct" them in there ways! lol

I will not wear high vis clothing if the weather conditions are perfect EG clear skies, dry and visibility is good! if car drivers are too dim whitted and incapable of looking past there own fucking snout then in my mind they shouldnt be on the road and i will not be told its my fault for not wearing day glow yellow jacket trousers boots and helmet (o and for not owning a ford RS orange bike)

Your servey is good but as stated above i think you need multiple answers, but apart from that i hope you get what your after out of it!

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