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Does anyone know of a fabricator that can make me some mounting brackets and weld them onto a petrol tank for me in the Notts/Derby area,Or even remove the mounts from a spare tank i have and weld them onto another one?


  • Moderator

you don't need a fabricator to do that.

get your brackets made, use angle iron or dremmel out an old tank one, clean them up and take it to a mig/tig guy.

  • Author

I can weld a bit lol,it's just the thought of welding a tank that seems a bit scary,don't want to blow my head off lmao

  • Moderator

I can weld a bit lol,it's just the thought of welding a tank that seems a bit scary,don't want to blow my head off lmao

didn't say you had to weld. make the brackets, that'll save some money :D

  • Moderator

I wouldn't want to be close when someone was welding a tank. I thought a tank had to be cleaned in some magical way before anyone risked putting a flame near it. I may be wrong though!

  • Author

I have read somewhere about filling it with water,but the thought of risking it still scares me lol

  • Moderator

I wouldn't want to be close when someone was welding a tank. I thought a tank had to be cleaned in some magical way before anyone risked putting a flame near it. I may be wrong though!

Yep, need to use a strong solvent like acetone to remove the fuel and the fuel varnish from inside, both are flammable. The solvent will remove these and although the solvent is just as flammable it evaporates completely with a heat gun for example used to warm up the tank.

Then rinse with water and it 'should' be safer to weld.

I know that the fab shops around here fill all fuel tanks/containers with water before welding on them. I beleive it is required by Workers Compensation.

About 10 yrs ago an apprentice welder was killed when he tried to cut a 45 gallon fuel drum in half without filling it with water.

Good advice....you make the brackets and get someone else to weld them on.


  • Moderator

Let me know when the tank is going to be welded and I will stay indoors.

Try spondon engineering, they'll have a very good idea of what's involved.

A mates dad welded a tank for me years ago, he just filled it with inert gas, think it was argon from the tank he used to weld ally.

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