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................I really must try resizing those photos like you said becuase mine are tiny compared to your lot......................

Try Pixresizer, I use it, it is free and you can do one or multiple pics in one go LINKY

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Right people, thanks for your help and advice. Check back in about half an hour or so as I'm resizing every single pic I've put on here now I know what I'm doing!!!! Quick update for you though, managed a good three hours in the garage last night fiddling with the wiring and the indicators are finished now so the tank is back on. Hopefully tonight, I'm going to be able to start up so I can finish the wiring on the side lights,low and main beams and then thats the wiring done.

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All done, enjoy :hyper:

If you notice in the last headlight pic, I've a nice shiny clutch lever on with a rubber shroud to accompany the Yamaha embossed grips (ooh get you)

One last job I remembered about last night - fit the new seat cover. Believe it or not I'm really looking forward to that one as I recovered my Morris Traveller seats many years ago and it was one of the mre stress free parts of the revamp so I'm hoping this seat will go the same way :eusa_think:

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Morning all :hyper:

Not a great deal to update this week I'm afraid as the last few hours have all been wiring, wiring and more wiring.

I'm only uploading the one photo today as I'm hoping the next post will be the finished bike from all angles (here's hoping :hail: )

As you can see from the pic, the headlight is now fully in place and aiming where I need it to. The bracket was damn hard to manipulate into place but it got there in the end. The swear box is brimming over and will happily see me into my retirement now.

The mudguard is back on and still shrink wrapped becuase everything is still quite grubby despite using new wiring, bolts etc. Where does all the gunk come from?


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The hand guards are back on and, to be honest, I wasn't going to bother with those as I've never liked those wrap around ones but after a couple of licks of paint and some very subtle Yamaha stickers, I kinda like 'em. What do you lot think?

Just noticed that this pic was taken before the Yamaha stickers went on!!!! Doh :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

What happened after this pick was that I managed to fit my nice new "brand new old stock" chrome rack from 1983! It wasn't the exact shape and size to fit a MKIII but a bit of bending, cursing and more bending and it fits like a good 'un. It was a tiny bit pitted from sitting on a shelf for 28 years but a good bit of Solvo got that out. After that a chain guard went on which was a great barn find. Exact year and fit so a couple of shiny new stainless bolts and the bike is complete.

Only thing to finish now is the recovering of the seat which, after looking at it, isn't going to be the pleasing relaxing job I had hoped. It looks like a pig of a job but I'll get there.

I've got a "performance" air filter to go on but I think I'll see how she runs as normal after a quick service before tinkering with that extra guesstimate of 4hp - oooooh.

One head scratcher of a problem I have been left with is a non-working speedo. The drive spins in the hub and the speedo itself works and the cable is in good condition. I'm baffled to say the least. I'll suss it or turn it into the excuse I need to buy that fancy digital speedo I've had my eye on since I got the bike ;)

Edited by weimieman

Weimi, that is looking spot on mate, you've got it looking sweet, and a credit to all the hard work thats gone into it, proving that with a bit of knowledge, patience,determination, and a small money tree, it's possible to bring an old classic back to life, well done mate, oh and concerning the speedo, you're not fooling me, I know you want to bang that Vapour Digital speedo on :spin2:

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Indeed I do my friend, indeed I do ;)

Oh by the way, took more of your advice and invested in a plastic greenhouse for the back garden. It's roughly 6 x 6 x 4 and it was half price for £27 so thats the next projects spray booth sorted out!!

  • 1 month later...
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Well, except for a final polish on things like the fork legs, tank and exhaust etc, she's done. Done, done, done, finito.

All I had to do to finish was fit the new seat cover and replace the belly pan and due to other household projects and covering sickness and holidays at work, I've only just got around to it today but at least I'm chuffed with the results.





Shes not concours by any means but that was never my aim. All I set out to do was breath life into a tired old classic and make it usuable as a daily runner which I think I've pretty much achieved.

I think I'm most chuffed with the new headlight bringing a modern twist on an 80's stroker. That and the fact that I rewired it through my CB eyes!

I'm still having trouble with the speedo as it still won't register despite the everything moving and working. I may just invest another tenner in a new cable to get rid of that possibility but I would much rather just buy the new digital one that has been on my watch list for the last four months!

2012 should hopefully bring a new performance exhaust but that should definately be it for spending.

Big thanks to all those who helped and advised asI probably would have given up and she'd have just ended up as a box of bits on ebay as "unfinished project".

