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650 Dragstar........... girls' bike??

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I have a 650 Dragstar, I am a girl.

My boyfriend says it's a girl's bike and that I should get something more manly.

Now, I am only little, this is a big, heavy bike.

Would those who know consider it a girl's bike?? :huh:

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I have a 650 Dragstar, I am a girl.

My boyfriend says it's a girl's bike and that I should get something more manly.

Now, I am only little, this is a big, heavy bike.

Would those who know consider it a girl's bike?? :huh:

I know you are a girl, therefore I would consider yours to be a girls bike. :rolleyes:


As far as I'm concerned, a bike is a bike - it is not affiliated with gender. The fact you're riding in the first place is a bonus.

Yeah there are bikes that are more "manly" but just because of that doesn't make them suitable for girls. Tell us, what does he suggest for a manly bike?

If I'm honest, I'd say ride what ever you wanna ride. If you like the look of it, the feel of it, and the ride of it, then who cares what anyone else says?

Sorry I can't be of too much help - I'm just saying :)



if you are a girl , whats the problem with it being a girls bike anyway.

but im not sure a 650 would be designed with gender in mind, its not a honda city express.

anyway why does your boyfriend want you to be more manly , is there something he is trying tell you :o . chris


Haha, nice! Thanx!!

It is said a bit tongue in cheek, he's just messing about. I just thought I would get other people's opinions on it. I know there are a few other bikes designed with women in mind (a low rider Harley that I tried out for size a couple of years ago for instance). I just consider my bike a little unusual for a girl.

Thanx for the input :D


No way! Mopeds are girls' bikes! :P There is no such thing as an unusual bike for a girl. Just out of interest, what does your boyfriend ride?


OK, locked and loaded - Time for a quick rant!!!

The only real Cruiser I would consider a girl's bike is a Virago, but only because they're made for small riders.

Don't make the mistake a lot of people do by thinking that Cruisers are for short people. They may be lower to the ground, but the distance from seat to the controls is what matters most.

The 650 does very nicely for anyone, regardless of gender. I ride one and so does my Mrs. She is 5' 4" and can comfortably reach the controls, but anything bigger would need altering.

TBH, unless this boy of yours is riding a 2300cc Rocket III, he too is on a girl's bike and I can bring a good hundred female riders to the argument who would kick his arse on whichever bikes they ride. The new Honda Fireblade is a tiny bike (far too small for me) so it must also be a girl's bike, despite it's insane speed, right?

I know it's only in jest, but if anyone dares criticise your choice of ride, they can fuck right off. If he has a problem with what you ride, then he can pay out for whatever he thinks is a more suitable bike for you....

Of course, being a woman, he will 'decide' that the most suitable bike is the one you wanted in the first place, right? :D


Leatherat ;)

OOh, I didn't realise I would get such a reaction to a 'fun' question!!

He's into his sports bikes, but I prefer the fat bikes! We are all different with different tastes - thank god!!

I do think some bikes are more suited to girls and blokes, but that's my opinion :blink:

Sorry guys, this wasn't a serious question. I do realise bikes aren't generally designed solely for a specific gender. I was simply curious as to what everyone thought :)

(I'll be careful what I post up in future I think!!)

Have a nice day!


Leatherat ;)

Tee Hee!

He's into his sports bikes

I think you've just answered your own question there, In my 'umble opinion there's nothing more camp than a set of full leathers (especially the power ranger types) I mean.......

thin blokes or fat blokes just never look any good do they? You've got to be adonis to have them fit properly and after looking around there's not too many of them is there? Present company excepted of course.......although I think I may be anerexic because everytime I look in a mirror I see a fat bloke! And then theres the bikes, fast yes, boy oh boy yes.......but remind me of my white plastic kettle in the kitchen only with wheels.But as you say.........

We are all different with different tastes - thank god!!

And there's the rub. Each to there own. I ride not only a girls bike but a learner legal little girls bike. But do I care?.......well yes frankly I do, which is why I bought the GS550 but thats by the by. My little girls bike looks soooo pretty and costs soooo little to run that it is used a lot more than the suzuki.

Returning to your girls bike.........I think they look great whether your a boy, girl, woman or MAN but don't they ever hold their price!

anyway its difficult to convey contextual meanings including sarcasm on these forums, the little smiley faces don't really work do they, so take this, along with any other drivel I might contribute to these forums, in the spirit was meant.

