November 22, 201113 yr Here in Ireland. we must be a right friendly bunch. i would rarely not get a response. i'm a regular nodder. i nod everything, bikes shooters mopeds cars trucks bicycles aeroplanes boats, 'you know' the usual.
November 25, 201113 yr since I turned by bike into a streetfighter I have become invisible to 95% of other bikers, I still nod, wave, flash, shout, but they still can't see me. SOB SOB SOB. Or is it like driving a german sports car? 911 turbos can wave to anybody if their feeling kind, 924 can only wave to other 924s or MGs.
January 3, 201213 yr nod.. common courtesy if I may say... hi all btw... new in the website and just want to be courteous as well.. hehe
January 3, 201213 yr Welcome D,sentry " most nod/ wave,, except some Hogs, mopeds are reluctant too. gold wing crowd are a bit uppety
January 4, 201213 yr i got ignored twice to day, ignorant fuckin pair of bastards, i hope they both have starting problems in the morning , it'l serve them right, the pair of twats, do they know what effect ignoring people have on them , well,,, this is a perfect example.... well , thats my rant of the day over.
January 4, 201213 yr I nod, common amongst race bikes, cruiser guys tend to ignore you or raise their hand, I'm on a cruiser, I try not to ignore people.
January 4, 201213 yr I nod to all bikers, sometimes compliment a nice bike if stuck at light. Cab Drivers usually get the finger though. HOW TO: Nod in london. Side nods will start a fight/race if its a teen on a 50cc. Frontal nods/waves to everything else.
January 7, 201213 yr I nod to every biker regardless of bike or size, however whenyour on your own tootling along and a massive crowd of bikers come around the corner say 20 of them for example, do i nod franticaly like im having a panic attack as they all pass me? or nod once to the first rider? or nod a few times? or not bother nodding at all? it's all very confussing if you ask me