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What was the result????? I realise I could wait a couple of weeks and watch endless repeats of the show on Dave, but I really can't be bothered with watching Sir Jeremy Clarkson lord Knobhead of wankersville. In the real world the BMW ought to have spanked the car, but as this is Top gear, my guess is that they fixed the race for the car to just win. Am I right?

Google is your friend.

Clarkson is actually quite fun. I don't know why bikers hate him so much... Actually, I do - They take him seriously.

He's been seen around Chipping Norton riding bikes several times (once by me) and he only chucks out his incendiary opinions to get a rise. Very nice guy in person.

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Ahhh, I was right then. To answer you question as to why I don't like Clarkson.......sufice to say it's nothing to do with his veiws on bikes, it's a lot to do with the fact that he's a knob, a child, an unfunny middle class ponce. No doubt he's terribly worried that I feel that way, but I'm sure I'm not alone.

aw, come on , the guy's as funny as fuck...:lol:

he has some great one liners..

it's a lot to do with the fact that he's a knob, a child, an unfunny middle class ponce.

Is he?

Or is that just what he's paid to be?

Is that what he has to do to appeal to the massive worldwide audience that his productions attract?

He plays up to a persona, almost a character, because that's what appeals to most people. His comments are designed to provoke a response, to make people sit up and pay attention. That's why Top Gear is so popular and why shows like Fifth Gear immitate everything, even down to the speech rhythms of the presenters.

Aside from just saying aloud what a lot of people are feeling, he does a lot of good for things like the Armed Forces. Check out some of his documentary work on them. No smarmy childishness there - Just a seriously deep respect for our nation's greatest heroes. I was also quite surprised when he did that series about foreigners and whether or not they matched stereotypes.

In person, when he's not playing a role in front of the camera, he's a very different guy. Very pleasant and I'd go so far as to say quite a gentleman.

A couple of quotes for you:

"Smokers pay £19,000 a minute to the Exchequer, and that's enough to pay for the whole police force. Or to put it another way, for every £1 we cost the National Health Service, we give it £3.60. Please don't encourage the state to dictate how I live my life".

"Good Shot!" (In reaction to being hit in the face by a pie by a protester at his Honorary Degree ceremony)

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Yeah top entertainment. I think most of the people that slag him off want his way of life.

Big comfy house in the cotswolds, tidy missus, several reasonably inteligent/educated kids.

Oh but look what he does for a living. Produces and presents THE most sucessful car motoring franchise in the world and unfortunately has to nob about with his mates in some of the fastest most exotic cars on the planet doing stuff we ALL would love to.

I drive a truck for a living and the poshest car i'll ever own is my now 12 year old rangy (was 7 when i bought it).

He must hate his life eh :huh:

When you see that BMW, there is no tail out drifting, no sliders down no 50degree lean angles. Just a couple of power wheelies. We all know its bollocks. What do you expect its a CAR show. Do you really think they drove across the desert on their own unescorted in the christmas special. Driving around in burka's, c'mon.

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Is he?

Or is that just what he's paid to be? etc etc etc

I'm sure he's lovely off stage, but the persona I see is the knob on Top Gear. therefore the answer to your question is.......yes he is. His show is massively popular as it appeals to the base instincts of the lowest common denominator. I enjoy parts of Top Gear.......sometimes, the bits that Clarkson isn't in. As an aside, both of his oppos are turning that way as well. Personal opinions never change, so arguing is pointless.

Oh, and as for envying his lifestyle........not likely, I'm sure his house is lovely, as are his wife and kids, yes he drives some lovely cars etc, but boy I bet he has to work for it! I'll never have anything more than I have now, without the fabled lottery win, but I'm happy A. not to be in the public eye all the time, and B. to be able to work 40hrs a week and play for the rest. Good luck to the man, I wish him everything he desires, but he's still a knob.

james may,, also a funny guy.....

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To be honest who gives a fuck, it is good entertaiment, best comedy show on telly at the moment i reckon, allows us mere mortals too look inside of cars we could never afford,

and maybe Clarkson is crashing into reality with his love of the Skoda yeti

I'm sure he's lovely off stage, but the persona I see is the knob on Top Gear. therefore the answer to your question is.......yes he is. Personal opinions never change, so arguing is pointless.

So do you hate actors based on whether they play a good guy or a bad guy, too?

Fair enough, then.

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So do you hate actors based on whether they play a good guy or a bad guy, too?

Fair enough, then.

