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foamy would have let the missiles do their thing :eusa_whistle:

heh heh brilliant

too right i would have fired LOL :P.

hate to be a killjoy, but those radar guns have a maximum range of around 1 mile... so how they managed to lock on to a tornado is a mystery...

whats the radar range of the tornado jet? bet it locked onto the police radar, causing a fauls readout b4 jamming the signal. ......he he he ..........shame the pilot had some common sence lol

Radar range is classified, and in peace time i doubt they would have had live ordinance... :eusa_think:

Much as we would love it to be true ...... it ain't. This story has been going round since at least the mid-90's to my certain knowledge - I worked in the MoD back then and recall some of my uniformed pals having a chuckle over it, not for the 'Stupid Cops' but for the impossibility of it....

If only the so-called journalist had bothered to check Snopes before committing to print .....!

whats the radar range of the tornado jet? bet it locked onto the police radar, causing a fauls readout b4 jamming the signal. ......he he he ..........shame the pilot had some common sence lol

Using the Foxhunter radar, it's 115 miles, but shhhhh, don't tell anybody because it's classified. :lipseal:

Using the Foxhunter radar, it's 115 miles, but shhhhh, don't tell anybody because it's classified. :lipseal:

I've defended you up until now Nev, you do have too much time on your hands to know that !!!!! :rofl:

I've defended you up until now Nev, you do have too much time on your hands to know that !!!!! :rofl:

He, he,he, Ayup Weimi, nice ta see ya back mate.

Im more familiar with the AH-64s' Longbow system tbh, got a pic of me somewhere sat on one during my Afghan tour, brilliant piece of machinery

Aye crackin piece of kit, we get the odd one or two, flying over en route to Dartmoor. In fact theres rumours that a lad who's parents live in the village, flies pretty damn low whenever he's going over