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I have had the Suzi for a couple of months now and did contemplate starting a thread here when the option appeared but didn't want to upset the purist Yami fan's. That said I thought s0d it. It is a bike after all :P

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Well for those that have not seen it. Here is how it arrived






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No problems OG. I have the week off and will get it stripped down as much as I can. I am tempted to put the spare engine in and see it it runs.

The plan is to use the bottom end (cases at least) off the original engine and the later engine top end. The spare engine is off an ER model and should just slot in. The carb I have is off the later model too. I am going to stick to this set up unless a bargain turns up. The main differences are that the carb is different and the throttle is different. My model should have 2 throttle cables to the carb so a push-pull and the later one just has one to the carb. The inlet on the carb is slightly larger so I will have to use an early ER air pipe to the airbox or get a ram air filter. I am not looking to be purist at the moment. I just want to ride the thing!!

No problems OG. I have the week off and will get it stripped down as much as I can. I am tempted to put the spare engine in and see it it runs.

The plan is to use the bottom end (cases at least) off the original engine and the later engine top end. The spare engine is off an ER model and should just slot in. The carb I have is off the later model too. I am going to stick to this set up unless a bargain turns up. The main differences are that the carb is different and the throttle is different. My model should have 2 throttle cables to the carb so a push-pull and the later one just has one to the carb. The inlet on the carb is slightly larger so I will have to use an early ER air pipe to the airbox or get a ram air filter. I am not looking to be purist at the moment. I just want to ride the thing!!

Hell I can remember as a spoty teenager a comp to win one of these in the Sun ,thought they were great, and spent weeks waiting for the letter that never arrived :( Yeh Im with paul it another 70s bike (so sorry cannot bring my self to say Classic) and i love to see this stuff this is getting better than classic Motorcycle Mechs mag :P

All the best with the rebuild,hope it goes well and please post some more pics when you can as rebuild goes on.


Aye, its a Yam site Dirty,,,,,,,But,,,,,,,,, i come on here to talk bikes,,,,,so any bike chat is good for me.

Now off ya go and get stripping :D Fire up all the pics on here so we can follow.

Look forward to seeing how it all goes for ya. :thumb:

Best of luck with her !

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Cheers Pat.


I had an interesting email from the guy I brought my spare engine off. At the time of buying the engine he said he may have some spares for the "C" model (he owns an "A" model which is very similar). The guy has given me a list and has said that he would get some pictures to me so, here's hoping.

Later today I will be getting the bike as stripped as possible and pictures will follow later.

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A quick trip to Tesco's this morning delayed the start of Project TS. So with a cup of tea in hand I went off to the shed. Hmmm messy was not the word so this morning I had a quick clear out.


PM approached and I made a start. All items that were not easily identifiable were bagged and tagged, CSI style, the rest boxed.




I tried to get the loom off in one piece as it will make it easier to make a new one if I need to


With the easy bits off, onto a stand it went.



The spare engine is sitting in the shed. The top end, at least, is going to be used, I think.


The original engine needs some (:lol:) work but I will use The bottom end if I can To keep the engine number correct.


Stripped as far as I can go. The CDI unit won't budge. It has had copious amounts of Plusgas and use of an impact driver but I need the mounting brackets more than the unit so it may end up being drilled off and the brackets re tapped. I already have a spare one but I know this one works so it seems a shame to break it.

The Swingarm is seized and I cannot even turn the swingarm bolt. I have exposed the inner part of the bolt by levering off the dust shields so this is being Plusgass'ed every hour. I may apply some heat but failing that, it may end up being cut off at the bolt.


When clearing out the shed I came across a few DT175 bits still lurking there!


Overall the frame is in great condition. All of the brackets and tags are attached and firm. Now I have to decide what I am going to do with the frame. Send it off or DIY?

If I squint my eyes I can see something that looks like writing <_<

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If I squint my eyes I can see something that looks like writing <_<

Bloody interweb :D

Thats better

:o the shed looks clean, where are all your pot plants ? :huh:

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Thats better

:o the shed looks clean, where are all your pot plants ? :huh:

Along the sides of the conservatory. Next to the spuds I am growing in a bin. As you can tell I haven't changed the shed yet but it is on the list, a bl00dy long list.