I don't think that's quite fair, as your analogy is rather spurious.

Actors playing a part never purport to be themselves, Trevor Eve was Eddie Shoestring the detective, not Trevor Eve the Detective etc, whereas Mr Jeremy 'oh my god this car only costs £25,000 it can't possibly be any good' Clarkson never claims to be anything or anybody else other than Jeremy 'king of the dickheads' Clarkson.

Now of course the character portrayed by Mr Clarkson on shows such as Top Gear may differ to his usual manner, but to all veiwing, or reading (have you ever read his books, I have 3 on the bookshelf, recieved as a present. I read the first one but thought better of reading the last two as life's too short) he is the Jeremy Clarkson who is a spoilt brat from the slighty less expensive public shcool backround who has fallen on his feet, similar in lots of ways, although also diametrically opposed in as many ways to Boris Johnson, who I rather like funnily enough??!.

Anyway, peolpes opinions are notoriously difficult to change, and I fear you and I will never agree on much, although it might be fun to sit down over a pint sometime and have a chat.......you're not violent are you? LOL!

I don't think that's quite fair, as your analogy is rather spurious.

How so?

Clarkson has a 'stage persona', just like actors, rock stars, models and so many other public figures. How they play that persona is defined by the public demand and the producers/production crew behind the show. It's all sensationalist media marketing in one form or another - certainly whenever Clarky says or does something 'outrageous and prickish', Top Gear's ratings go up. Maybe that says something about the nation as a whole.....

I personally find owners of expensive cars tend to be very much up themselves and far too elitist to effectively present to us lower common denominators a show all about things we'll likely never own. But it's also not supposed to be taken seriously at all. Clarky himself is quite self-deprecating half the time and has stated numerous times that he doesn't believe anyone would take his words and opinions seriously.. aside from the car facts made evident in the programme and by this, I mean the facts and figures stuff, not the staged challenges (although I note the cars almost always lose against parachutists, jets, cyclists and whatever else they race unless James May is the opponent).

Car facts are boring for most people. Top Gear and all it's childishness makes it fun. If it's all such a bunch of toss, how come there are SO many women who watch it?

Anyway, peolpes opinions are notoriously difficult to change, and I fear you and I will never agree on much, although it might be fun to sit down over a pint sometime and have a chat.......

We don't really disagree so much, I feel.

We DO debate things to the end of the earth. Debate and exploration of ideas is good. It gives us a rounder perspective from which to better assess our opinions (which, after all, are only ever based on our experiences anyway).

but yeah, I'd love to sit down and chat with you. It's a big, fun world with lots to explore!!

you're not violent are you? LOL!

Err.... Now you mention it, I suppose it depends who you ask. Most of my female friends, family and biker mates would say, "No, he's lovely and adorable". My fiancee, my very close friends and my fellow martial arts students would say, "Don't let him near anything that could be used as a weapon... ANYTHING!!" :D

Me, I'd simply say, "Not unless I have a reason to be". ;)

my now 12 year old rangy

What ":o the P38A range rover, :lol: The worst Landrover ever " [ london taxi ] Clarkson would have a fit .:lol: Jason i"v a real LR90. old but hardy , 250,000 mls sill going strong ,:)

What about top gear biking over Vietnam " that was classic, you ever seen such a gormless awkward fker as clarkson on a bike :lol: ,

I like the program, i like anthin to do with engines and BHP.

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i like anthin to do with engines and BHP.

How about this then........




That's my old 3.5 ton modified pulling tractor (now sold sadly) it has a 27ltr V12 Rover built Meteor engine from a Centurion tank (basically a Melin minus the supercharger)running on petrol, loads a powerrrrrrrr! Run it on Methanol and it's LOADS A POWERRRRRRR! :D

I can't put the videos on here, but it went just like these.....................

Nice tractor 'John' :farmerjohn:

)running on petrol, loads a powerrrrrrrr! Run it on Methanol and it's LOADS A POWERRRRRRR! :D

iv never laughed so hard in my life! :lol::lol:


who knows what engine was in james mays honda c ,in that vietnam challange.

Nice tractor 'John' :farmerjohn:

I believe they prefer to be called "Harley Davidsons"... ;)

who knows what engine was in james mays honda c ,in that vietnam challange.

Want me to Google it for you?

I believe they prefer to be called "Harley Davidsons"... ;)

Want me to Google it for you?

no ta ttasky , old boy.

it was the cub 50 . hamster was on a nevel. and gezza on the lamb.

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