Best regards, Leatherat :P:lol::DB);):rolleyes:


Sorry guys, this wasn't a serious question. I do realise bikes aren't generally designed solely for a specific gender. I was simply curious as to what everyone thought :)

Never ask me for my opinion... because I will share it with you :lol:

But seriously, no worries - Stuff like this is always in fun and taken as such ;)

no need for rants is there?

But it's my job...

That and typing up long, rambling explanations about how to do stuff on yer bike :D


Talking of which....and I realise this is not my first post and therefore may be a little late...... but I have these round black rubber zig zagged paterned things on my bike that keep wearing out, any Ideas? ;):lol:


In some circles a Harley Sportster is considerer a "ladies" bike. I would say that on this side of the pond, many would consider a 650 and even 750Magna type as a "girls" bike. I say ride whatever you like and the next time he needles you about something needle him back where it hurts most... In his manhood. Most ladies seem to do well at finding the ammunition ;) . (I'm not suggesting physical harm!! :o )

In the vein of the original topic; isn't it funny that people would not consider a ditch finder of any displacement to be a ladies bike? How ironic is that?

Ride Safe,



As a 400cc owner with shortmanitis Ive found power rangers only ever say that once to me. They tend to mutter uhhhmacnoss! instead :-)


Talking of which....and I realise this is not my first post and therefore may be a little late...... but I have these round black rubber zig zagged paterned things on my bike that keep wearing out, any Ideas? ;):lol:

Ideas... Get some new ones. How 'bout that?

I use Avon Venoms on my Drag.

Simply cannot fault them!!


My personal opinion... Ive always viewed them as abit of a girls bike! Along with Viragos, Honda shadow 750s and Harley sportster 883s. Although thousands of men ride these bike too, these just seem to be the bikes that most women go for. Its like saying an er500 or a cb500 is a learners bike. People say it because most people (not everyone) who have just passed their test go for a bike like this. All those cruisers that are considered a little girly are all smaller/lighter compared to others. A big, heavy, difficult bike to ride is the ultimate "Man" bike lol. Think about it, a VMAX, TL1000, Busa, XJ1300, all man bikes!



The 650 is NOT a girls bike!

I've heard a lot of people refer to the virago as such, but never the Draggie...

There was nothing girly about mine when I had it - it was all muck n muscle!

As for the 750 Magna being a girls bike - have you ever tried pushing one "FLYIN BRIAN"? They are fooking heavy! The antithesis of a girls bike!!

Of the 650 Draggie owners I know 1 is female (well, she got a V-star so it was "nice and shiny") and 12 are Guys...



All those cruisers that are considered a little girly are all smaller/lighter compared to others. A big, heavy, difficult bike to ride is the ultimate "Man" bike lol. Think about it, a VMAX, TL1000, Busa, XJ1300, all man bikes!

Big, huh?

My 650 Drag is almost 3 feet wide at the bars. It's longer than a Hayabusa, yet I still filter through busy London traffic perfectly well.

TL1000 187kg

Busa 217kg

XJR1300 230kgs

650 Dragstar 230kg

So much for 'Heavy' being a mark of manliness...

Difficult to ride... I've already mentioned the filtering. I have no fairing and still endure 90mph wind chill at up to -7 (standing temp). I blitz around town, getting pegs down as low as 10mph. It's also a very heavy ride - You have no foot or body bracing. ALL your countersteering is done with arm strength alone and you have to plan much more advance than the more manoeuvrable bikes.

TBH, I wouldn't say it's easier or harder to ride than anything else... But it's a very different ride!!

As one last point - The Fireblade and Ninja are supposed to be all manly because they're very difficult to ride.

I ride home after a week of long, tiring work. The absolute LAST thing I want is to be on that knife edge of riding skill, when I'm tired, surrounded by rush-hour tossers and just want to go home.

There are old riders and there are bold riders... there are no old, bold riders. :D


Think about it, a VMAX, TL1000, Busa, XJ1300, all man bikes!

My 16yr old daughter can ride my XJR1300, I wouldn't say it's a mans bike. It's the easiest bike to ride that I have. The XT, now that takes some balls to ride at speed, and the TTR with it Enduro Tyres on, you gotta have balls of steel to corner that on tarmac.....

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