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Blimey! Your restoration makes mine look like a kid with his Dad's tool box playing grown ups!!!! :D I can only hope that after you've finished you're going to keep it in the lounge :P Tell you what though, you've given me hope as I'm going to tackle my exhaust at the weekend. It's the original solid one with a tiny weld patch on but it does have surface rust so if your DEP can look like that, I'm feeling more confident. I've ordered some BBQ/Chiminea paint which supposedly is as good as high temperature paint but half the cost so until I can jusity the new exhaust, tarting up will have to do. One little job I am going to do though is while it's off the bike, I'm going to spray the exhaust guard chrome with a can I got from the £ shop! Might not last long but it'll look good for a few photos. I only wish the bottom screw hadn't snapped off in the exhaust, grrr, damned annoying. :angry:

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Blimey! Your restoration makes mine look like a kid with his Dad's tool box playing grown ups!!!! :D I can only hope that after you've finished you're going to keep it in the lounge :P Tell you what though, you've given me hope as I'm going to tackle my exhaust at the weekend. It's the original solid one with a tiny weld patch on but it does have surface rust so if your DEP can look like that, I'm feeling more confident. I've ordered some BBQ/Chiminea paint which supposedly is as good as high temperature paint but half the cost so until I can jusity the new exhaust, tarting up will have to do. One little job I am going to do though is while it's off the bike, I'm going to spray the exhaust guard chrome with a can I got from the £ shop! Might not last long but it'll look good for a few photos. I only wish the bottom screw hadn't snapped off in the exhaust, grrr, damned annoying. :angry:

Cheers weimieman,

Again if you've ordered it, then it's too late, but for a gloss black high temp paint, I use the plasti-cote BBQ spray,you can get it from Wilkinsons or the odd Homebase as old stock,oh and ebay, looks much better than the matt black/grey paint most exhaust sprays are, in my opinion anyroad ;) Good luck with renovating your exhaust too.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Finally got the tank finished today,

Started it a while back by taking all the paint off


Sprayed a few coats of primer


Rubbed flat, sprayed about 6 coats gloss black, masked off for green 'rover tara' stripe, pin striped using 3mm Silver tape, gave it top coat of lacquer took about 3 decent coats, finally flattened down with T-cut & maguires scratch X made into a paste, cleaned & buffed, polished and finished with Bilt Hamber autobalm.




Hopefully tomorrow, weather permitting I can fit tank on bike, have sprayed tank panels, just need to lacquer those too, also have fitted the aluminium heat resistant fibre glass cloth onto back of tank panels, as I've noticed that because the panels are thin and are flimsy, they tend to make ugly looking white crease marks on the panels, when the wind catches hold of them, I'm hoping the stiffener will stop that. Will put up pics tomorrow.

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Those gravity defying pics are awesome NEV...looking good :thumb:

Cheers OG, it's this cheap Aussie iphone mate ;)

Finally got the tank finished today,

Started it a while back by taking all the paint off


Sprayed a few coats of primer


Rubbed flat, sprayed about 6 coats gloss black, masked off for green 'rover tara' stripe, pin striped using 3mm Silver tape, gave it top coat of lacquer took about 3 decent coats, finally flattened down with T-cut & maguires scratch X made into a paste, cleaned & buffed, polished and finished with Bilt Hamber autobalm.




Hopefully tomorrow, weather permitting I can fit tank on bike, have sprayed tank panels, just need to lacquer those too, also have fitted the aluminium heat resistant fibre glass cloth onto back of tank panels, as I've noticed that because the panels are thin and are flimsy, they tend to make ugly looking white crease marks on the panels, when the wind catches hold of them, I'm hoping the stiffener will stop that. Will put up pics tomorrow.

Morning Nev

Where do you recommend the heat resistant cloth from because every time I say I've ordered something you have a better idea so I'm coming to you first!

Liking the shine on the tank by the way.

Got flip all done on mine at the weekend becuase of the weather but as they say, it's grim up north :eusa_eh:

Morning Nev

Hay Nev DT looking great,like the spray booth :D


Where do you recommend the heat resistant cloth from because every time I say I've ordered something you have a better idea so I'm coming to you first!

Liking the shine on the tank by the way.

Got flip all done on mine at the weekend becuase of the weather but as they say, it's grim up north :eusa_eh:

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Cheers Scott n Phil,


For the rear panel covering the exhaust took me one sheet, but to stiffen the tank panels as well,took me another 500mm x 500mm sheet, with about a foot square piece left over.


@Andy, that Acerbis tail tidy I was telling you I'd got, is now finally on.


Got the recovered seat, panels and tank back on after spraying, and Phil, you're on about a spray booth, that plastic greenhouse in the background, would make an ideal walk in spray booth mate, you could have it in the garage or outside, zips up nicely and will keep the wind and rain off any stuff inside, I can stand inside it with a little room above my head, £30 quid at Argos, or £60 for one twice as deep, but promise me if you get one, video yourself putting it up, it's deffo a youtube moment, as me like a pratt, put it all together minus the instructions, and just the picture on the box, only to find them neatly wrapped up inside the plastic cover, right at the very end :rolleyes:

As usual outside it's blowing a huey one minute, sunny the next, then peeing down, so I'm in and out all bloody day, but hope to sort out the spaghetti where the headlamp is, so I can get the cowling back on, should have had the engine back from rebore on Saturday, but the chap supplying the oversized piston sent an RD one and not a TZR oversized one, so I'm playing the waiting game at the min.


Thanks for the link, it's now winging it's way to me as I type :D

I was looking forward to recovering my seat at the weekend but the weather stopped everything. Well I could have done this indoors but being a typical bloke I threw all my toys out of the pram and folded my arms saying that if I can't spray, I'm not doing anything.

