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Road rage!!!!

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I got offered a fight today on my way to work by an ejit in a car because I filtered past him [he was stationary] at traffic lights. He was wanting me to pull over for a fight then was shouting he'd find out where I live and come and get me... ! Not to worry, I gave him a two fingered wave as I drove off. Wish I'd have got his reg. no. as I'd have reported him.

I guess he may recognise my bike if I come across him on way to work again??

Not sure how filtering past someone can irritate someone so much?

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eeeek not good mate im guessing he was jealous as he was stuck in traffic whilst a bike could get out of traffic ;)

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When I went to the renault open day at donnington, we had bikes and the length of the queue was onto the A500 :o

filtering through and people were shouting at us and one opened the door to catch us out. if I was nearer i would have kicked the fooking door so it bounced back into his face!

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I often get cars moving to block me filtering through stationary traffic but I just wait until a gap appears and filter past, whilst it can be annoying it doesn't really bother me that much... certainly not to the extent that I'd want to punch/fight someone.

I was chatting to a lad at work a while ago about this and he said he tries to block bikers filtering as he hates being stuck in traffic and doesn't see why bikers get to skip the queues. I told him that was the point of bikes and whilst that's the plus side of biking, when it's peeing it down or freezing cold and he's in his car nice and dry and warm, I'm soaked and frozen. After a bit of a chat I think he saw he was being a bit of an idiot so hopefully that's one less person doing this?

Hopefully the fella from yesterday was just having a bad day and that'll be the end of it? But I'll be watching out for him in case he is nuts...

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you want a pair of these to scrape along his car, then smash im in the puss for good measure.


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I think these people need it pointing out to them that they maybe blocking a Paramedic getting to an emergency or a blood/donor bike, and how would they feel if some selfish git blocked or knocked one of them off that was going to attend to a member of their family who was injured or ill,

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They are also obstructing the Queens Highway, which is an offence, the same is true of these idiots who block the outside lane of a two lane carrigeway long before it merges into one, these fucking imbeciles cause more congestion as only half the available road space can be used, but of course the old bill are never there when needed are they, no they're too busy waiting in unmarked cars on dual carrigeways for people returning home from Weston Bike night at slightly above the recommended velocity.......Bastards!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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Yup you're not alone,

I too was riding to work on my 400/4 when some nameless bastard decided to pull out of a side road across in front of me, I slamned the brakes on and sounded my airhorns....he then shouted out "IMPATIENT C U Next Tuesday"!!!

As if i was in the wrong!!!! :angry:

hope he drops down dead with a massive coronary.....

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the way i see it, is normal bloke vs a bloke in an armored jacket, armored trousers, with Kevlar/carbon fiber coated gloves and a helmit.........i know who id put money on ;) and anyway dont they realize that its perfectly legal to filter?

iv seen a few wing mirrors go flying due to cunts in cages being arseholes! and done a few in my time.....tee hee he :lol:

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Those gloves do look mean...

The problem is if someone's going to behave like that they probably carry weapons in their car or would be stupid enough to try and knock you off the bike. I doubt very much they have the mental capacity to think through their actions and possible consequences thereafter. If it happens again I'll make sure I get the reg no and report them to the police.

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i,m an act now and think later kinda guy, but after some carefull thought maybe your right :unsure:

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Nice lot of talk here....

You have two choices:

1/. Ride defensively. Accept that you will always encounter people who will potentially knock you down, either by accident or on purpose. They are always better armoured than you and, like other road hazzards, it's just one of those things you have to work around.

2/. Be an aggressive type. Remember that you are on a bike and likely to come off worse in an altercation. Remember that if the guy gets out of his car, you will find it very hard to fight in full kit. Be aware that he may indeed have something in the car with which to arm himself. Be prepared to take this fight ALL the way, ie to put the other guy properly down. Forget this childish kicking the mirror off - You want to fight, you go in intending one of you going to the hospital... because if you start something, that is potentially what the other guy will do.

Road rage is a nasty business. It's not some office squabble. It's a proper fight and I've seen some proper nasty shit go down in these conflicts. Seen one car bash the other right out of the parking space that both were fighting over. You think your bike is a match for that kind of driver?

Ride safe.

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That's why I dropped back when this happened so I wouldn't be along side him at the next set of lights (as they were red) in case he thought a quick swerve would make him feel better. So far I haven't seen him again so all is well. I'm a big fan of defensive riding - at the end of the day I want to be around to ride tomorrow, not lying in a hospital or sat in a police cell...

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I was a despatch rider in London for 15 years, some of the shit I saw daily, was just ridiculous.

A 'bloke' was on his bike riding along and this car driver cut him up almost knocking the 'bloke' off his bike. The 'bloke' bibbed his horn and shook his head. The car driver was shouting his gob off and giving wanker hand signals.

At the set of lights they were both approaching, the 'bloke' put his bike on the stand and walked back towards the car, at which point the driver got out and then immediately saw the trouble he was in. He was nowhere near as big as the 'bloke' on the bike and he shit himself and said "I don't want any trouble!"

