Posted August 13, 201113 yr ok so did a few quotes for my 89 125 DTR. 25year old married man, 7 years car driving and prov bike licence with CBT. With my 6 points declared for an MS90, and a CU80 ( plus my TS10 which is now off my licence but scummy insurers say i must tell them for 5yrs) the quote was £124 TP only. now when i also gave information on my one criminal conviction, that went up to £700+ TPFT. Rang around a bit and managed to get the price down to £359, but its still more than i feel i should be paying to insure a DT125R Third party! Anyone recommend any insurers that specialise in drivers with criminal convictions?
August 13, 201113 yr Moderator ok so did a few quotes for my 89 125 DTR. 25year old married man, 7 years car driving and prov bike licence with CBT. With my 6 points declared for an MS90, and a CU80 ( plus my TS10 which is now off my licence but scummy insurers say i must tell them for 5yrs) the quote was £124 TP only. now when i also gave information on my one criminal conviction, that went up to £700+ TPFT. Rang around a bit and managed to get the price down to £359, but its still more than i feel i should be paying to insure a DT125R Third party! Anyone recommend any insurers that specialise in drivers with criminal convictions? yeah it stinks, you will have to shop the online ones and you may find that some ask for driving convictions would be time consuming but may be worth it.
August 13, 201113 yr Author they do ask for driving only, but the ones that do that have a section of "assumptions" in the small print. and one of those is that you have never been convicted of any criminal offence. scamming bastards! i got caught out by that on an old car policy and they cancelled my insurance 6weeks later! It takes the piss tbh, im not a career criminal, just a dickhead who made a bad decision. i held my hands up, did my time, and came out and got on with my life, got married and raised a family. yet in this "equal rights" society we live in, because i am honest enough to declare my conviction, i get royally bum raped by Mr Inssurance for 10 years from conviction date!!!!
August 13, 201113 yr Moderator yeah i feel for you Dean it's crap. I take there is a time frame and you are within it?
August 14, 201113 yr Moderator they do ask for driving only, but the ones that do that have a section of "assumptions" in the small print. and one of those is that you have never been convicted of any criminal offence. scamming bastards! i got caught out by that on an old car policy and they cancelled my insurance 6weeks later! It takes the piss tbh, im not a career criminal, just a dickhead who made a bad decision. i held my hands up, did my time, and came out and got on with my life, got married and raised a family. yet in this "equal rights" society we live in, because i am honest enough to declare my conviction, i get royally bum raped by Mr Inssurance for 10 years from conviction date!!!! "Rehabilitation of offenders act" normally applies, dependant on crime and sentence. Most "minor" convictions do not have to be declared after 6 years. Even for D&D, a lot of insurers don't bump the premium after 6 years although it will show on your licence for 11 years. Non motoring convictions work the same. Obviously, some background checks are excempt from RoOA and you would be best to check if this applies as you may not need to declare it. No fibs as that would mean that you insurance would be void.
August 14, 201113 yr Author Yeah iv already looked at it from all angles in that way. I have to declare it for 10years from date of conviction as i got an 18month custodial sentence Gonna kee trying different places, but to be honest i dont see anywhere being able to beat the £359. i also wonder if taking my full licence sooner rather than later would help to lower it significantly? i mean im screwed anyway with the criminal record, and im going to do my DAS in next year anyways, so maybe doing it now would be beneficial? I dunno. will check with insurers tomorrow and see whats what
August 15, 201113 yr read trough this fella Hope it helps at least gets price down for you.
August 18, 201113 yr Hi Dean To be honest don't waste your time on line as you'll fill everything in and then when you tick the criminal conviction box, the majority of decent top end insurers will say "unable to quote for this risk" or "refer". Doesn't mean they don't want you, just means that the system is unable to seperate the mass murderers from the paper criminals. To put forward a couple of examples, when I was in insurance, I was lucky enough to be in a small community where nobody wanted to use the internet, they wanted the same face day in and day out in an office that wasn't going to disappear all night. Well, ha, I got a foreign holiday in after seven years so I escaped you for a fortnight!!! Anyway, this bought me a reputation as a human being in insurance. Someone who knew who you were by the sound of your voice. None of this confirm your name, poscode, date of birth, shoe size, blood group. I appreciate that I only had about a 1000 clients but I knew 'em, each and every one. (Don't get me started about remembering their registrations, that just got sad) One day I had a call from a distressed young woman who was at her wits end about insuring her car as her husband had just come out of prison for a paper crime. Abuse of credit cards in his parents name. Her premiums back in the late 90's were around £700 comp. It was a nice new car (paid for by card, who knew ) but common sense said that this wasn't the sort of case that should be loaded with a high premium. A few calls later and I'd more than halved her premium after explaning to a few of my contacts about her situation. Like you, made a mistake, served their time and was getting on with their lives. The last thing they needed was to be reminded of their past every time they needed frickin insurance. Another example was one of the most harsh convictions I'd seen on a driving license. Causing death by reckless driving. This was a chap in his late forties, fell asleep at the wheel and served five years in prison FOR WIPING OUT A COACH FULL OF PEOPLE. He'd served his time but I can't say I felt the same compassion for him as I did the credit card case but at least he had the chance to talk to a human being about his case rather than a computer. Needless to say I did find him an good deal for his old moto guzzi and over the years his premium plummeted but without that initial call about what had happened, he may not have got back on the road legally.
August 18, 201113 yr Oh by the way, yes I now can talk about the old days as I am no longer bound by client confidentialty in case you thought I was being a blabber mouth!!!!
August 20, 201113 yr Author Thats reassuring mate thanks, unfortunately, so far the only company who i have found who operate along the same kind of lines are my current van insurer ( and the company that gave me the £345 quote). What always surprises me is that the so called "specialist" convicted driver/rider companies almost always give me either a flat no, or a ridiculous quote! I mean come on, im not a rapist or a murderer, i've never harmed anyone in/on a vehicle etc, and yet im treated like im scum! I actually had one guy on the phone tell me that the reason insurance is loaded/refused due to a conviction is because once you've been to prison once, there is a high likelyhood you will go back, and then the insurance company wont be getting their money off me! Im pretty sure that was his own dimwitted view, and not actually that of the company, but talk about tarring people with the same brush!
August 22, 201113 yr Author Well in the end, i just went with the £345 ( although as the quote was 3 weeks ago it had gone up to £359 but i aint complaining). To be totally honest, i couldnt be bothered spending another day ringing around, and seeing as im doing my direct access in a couple months anyway ill have to shop around then, so couldnt be bothered going through it all twice! That and the fact that sometimes its better the devil you know, and the company underwriting the policy is Aviva, so if anything were to happen, i know things will be dealt with properly with as little messing about as poss.
August 25, 201113 yr Glad you got sorted in the end. You were right about his dimwitted view and if, godwilling, the calls are monitored for "training and quality" purposes, I hope a supervisor picks up on his small minded views and he gets his a55 chewed. Aviva is a good policy and one of the best for not wriggling out becuase of the small print so at least your money is in good hands. Just be patient a few more years as the conviction will just become a distant memory to the insurers
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