I don't know what you think but I was considering leaving the original seat cover on under the new one (subject to it fitting) just to add another layer of comfort and gain that all important five mill on the ride height? I suppose that's my only grievance about the trusty LC's, they just don't sit as high as the later models :(

  • 2 weeks later...
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Took some up to date pics of the DT today, seeing as how mr sun has got his hat on :jossun:

Engine back in, electrics all connected up and working so far, btw Weimi, the indicators, and horn does work without the engine running, oil light comes on the clocks, as does the yellow indicator flasher for the clocks, but no neutral light, maybe that needs engine running?

Coolant pipes, radiator connected and water tested, no leaks as yet





Went to put wheels back on, but both sets of bearing were solid so have ordered new ones, not too far off finishing now, reckon by end of month should be done :spin2:

Hay Nev she looks realy nice, bet you cannot wait to start her up, you've done a proper job ther mate hope your feeling better and enjoy the sun whilst it lasts, Ive been for a walk this morning in the dales was lovely, I thinking about trails /bridalways you can ride on any ideas :idea:

oh whilst on my walk (sorry again NEV ) hyjacker re my electrical prob you know I said there were extra wires etc ,wrong loom how,s this for a thought 100% reckon that the ignition swicth at work is a fit for this loom, the extra red on the engine stator part of loom I sure I have another Stator/coil plate "swap ? and the CDI am sure I have 1 of these a rough one with cut wire,s but fairly sure is the same if so and swap all these bits should be on a winner?

All this from a few hours walk :hyper:

Looking Awesome there mate! MOT on mine tomorrow, so once its all road legal i can start with the tarting up as i go. Already got a few cool ideas, should look good when im finished( i hope!)

As for neutral light mate, mine is lit with engine off. My indicators i couldnt tell ya as the bulb isnt in the clocks ( no indicators fitted) !

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Cheers lads, for the thumbs up, Phil, I reckon you've got a good idea there mate, you'll need flywheel puller mind, and to make some sort of holder for the cover, or windy gun, so you can get the nut off the crankshaft.

Seems that the walk gave you a bit of inspiration, ey? I used to go up that way twice a year with my old school, beautiful countryside, we used to stay at a youth hostel at Hurst, hiked all round there, Marrick, Malham Tarn, up Pen y ghent, pot holed the Buttertubs, Gaping Gill, kayaked most of the Aire too, buggered if I could do that nowadays mind, but would love the lad to see some of the views, as for trail riding, I wouldn't have a clue, hopefully it's not like Dartmoor, you canna do bugger all up there, maybe go to a local motorbike club, that specialises in greenlaning, trailriding?

Dean, good luck tomorrow , with your MOT, and look forward to following your project mate.


Oh by the way Andy, heres that gizmo I came up with to stick on the bottom of the 2t oil tank, just now need to measure and mark the syringe for a full tank/10L, half tank/5L, and a single litre


Nev Re Neutral switch have you taken it out ? as on old the DT only is a contact onto gear selector barrel maybe just worn or oil ,muck ?

I was around Malham area this morning and weather was great, bet it,s gunna rain tomorow though !. As for trails there are loads of Bridalways up here, but same as you down in Devon bikes keep off :madflame: must admit some of paths etc are in a real state but def not motorbikes more like Tractors etc.......

oh and like the syringe hope it was checked out before you used it LOL.

al the best Phil

Looking good nev! Thats far more elaborate than i was expecting for the 2 stroke. I might just keep a syringe on the bike somewhere and just suck up some out of the tank. Its got the measurements on it :)

Look good Nev, The syringe idea is genius. Thinking of scrapping the autolube on the KDX200 when shes finished. Altough you need to take the seat off to get to the 2T tank so the syringe idea wouldnt work unless i ran a tube? hmm got me thinking now :)

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Took some up to date pics of the DT today, seeing as how mr sun has got his hat on :jossun:

Engine back in, electrics all connected up and working so far, btw Weimi, the indicators, and horn does work without the engine running, oil light comes on the clocks, as does the yellow indicator flasher for the clocks, but no neutral light, maybe that needs engine running?

Coolant pipes, radiator connected and water tested, no leaks as yet





Went to put wheels back on, but both sets of bearing were solid so have ordered new ones, not too far off finishing now, reckon by end of month should be done :spin2:


Bit of an update on the Neutral switch, took it out to see if it needed cleaning, found it to be clean, lost about an egg cup full of oil mind, didn't occur to me it's same as a drain plug, duh!! then I tried moving the sprocket round, just to make sure it wasn't in gear, and yup it was, duh again!! banged the gear lever on, moved it into neutral, hey presto, Neutral light comes on the clocks.

coming on real well fella :hyper: loving the factory fresh look,cant wait to see it finished!

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Cheers Dave, almost there now, today I thought I'd try and start the old gal up, before I put all the panels, seat and tank back on, good job too, because no spark!!,

I've a gut feeling its something wrong with the wiring, rather than the coil or CDI, as both were working before the strip down.

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Auto sparky came round today, asked him to check the loom, CDI, rectifier, coil, all 100% no problems which I pretty much thought it would be, then on to the wires coming out of the magneto, again he reckoned no problem there, so I thought I'd give it a crank over, and hey presto started up no problem, sweet as a nut, rinky dink dink, until he moves the wires coming up from the magneto, stopping it dead, so checked said wires and notice a kink in each wire, right at the base just after the rubber grommet, so I've had to take the stator out, to cut and rejoin all the wires properly, at the clamp area. Will bang it back on tomorrow, and hopefully that'll sort it, but if not, I will be looking for another stator, if anybody has one knocking about,that they want to sell?

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