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hey you guys hee hee

well i officially have my mod 1 test next sunday at livingstone for 8.15am wow cant believe the time ive to sit it heh feelin a bit nervous thinking about it but i feel i know i can do it


good luck davey" will be a bit cold at that time in the morn,n :eusa_shifty:

Off ya go and nail it first time

Good luck B)

  • Moderator

You can do it. You know you can.

Aye good luck Dave you'll be fine mate.

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cheers guys

Best of luck tomorrow, you can do it

Just a reminder, dont forget to put your clock back (or is it forwards) tonight

  • Moderator

Have you passed yet?

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hey DT as much as i am emabarresd to say this beleive me when i say i'm gutted...here goes... i somehow slept through my alarm and woke up at 8am...the time my test was at so i royally fuct up..still need to pay for the test and such and rebook it.....cheers for all the good luck wishes an stuff though guys....now let the slagging commence...............

Dafty Dave

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You did remember the clocks went back didn't you?





Oh shit :eusa_doh:

Obviously not a memory mattress :lol:

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aye actually it is a memory mattress lol, i waited up til i watched the clock on my phone set itself back to 1am then set my alarm for 5.45 am and just never heard the futter. either that or i put it off myself but i know i wouldve got up so im blaming the phone for not working as its happend before

Well, what can I say Davie-probably lots, but I know you'll feel bad enough

Drewpy will post you one of his Brian Blessed alarm clocks

lazy feck,?

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up yours up.yours lol

wasnt lazyness it was a complete mishap/fuckup/curse whatever i was gutted this morning and still am but anyway...theres always a later appointment hopefully

dont beat yourself up about it , it's only money, :eusa_think: good luck on an early re-test.

oh, iff you want to , you can pm me your number and ill keep ringing you(not in a gay way) on the new test day.. :biglaugha:

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