The 'bloke' on the bike said, "Well what did you get out of the fucking car for?"

Then the 'bloke' punched the car driver and knocked him sparko. Then he walked back to his bike as if nothing happened and carried on with his day.

Moral of the story?

Don't upset a 'bloke' on a bike who is considerably bigger than you, and when he bibs his horn at you, it's because you nearly caused an accident. If somebody does bib at you, cos you're a careless car driving twat, have the brains to acknowledge you were in the wrong in the first place. That way you'll go home with all your teeth.


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The only time I've had trouble filturing in rural Chippenham was when we found an unexploded bomb from the second world war in a field.

The traffic was built back for about five miles, I slowly filtered for approx four miles, until a bombastic lorry driver decided to throw all his lunch rubbish out at me. what a prat, everybody else pulled into the left.

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I was a despatch rider in London for 15 years, some of the shit I saw daily, was just ridiculous.

A 'bloke' was on his bike riding along and this car driver cut him up almost knocking the 'bloke' off his bike. The 'bloke' bibbed his horn and shook his head. The car driver was shouting his gob off and giving wanker hand signals.

At the set of lights they were both approaching, the 'bloke' put his bike on the stand and walked back towards the car, at which point the driver got out and then immediately saw the trouble he was in. He was nowhere near as big as the 'bloke' on the bike and he shit himself and said "I don't want any trouble!"

The 'bloke' on the bike said, "Well what did you get out of the fucking car for?"

Then the 'bloke' punched the car driver and knocked him sparko. Then he walked back to his bike as if nothing happened and carried on with his day.

Moral of the story?

Don't upset a 'bloke' on a bike who is considerably bigger than you, and when he bibs his horn at you, it's because you nearly caused an accident. If somebody does bib at you, cos you're a careless car driving twat, have the brains to acknowledge you were in the wrong in the first place. That way you'll go home with all your teeth.


here, here. that driver shat his self i bet lol!

i am a car driver also and do own a bike, and when i am driving my car and see a bike i am always cautious near them. i had this guy on a bike who rode like an absolute cock and i mean filtering by me was like something i had never seen coming to a stop at a round about. i was just about to pull out and he cut me up bigtime, right into my lane.

now i can appreciate yes he probably was in a rush and he was overtaking everything everywhere :unsure: but to ride where you are putting other cars in danger is something even i would not do, i wouldnt mind but he does it every morning lol!

the moral of this story is that even though i am about to ride a bike aswell, i would not ride like i wanted to kill myself and others, and it is true that car drivers do not respect bikes one bit.

maybe if they had rode a bike too then they would be more careful towards bikers and respect the fact that they are on 2 wheels with no metal box to protect them. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Lane splitting (as our trans atlantic cousins call it) is something I rarely do anymore. reasons? 1 I now ride an armchair on wheels, 2 I'm a bit of a coward and assume that everyone on the road is anti-bike.

I'm all for sneaking down the outside of traffic on a red light to try and get a few spaces ahead in traffic, usually when I am late for work but in my very few ties I have gone down the centre, I have alway met with an a55hole who is jealous that his has to stick in traffic.

Every bike I see splitting in my mirror I pull over a little just to give them that bit more room, not because I'm a biker but because I'm an decent human being and appreciate that they don't have to sit in traffic. Likewise if someone is travelling along at the speed limit and I would like to nip round them, within reasonable tolerances of the limit of course, if they tend to pull in a little I never ever forget to give them a little thumbs up to acknowledge their courtesy and also to let them know we're not all a55holes.

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A couple of years ago when "my wife and I" were going to the seaside, I drove there in her car (her car, me bike)and she drove back. On the way there she wondered why I kept pulling over to the left, "well dear" I said, "I'm letting the power rangers go past". When they went past they all raised their left hand to say thanks. That was it! On the way back when she drove, she pulled in to the left just to get a "thank you" from every biker.

I suppose the moral is that politeness doesn't cost anything but makes everybody reciprocate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Despite the bad press that Northern Ireland sadly gets, I commute every day by bike and rarely have problems filtering. Many drivers pull in ( I do think a lot of drivers like the friendly wave mike1949 is talking about - I know I did as a driver) At worse, the blind ones just remain stubbornly in the way.

I did hit some fellas wing mirror a while ago when I was getting used to my new bike and honestly felt awful as I had to keep going on due to traffic (no damage done mind you to either bike / car) I hate the thought of adding to any -ve image of bikers in general.

A friend of mine vividly remembers as a child sitting in the back seat of his dad's fiesta alongside his brother. His dad told the boys "wait 'till you see this" and proceeded to cut up a motorcyclist. He then sat on as his father came to a stop and watched the same biker dismount and walk back to his dad's car having reached the next set of red lights. With tears of laughter rolling down his face, my friend told me that all he remembers next is the biker tapping on the driver's window and a few moments later his dad turning round to him and his brother wearing what used to be an intact pair of horizontal glasses and having a face like a busted onion. Priceless. :biglaugha:

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