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I am stunned, proper gob smacked. I seriously reccomend you check your tanks, i am serious anybody that has an older bike.

I have just been all over the TDR tank and you will not believe this its like a sieve. 8 holes at or near 2mm across a couple of 1mm jobies and a fking great one that is about a mm wide and 10mm long.

I found all these by going over the bottom of the tank carefully and picking at any blemishes. I'm not talking massive blisters etc just tiny imperfections i mean tiny, the bottom of the tank is as clean as the top :blush: . I've spent the best part of 2 hours doing it.

TDR tanks are rare, crikey the bikes are rare enough. If i hadn't checked this over that tank although looking fine would have been scrap. It was litterally rust holding the fuel in. The tiny marks where where the fuel had begun to migrate through the rust.

I would never have believed that the tank could be that bad, there isn't any rust you can see from the filler but when i drained it i had to filter all the crunchy bits from the fuel.

Thankfully there is a rust stabiliser in the kit that should stop any more problems.

:hail: Just in time is the phrase i think.

Yip jason " i had one small leak last year after stripping to paint tank. Pet patch solved prob, .

While at it , If your two-stroke tank has a filtre gauze, in outlet, check and clean, i"v drained off my 2T tank , only to find it 75% choked with gunge, :huh:

And it was cleaned this time last year, Seamingly its caused by solvent evaporation, and dirt when filling, so drain them tanks on your strokers ;)

Eight holes, that's nothing. :rolleyes:

I've got eighteen holes in my divvy tank. :(


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Tell you what mike well have a race to find a very good condition replacement....... :unsure:

The last tank i know of for sale was in france, and probably no better than mine. Common fault, 'they all do that sir'.

At least i found it early and will only have a tiny bit of visible paintwork to repair. The worst of it is under the tank or behind covers.


Tell you what mike well have a race to find a very good condition replacement....... :unsure:

How about this then?


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Damn you win, what did you seal it up with, or is that a new one.

Damn you win, what did you seal it up with, or is that a new one.

Right Cynic. I have cheated a little bit. That photo is a new tank which I have treated with.

Hammerite underbody seal "with added waxoyl" available from Halfords.

Tomorrow, I will post photos of the progress of the original fuel tank with all the holes and treatment so far.

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I have got all the rust on the outside removed, tiny amount i know and will get some epoxy plastic metal (er?) so i can fill the holes.

Then its the full treatment when i get the kit. Once you have cleaned it all properly, rust proofed etc it takes 6 days for the (ceramic based?) coating to cure.

I'll have to post the results cos this TDR tank is a bastart to work with. Its 2 halves joined top and with a balance pipe about an inch up from the bottom, all the middle is oil tank. Would you believ that without turning it every which way to get it out the tank will hold well over a litre of fuel upside down :angry: . And i'm taliking about having the cap OPEN.

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I have got all the rust on the outside removed, tiny amount i know and will get some epoxy plastic metal (er?) so i can fill the holes.

Then its the full treatment when i get the kit. Once you have cleaned it all properly, rust proofed etc it takes 6 days for the (ceramic based?) coating to cure.

I'll have to post the results cos this TDR tank is a bastart to work with. Its 2 halves joined top and with a balance pipe about an inch up from the bottom, all the middle is oil tank. Would you believ that without turning it every which way to get it out the tank will hold well over a litre of fuel upside down :angry: . And i'm taliking about having the cap OPEN.

that's fuel for thought!! B)

first photo


filled all the holes with


then used halfords fibre glass tissue with resin


will now use


to create this


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Nice job, do you know if that filler is resistant to ethanol?

The fibreglass resin isn't and neither is the waxoil. So your trusting to that filler to keep the fuel in.

I can bore people to death with the stuff i have read about fuel and tank sealing over the weekend. And that filler is your only seal.

Just saw your post and would recommend a stuff called PETSEAL SEALANT Motorcycle Petrol Tank Repair. It will seal the inside of your tank and is fuel resistant, (well it would be when you think about it!)but it does a really good job of stopping the inner tank from rusting and flaking, it costs about £16 for 250Mls and that should do a 5 gallon tank. look on ebay and you will find it. hope that helps and resist the temptation to weld the holes, or let me know when you are going to weld it and I can come and watch, from a long way off, you and your tank should land about 300 yards from where you started.


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Just saw your post and would recommend a stuff called PETSEAL SEALANT Motorcycle Petrol Tank Repair. It will seal the inside of your tank and is fuel resistant, (well it would be when you think about it!)but it does a really good job of stopping the inner tank from rusting and flaking, it costs about £16 for 250Mls and that should do a 5 gallon tank. look on ebay and you will find it. hope that helps and resist the temptation to weld the holes, or let me know when you are going to weld it and I can come and watch, from a long way off, you and your tank should land about 300 yards from where you started.


Not ethanol resistant, there is a newer version out that is apparently up to the job as manufacturers are adding more and more ethanol to their fuel don't really know why.

You do not want to be buying the ebay stuff as it will fail with the latest fuels.There is a specific remover available to get the stuff out.

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Just saw your post and would recommend a stuff called PETSEAL SEALANT Motorcycle Petrol Tank Repair. It will seal the inside of your tank and is fuel resistant, (well it would be when you think about it!)but it does a really good job of stopping the inner tank from rusting and flaking, it costs about £16 for 250Mls and that should do a 5 gallon tank. look on ebay and you will find it. hope that helps and resist the temptation to weld the holes, or let me know when you are going to weld it and I can come and watch, from a long way off, you and your tank should land about 300 yards from where you started.


better still, put up a web cam and we'll watch from the comfort of our PC's B)

have you any piccs of the damage jason,

also piccis of your progresion...

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Can do Kev, havent had a chance to fill the holes yet. Not too sure how they will come out but i'll have a go.

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Just saw your post and would recommend a stuff called PETSEAL SEALANT Motorcycle Petrol Tank Repair. It will seal the inside of your tank and is fuel resistant, (well it would be when you think about it!)but it does a really good job of stopping the inner tank from rusting and flaking, it costs about £16 for 250Mls and that should do a 5 gallon tank. look on ebay and you will find it. hope that helps and resist the temptation to weld the holes, or let me know when you are going to weld it and I can come and watch, from a long way off, you and your tank should land about 300 yards from where you started.



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Could you be more specific Merv, that statement was a little vague....... :lol:

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Could you be more specific Merv, that statement was a little vague....... :lol:

Um yes PETSEAL + CHOCOLATE TEA POT, CHOCOLATE FIREGUARD. useless shit I have used it 3 times and every time it came off, and the insructions say it needs some rust in the tank to adhere too, I should have seen it coming i suppose

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