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Okay so im quite new to biking been, on my TZR for about 6 months

Just got it back on the road yesterday and with all the excitement neglected to do some checks ( yes I know .... I'm an idiot )

The chain was so loose im guessing it caught on something .... but the back wheel locked up completely and i skidded around 30m down the road with the back end right out to the side...... Managed to stay on her .... luckily but definitely given me the shock i need !

Sure are zir Glad you held it.

  • Moderator

that could have been much worse, thankfully you stayed on and did not hit anything,

let it be a lesson too us all, always make sure you have a good properly adjusted chain,

if you cannot be arsed but a shaft drive,

I did read somewhere of a guy whose foot was severed when his chain broke he did not realise it until he he felt the bike slowing up stopped and went too put his foot down and fell over

  • Author

Ahhh thats savage :S poor guy :( Im guessing proper leather boots would offer some sort of protection against things like that ?

I've seen the chains come off two bikes....

1st was a BMW F650GS, it just rolled straight onto the road, no damage, nothing, looked like a snake sliding alonge the tarmac.

2nd was on the motorway, guy on a blackbird (I think, was a long time ago), there was what looked like an explosion, chain went airbourne, cloud of oil and engine parts and he coasted to a stop on the hard shoulder. He bike was destroyed but there wasn't a mark on him. At the time (I was in a car and stopped to ensure he was OK)all he said was "shit happens' and rang the AA...... top attitude I thought. But looking at the bike, and the deposits on the road, he was a very lucky bloke.

yeah i was going round a corner doing about 10mph when mine slipped off the rear sprocket (oops) luckily i wasnt hurt but everyone had a good laff as i picked myself and the bike up off the floor lol i laff about it now but it could of been so much worse! safe to say i havent made the same mistake again.

  • Moderator

Ahhh thats savage :S poor guy :( Im guessing proper leather boots would offer some sort of protection against things like that ?

yes this is what the guy who was writing the story was on about wearing the correct gear, a good set of boots would have saved his foot, I think it was a few years ago when there was less metal between the rider and the chain

Wouldn't a chain guard offer any protection?


That could of hurt

and we all know about mellow yellows recent escapade,,,fortunatley for me the chain rested on the swing arm, and not around the rear wheel,,,?,,cause unknown.....

  • Author

Im not sure what caused my chain to come so loose so quickly ?!?! Was tightened up about 3 weeks ago :\ Now it has about 4-5 inches of movement :o

Ride it like you stole it <----- i love that!

Im not sure what caused my chain to come so loose so quickly ?!?! Was tightened up about 3 weeks ago :\ Now it has about 4-5 inches of movement :o

Ride it like you stole it <----- i love that!

What ! thats still way to loose,,,,,,,,1 - 2 inches should be max,,,,,,,,get her tightened

  • Moderator

What ! thats still way to loose,,,,,,,,1 - 2 inches should be max,,,,,,,,get her tightened

20mm for mine at the tightest part

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