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Have 1997 Royal Star. Throttle is hard to hold open. Hurts my wrist and arm after a few hours. No problem otherwise. Ideas anyone?

Yes, have several ideas, all of them cheap and easy.

Will make riding your bike a dream.

But I'm not going to tell you...

I have a rule - Anyone who just comes in here stating a problem with their one and only post, expecting us to unload a wealth of solutions is considered extremely rude. Try doing that in your local pub and see what response you get - It's the same thing here.

Effectively, you have wandered in, said, "Oi, this is my problem. What do I do?", without so much as even a Hello or asking for our help.

This is not an online technical support service where you can just demand fixes.

Rather, we are a community and we much prefer people to contribute in some way. There is an Introductions thread for starters and we have numerous Profile fields so we can get to know who you are better.

If you take part and join in with us, you will find a wealth of friends, help, advice and support in all walks of life, not just biking.

If you're just gonna be a stranger, demand info and then fuck off, we don't want to know. Mechanics get paid to do that. We don't!!

Use Google like the rest of them.

Yes, have several ideas, all of them cheap and easy.

Will make riding your bike a dream.

But I'm not going to tell you...

I have a rule - Anyone who just comes in here stating a problem with their one and only post, expecting us to unload a wealth of solutions is considered extremely rude. Try doing that in your local pub and see what response you get - It's the same thing here.

Effectively, you have wandered in, said, "Oi, this is my problem. What do I do?", without so much as even a Hello or asking for our help.

This is not an online technical support service where you can just demand fixes.

Rather, we are a community and we much prefer people to contribute in some way. There is an Introductions thread for starters and we have numerous Profile fields so we can get to know who you are better.

If you take part and join in with us, you will find a wealth of friends, help, advice and support in all walks of life, not just biking.

If you're just gonna be a stranger, demand info and then fuck off, we don't want to know. Mechanics get paid to do that. We don't!!

Use Google like the rest of them.


But I'm not going to tell you...

Someone didn't get thier shar of lov'in last night......

Fair point, put in your usual touchy solftly feely way........ :lol:

  • Moderator

Fair doos mate i agree

but did someone get him wet or feed him after midnight ??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm more than happy to help... and even be polite about it.

But I do get pissed off with people coming through here, all One Post Wonders, whose sole contribution to the forum is:

"I have this problem. Tell me how to fix it".

Don't know who they are, where they're from and never see them after that.

We do occasionally get those who return to post how "This forum is crap. I posted ten whole minutes ago and no-one's replied with a hugely detailed solution. You all suck!!!".

There are many people on here with decades of experience, knowledge and wisdom, much of which they freely share with those who ask. The least people can do is make friends and ask politely. Demanding and expecting, like so many do, isn't really going to inspire anyone to offer advice now, is it?

And no, I got no loving last night. I had to do the shopping, take out the bins, do all the washing up and only then could I start dinner, which meant I was in the kitchen missing Sons Of Anarchy on TV. All SWMBO did was laze around watching her stories on TV.... Plus my phone was broken. I had to jump-start it in the end!!

But still - Regardless of my ranting, scathing manner, this still ain't a free online troubleshooting service.

and yes, I do this in real life too - woe betide any shop assistant who isn't polite to me.... :lol:

oh,i will do the :welcome:, to the forum thing,as grumpy wont.welcome andy9,Ttasks realy a pussycat , once you get to know him.


Well said Ttaskmaster, well said.

I dont know about you, but I dont think hes coming back....


And no, I got no loving last night. I had to do the shopping, take out the bins, do all the washing up and only then could I start dinner, which meant I was in the kitchen missing Sons Of Anarchy on TV. All SWMBO did was laze around watching her stories on TV.... Plus my phone was broken. I had to jump-start it in the end!!


Time to burn your underpants, chain yourself to the fence and seek some equality.

Perhaps, and this is only a suggestion, can newbies be restricted to a 'Let me introduce myself' forum, then when they have a post in there they can post elseware ?

Yes, it's a bit of work for Alex, but he's nothing else better to do with his time I'm sure :P

Anyway - Bikes packed, so I'm off for some off road/on road niles for the weekend, some campings and beers with like minded fok. Catch ya Monday.


Time to burn your underpants, chain yourself to the fence and seek some equality.

Well, she *did* buy a brand new washer-dryer, I suppose.... :D

Perhaps, and this is only a suggestion, can newbies be restricted to a 'Let me introduce myself' forum, then when they have a post in there they can post elseware ?

Yes, it's a bit of work for Alex, but he's nothing else better to do with his time I'm sure :P

I like this idea.

Several other forums do something similar to stop the 'through traffic'.


Perhaps, and this is only a suggestion, can newbies be restricted to a 'Let me introduce myself' forum, then when they have a post in there they can post elseware ?


Brilliant idea, quite a few posts start "let me introduce myself" And then straight into the question they really wanted to ask in the first place.

Also I notice there's a lack of info, like where they come from?, gender?, age?,

  • Moderator

Brilliant idea, quite a few posts start "let me introduce myself" And then straight into the question they really wanted to ask in the first place.

Also I notice there's a lack of info, like where they come from?, gender?, age?,

I find the profile generally gets filled out by the more enthusiastic newbies, we are not talking a lot here are we.

we are not talking a lot here are we.

Please explain?

Also, do we need three headings? The Bar, General Area, and Yamabyss ???

  • Moderator

Please explain?

The profile deatails with what bike they ride, interests etc. If thats blank i rarely take any notice of the rest of the post. Some of the replies can take a while to sort out.

I do think the 3 headings work tbh. You can gob off in yamby's without worrying about language and being PC too much as it says in the title your giving it large. The other 2 do overlap but they do sort the topics out.

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