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Post A nation mourns

Looking through some archived files on my computer the other day, I came across some moving tributes from 2002.

Excerpts from the Queen Mother's Book of Remembrance

"When you think how many more there are to go in her family, it makes you wonder how they have the gall to keep putting us through this”.

K. Popovic, Box Hill


"I had £20 on you going before Princess Margaret. Thanks for nothing, ma'am!"

G. S. Humboldt, New Malden


"I think of the Queen Mum and Princess Diana as our very own Twin Towers. Finally I can once again look the people of New York in the face".

L. Ward, Mansfield


"When Diana died I swore I would never smile again, but eventually I did. Now the Queen Mum has gone I cannot imagine that I will ever smile for the rest of my life, but I will probably break that vow as well”.

A. Christie, Hendon


"She was one of the old school, all the remaining royals are shit".

J. Clement, Grantham


"By the time she got to her age I would have expected her to be at least a great-great-grandmother. Something smells fishy".

G. Furchtenstern, Harwich


"I thought she would never die, she has let us all down very badly".

D. Holmes, Somerset


"The death of the Queen Mother is a terrible example to set princes Harry and Wills. Just like their mother and Princess Margaret. They all smoked”.

A. Fernandes, Uttoxeter


"She was a trooper and she never gave up. I remember one time she was visiting a school and I asked her if she would like to make a visit to the cloakroom before she left. "No," she replied, "I didn't give in to the Nazis and I won't give in to my bladder". That's how she was, a fighter who refused to be beaten by anything. She pissed herself later though -- it was quite sickening”.

B. Forrester, North Yorkshire


"It nauseates me to think that two perfectly good replacement hips have gone to waste for nothing. Has our Health Service really come to this?"

L. Ivanisevic, Colchester


"She was a marvellous woman and a wonderful lover”.

L. J. Worthington, Penrith


"I am absolutely devastated, at least we could have got the day off”.

S. Wilson, Bristol


"How refreshing to be able to mourn the death of a member of the Royal family without being accused of being homosexual”.

J. Fletcher, High Wycombe


"I wrote to her every week for 27 years inviting her to our flower shop. Finally she said she would visit our stand at this year's Chelsea Flower Show. Now this happens! I will never again believe a Royal farther than I can throw them”.

B. Sigurdsdottir, Bishop Auckland


"Her death should act as a warning to others who think it is cool to experiment with drugs".

E. Franks, Cheshire


"Perhaps if we automated her old golf buggy it could still drive around the Mall on its own and bring pleasure to the tourists”.

Y. Howell, Slough.


"Once again the Queen is not upset enough for my liking, the woman should have a bit more compassion. How would she feel if it was her mother?"

W. Waugh, Richmond.


"I remember her during the Blitz. She was always visiting us after the East End raids. I can still see her in my mind's eye standing in the rubble after a particularly bad one, politely refusing a shovel”.

N. Cohen, Spitalfields


"I queued up for 15 hours to see the Queen Mother in her coffin, but when I finally got there IT WASN'T EVEN OPEN. IS THIS SOMEBODY'S IDEA OF A JOKE!!?"

T. Langridge, Heptonstall


"It is such a loss, God has shat on our heads”.

K. O'Neill, Inverness


"I am sure the Queen Mum will not let this small setback put an end to her public duties”.

N. Wallace, Swansea


"I hold Princess Margaret in no small way responsible for this terrible event”.

E. Thompson, West Lothian


"Bomb Iraq for us Tony, it's the only thing that will make us feel better”.

P. McGregor, Southampton


"This has come as a terrible shock and surprise”.

T.M.D. Sajeed, Southall


"We must do all we can, send blankets, food parcels, jumpers, anything to help these brave souls who are queuing up to walk past her coffin”.

R. Thompson, Bath


"The old saying is right, 'Life begins at 100'“.

E. Carrefour, Kings Cross


"I have been unable to masturbate for five days, and will not do so again until Her Majesty is buried”.

E. Gorman, Derbyshire


"Good God, who is next -- Geri Halliwell?"

R. Combes, Romford


"Thanks to the funeral of the Queen Mother I was three hours late for a very important meeting. I HOPE YOU'RE SATISFIED!!!"

J. O'Leary, London


"No matter how she felt, no matter the situation, she always wore a smile. Just like a retard”.

G. Hollins, East Sussex


"I remember she came to visit us in the East End one time. She was so kind, so generous and so sweet. Whispering softly in my ear, she said “You know it's not true, you don't smell of shit”. She was a wonderful person”.

E. Collier, London


"Whichever way you look at it, it just is not as exciting as Diana”.

G. Williams, West Midlands


"If her exceptionally long life has any meaning at all, it is surely that it has no meaning”.

D. F. Fajuyigbye, Brent Cross


"She was one of us, and by that I don't mean she perpetrated insurance fraud or lied about expense claims. She was like us in a good way. God bless you ma'am”.

L. Weller, Harlow


"Thanks Gods the Queen Mum was not Turkish!"

P. Stepanides, Peckham


"If only I could get my hands on that fish bone right now, you heartless bastard!"

J. Hedges, Cowdenbeath


"I once gave the Queen Mum an embroidered handkerchief during a school visit. I doubt there's much chance of me getting it back now”.

H. Santorini-Sanchez, Cheltenham


"She had such a difficult life, always battling against adversity and misfortune. Let us hope that if there is a next time round she can enjoy a life of privilege and comfort”.

T. D. Wainwright, Hastings


"Yet again the Royal Family has let us down. When King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser it was the climate of the time, but the death of the Queen Mother shows astonishing insensitivity to the feelings of the nation”.

S. Jones, Cardiff


"How unfair for the Queen Mother to have been singled out by death. We should be given the opportunity to vote off the Royals, for instance that little prick the Duke of York. I'd give him the thumbs down anytime”.

P. Shacklady, Liverpool

There are a lot of very, very, very odd people out there........... :unsure:

  • Moderator

I am not much of a royalist but I had to laugh. Some classic comments there.

you either love them or hate them,,?,, me, i hate them.:)

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