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Cheers OG. The stand is an evilbay bargain. £12 I think, picked up from a mile from where I live. I use the ABBA one for the SV but used to use this one for the SLR when I had it.

The frame is now on its side in the hope that the Plusgas will work it's way down the swingarm bolt. I have started to drill out the CDI unit but the drill is now on charge for tomorrow to finish it off. The only other seized part was a bolt in the battery box, used to hold the cover on (I don't have the cover). Someone had already drilled this partially out but I will need to finish the job properly. Happy with the way things are going at the moment with it :D.

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Cheers OG. The stand is an evilbay bargain. £12 I think, picked up from a mile from where I live. I use the ABBA one for the SV but used to use this one for the SLR when I had it.

The frame is now on its side in the hope that the Plusgas will work it's way down the swingarm bolt. I have started to drill out the CDI unit but the drill is now on charge for tomorrow to finish it off. The only other seized part was a bolt in the battery box, used to hold the cover on (I don't have the cover). Someone had already drilled this partially out but I will need to finish the job properly. Happy with the way things are going at the moment with it :D.

If I could offer you a tip on swing arm bolt removal, you have no doubt 'heard' me say it before.

Never in a month of sundays will the bolt budge unless the frame is rigidly supported from the opposite side, in your case (in bits) find a socket deep enough for the bolt head and more besides (or tubing), place over bolt head and then on solid concrete ground, frame on side...now hit the nut end with the nut edge flush with end of thread to protect the threads.

All your effort will go into budging the bolt and none will go into flexing or otherwise moving the frame.

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I understand and it is a method both you and Cynic recommend (scaffold pole) so I know it is a top tip. I have tried to hammer it before it was stripped, with the nut on of course, but it was too far gone. The bolts are still showing as available from Crooks for £17 inc VAT so is it worth ruining a quality socket and potentially damaging the frame for that? I already need the nut due to the earlier hammering attempts. I may have a go as I know what a pain sawing off a swingarm bolt is :huh:. The bolt seems seized in the inner spacer which is seized to the swingarm so it may need a bath in plusgas even if I cut it off to get the innards out.

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I have drilled out CDI bolts and got the stud extractor on them. All the brackets are fine. I also knocked out the head bearings while I was up that end. (the picture is not upside down. It is how I have clamped it to the stand to get better access to the swingarm)


2 more days of Plusgas and the swingarm is still going nowhere. Tried the solid socket whack - nothing. I have started to cut the bolt off now but, due to the very limited access, I have to use a junior hacksaw <_< I have blunted 3 blades and will get some more tomorrow. About a third through the first side.


So as not to get frustrated with the swingarm, I am starting to loosen up anything I know will need stripping. I have loosened up one fork and the other is the same except the top bolt. I can't get this loose at the moment. It takes a half inch square plug so a half inch breaker bar fits in nicely. It is just turning in the vice. I have tried an impact wrench, but it is still not moving. It is now covered in Plusgas again. and I will try again later. It looks like someone has turned the edge a little so this doesn't help. The oil drain screw, that I thought were going to cause me trouble, loosened with the first hit of the impact driver.


If you have heard that it always rains in the UK I have to tell you that the weather is glorious however, I had a touch of heat stroke on Wednesday night and my back is burnt so copious amounts of water. Working in just shorts, I also need to limit my neighbours opportunities to have glimpses of my buff upper torso :lol:.

The rest of my time has been spent pricing items and buying some tools I think I will need (especially for the engine tear down).

Take the fork tube to a friendly garage and get the guy to attack it with his rattle gun ? ;)

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Take the fork tube to a friendly garage and get the guy to attack it with his rattle gun ? ;)

Cheers BWJ. That may work but it still need to be clamped up and I would rather do that than some hairy ar5ed gorilla with no vested interest in the bits. The problem is I don't want to over tighten the vice too much. I am already hammering the handle a little :( but the fork still turns in the vice. I have just had a look on evilbay and I could get some soft jaws for the vice to see it that grips better. It may just be the case of cleaning the forks and using some non slip rubber to grip them. there is always heat :D you can't beat a good Bar-B in this weather :lol:

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I would be wary of gripping the tube in a vise (2 point grip) might be better in a pipe vise or a lathe chuck and wrapped in rubber or something?

Local pipe fitters or engineers?

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