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Damn the pictures are tiny again! I'll reupload later on as my dog is demanding a walk now!!!!

I should think you are chuffed with it mate, it's come on great, how did you go on with the seat in the end, old one off? next thing now is to make a nice vid of it ripping up the beach, I'm sure the missus will take some footage for you, infact you should encourage her to have a go, she'd love it!!

As for the speedo, is it deffo the cable? or a seized speedo hub that needs taking apart and regreasing? as mine was pretty much buggered so I took it all apart and after a load of freeing up and lashings of grease, works a treat now.

Top job weimie" you can spend thousands on a resto.. whitch if its for concours show,, ,fair enuff, but if its for riding, no point in too much spit and pollish,,

great result tho " :rolleyes:

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Right, let's sort out these damned pics :)


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Last thing to do here is a good polish on the fork legs. Also might need to tinker with the headlight adjustment as I think it could be aiming a bit high.


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Really chuffed with how the rear turned out. As previously mentioned, its a rear of a 92 DTR but I think I've got away with it! Also the light is nice and straight now and there's no evidence of the drill holes and the tie wraps anymore. The chrome reack still needs more polishing as "brand new old stock" from 1983 was always going to have it's challenges. Oh and I've sorted the crease out in the seat before anyone picks up on it!!!! :hah:


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Ah the view I'm most pleased with :) The tank needs a bit of a polish and the screw that snapped off in the bottom of the exhaust shield still bothers me but that will be a distant memory if I get my way and wifey lets me get a performance exhaust! Also I've got my disc guard back as the previous legs had the lugs snapped off.


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The trusty right hand side where I had such high hopes for pinstriping instead of the expensive Yahama decal. Oh what a fool was I!


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Not a lot to see on this top down one but those of you who grew up playing with Star Wars figures will know what I mean with the next bit. Remember the smell of a new figure when you took it out of the packet? Well that's what my Yamaha grips smell of :)

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I should think you are chuffed with it mate, it's come on great, how did you go on with the seat in the end, old one off? next thing now is to make a nice vid of it ripping up the beach, I'm sure the missus will take some footage for you, infact you should encourage her to have a go, she'd love it!!

As for the speedo, is it deffo the cable? or a seized speedo hub that needs taking apart and regreasing? as mine was pretty much buggered so I took it all apart and after a load of freeing up and lashings of grease, works a treat now.

To be honest Nev, I left the old sponge on as it was still very, very springy. I also left the old seat cover one so it's given me a whole extra three mils of ride height!

You're barking up the wrong tree with my wife I'm afraid as you've never met a more anti biker than her. She's not anti in such that she doesn't like them on the road but she's fearful of what can happen when you're on one. Reason - she was a nurse in intensive care so she's spent many a Monday patching up the born again biker after a bank holiday Sunday ride. My answer to them being dangerous - meh (shrugs shoulders). In fact, in all the years I've had a bike, she has never even so much as sat on one of them. Even my Mum's been on with me a few times and my dog Tilly likes to sit on the back seat when I move it into the garage! She did help me push it into the garage when I was having the starter motor trouble though so she can't be all bad. :eusa_whistle:

The speedo really is a weird thing. The cables intact, the hub spins and a power drill drives the speedo itself so all three components are working but not together.

I'll do some more chin scratching at the weekend I think. It doesn't remove the grin off my face when I'm buzzing up and down the drive so that's the main thing! I'm covering holidays and sickness at work at the mo so time is scarce hence my absence from the forum!

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nice one weimi shes looking smart now so come one man get some proper pics up.

Proper enough for you??!?!?!? :spin2:

You'd think with the amount of times you've advised me on uploading I'd be getting it right by now!!!

Just seen the chain Weimi, from this angle of the pic it's looking a tad loose mate, the amount of play in the chain from top to bottom should be around an inch to inch n quarter, now I wouldn't have spotted that in those little pics :eusa_whistle:

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Hey you were lucky to find that 'Tower'..? carrier weimi...just the thing for a weekend camping at squires...the perfect place to showcase her... ;)

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top job mate :thumb:

would be great to see it in the flesh @ squires

That look Flash wiemie" cool 125,,,, :yay:

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Just seen the chain Weimi, from this angle of the pic it's looking a tad loose mate, the amount of play in the chain from top to bottom should be around an inch to inch n quarter, now I wouldn't have spotted that in those little pics :eusa_whistle:

Well spotted eagle eyes! As I was moving her around last night I did hear a bit of drag so that'll be on the to-do list at the weekend. Those big pics really do show off things don't they :)

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