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Sorry folks, I had a wreck on some RailRoad Tracks, was unconscious in ICU for 9 days, then transfered to a Rehab Hospital for 9 months. They wouldn't let me have my cell phone or laptop so I was only able to communicate after I got home. They called it an TBI and have put me on Disabity. I had my helmet and leathers on, which they cut off of me. I got three brain surgerys and the Dr.s say very fortunate to be in the shape I'm in. :lol: I still have the 82 parts, and will try to followup on you inquiries.

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  • Moderator

Shit man that sounds a bit rough, good to hear you are still around mate hope you recover quickly merv

  • Moderator

EEk! just don't know what's "round the corner" in life.

Glad your on the mend though, nice to see you back :thumb:


Sorry to hear this JYA12R, glad your getting well enough to nip in and say Hi-all the best for your recovery :)


Bloody Hell, what a nightmare :blink: . I hope you get back to your former self asap. :praying:


Good to hear your recovering" what happened, was you on the XS, ?


Effing Ell. Chin up, what.

Keep smiling.


Jaysus thats a rough doin you got.

Hope you do a full recovery back to good health.


:) Thanks for the "good Thoughts", my wifw of 45 years says the bikes, power and pedle aqre to be gone NOW. The Dr. told them (wife and four daughters) if I didn't die I would be mean, so he gave me a way out. They said I was allready mean :o

BUT, the whole family says biking is out. I just hope I don't trip and hit my head on something or walking will be out also. <_<<_<

In the mean time I'm going to do the best I can with a second start.... :huh::D


Fair play to ya sir. Keep the chin up

There is nothing to be gained by lookin back wondering "what if"

The future is bright.

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