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Hi all, wonder if anyone can advise on this please.

Rode through last winter with summer gloves on, got small hands with limited reach and cant hook around the brake lever frimly with winter gloves on due to extra thickness shortening reach. Ive had the levers off of the dragstar and the virago and tweeked em a tad closer at the near point (a little better), if I go a tad more, will the alloy break/fracture? Ive searched the web and cant find any ref to this problem

Any tips before I consider heated grips before next winter?



i would warm them up before bending they should be ok or

you could replace the whole lever for one that sits further in

my chopp is running a goldwing clutch lever (because the choke lever is bulit into the clamp) the lever was too long an sat why too far away from the bars i worked out the correct angle cut a section out the middle an my mate tig welded it back together

you could bend them but its tricky not to snap it <_< best bet would be to get a spare one just incase

You know what they say about guys with small hands? ;):lol:

To avoid the risk of snapping the fragile alloy, instead of bending the levers so they're nearer the bars how about bending the bars so they're nearer the levers, the larger diameter hollow tube isn't nearly as brittle. :D

However, to be uncharacteristically serious for a second.........by bending the levers you reduce the travel allowed meaning that full pressure can't be applied on the front brake, and the clutch will never truely disengauge leading to premature wear of both the clutch and gearbox components. Just a thought to be thinked about.

What about span adjustable levers? I would've thought your bike(s) share levers with several others from the Yam stable, some of which may have span-adjustable aftermarket jobbies available.

I hear M&P are having a fire sale now, could get 'em cheap (if a little singed) :D

Just a thought .....

Keep looking for a set of leavers that your hands fit as if it comes to you needing to do and emergancy stop and you cant pull the brakes fully on then you wont have a leg to stand on (in more ways than one!)

Get your self a set of adjustable leavers, they have 4 different settings and im sure one of them will be the right one for your hands. Also change your brake lines for a set of HEL braided lines this will make your bike brake better and they look cool too. you make have to send your stock one off to them as they dont make a lot on them for 125's but they are well worth it!

Here's one that is free and easy to do.

At 5' 4", my Mrs also has small hands. She rotated her bars forward and slightly further down, so she could comfortably reach everything.

What we found is that the hands sit further round over the top of the grips - Not massively, but enough that the controls are easier for her to reach.

Try that and see how you get on.

I can take a couple of illustrative pictures, if you like?

Also, her brake is very firm and the clutch is adjusted to bite when the lever is less than an inch away from the grip. Every time I ride her bike I stall it at least once, ha ha!!!

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Thanks for the responses chaps, much appreciated.

Dan28, I wouldnt be comfortable with chopping and welding on such a critical part, potential for failure

Paul, already bent them a little, dont really want to go any more as may fracture, and my engineers gut instinct tells me Ive gone enough, I reckon we're right not to go more

Leatherat, Yep, hung like a donkey :D

Bend the bars :D

Dead right with the last couple of points, hence no more bending

Kirrie Pete/Noise, not been able to locate levers directly compatable with mounting/pivot and spring holes/arc reach etc

TaskMaster, yes, earlier today I rotated the bars a little and then rotated the lever mounting units also seperate to the bars. Its been more of a problem with the Virago than the Dragstar and I reckon thats because the Virago bars arent as wide and straight as the Draggies, so the wrists cock outwards slightly when riding. Its does feel a little more confortable, and the reach is better cos the wrist is straighter

Ill see how I go with this set up for a while.

Thanks again all for taking the time to respond. :)


to be uncharacteristically serious for a second.........by bending the levers you reduce the travel allowed meaning that full pressure can't be applied on the front brake, and the clutch will never truely disengauge leading to premature wear of both the clutch and gearbox components. Just a thought to be thinked about.

i use a cable which can be adjusted for the clutch , and the front brake lever has an adjustable screw.

but bending the levers is not advised, you can get adjustable levers for sport bikes but im not sure if they would fit a cruiser :unsure:

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I would not bend levers. You never know when you really need them.

Nothing wrong with heated grips.


duno what there called, but you can get things that are like handle bar risers, but ones that move the bars back, which would move the bars and controls about 2cm closer to you


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duno what there called, but you can get things that are like handle bar risers, but ones that move the bars back, which would move the bars and controls about 2cm closer to you


Thanks Joe, but the problem is the distance from the bars to the levers. That would stay the same with pullback risers. As I said in an earlier post, Ive made some adjustments and am going to try that for a while.


  • Moderator

I'm sure you can get dogleg levers from busters or M&P

Thanks Joe, but the problem is the distance from the bars to the levers. That would stay the same with pullback risers. As I said in an earlier post, Ive made some adjustments and am going to try that for a while.


oh i see, i thought you meant it was a stretch to the levers cos it was a stetch the bars....

inthat case just bend them more i would say, blow torch it and it wont snap

just make sure you dont inhibit there max throw

or you could make some custom bars/chop up the ends of yours and make some realllly skinny grips to give them more throw

ps i dont think your gona be able to buy anything from m&p/busters any time soon

See how you get on with the way you have them set up like you said you are mate, if the leavers are still giving you jip and are still un safe in your eyes that you cant reach them properly then look further into a set od dog legs or adjustables you may have to do a little customizing with different clamps but im sure with a little time and brain power you can do it.

What about those covers that break the wind and just wear your summer gloves.

Maybe :)

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