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Firstly all I want is the empty shell.

I hate the style of the stock ones on an xvs125. Plus, will replacing them with an empty shell make it sound better too??

Moreover, how hard is it? Is it a case of perhaps getting the right materials? the right size pipe? the right fixings? will an empty-shell get hot?

How hard is it to find chrome piping??? And then would it be possible to slash-cut it? hmm

Brain storming please? :)


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It will probably sound 'better' to a certain extent... But it is still a 125. It *may* even sound worse... :(

Yes, the shell will still get hot. Very hot.

If they'll fit, a standard set of mufflers off a bigger bike (emptied, of course) may well work fine. You should be able to get the right size of inner collar to fit them tight onto your pipes, so it's just a case of proper and secure fixings.

In fact, maybe see if a set of 650 Drag silencers will work.

You'd probably need to cut the back open, gut the baffles out and maybe re-weld the back plate on. You'd then have a set of straight-throughs going... or leave them as is and just cut the open silencers to shape.

You WILL need to re-jet.

Just don't expect to pass MOT afterward!!


I've called around a few engineer shops regarding straight through pipes.they say it would be easy enough to do however the 3 I've called stressed that they havn't ever made any for 125's.so the results are unknown,they would still expect to be paid,also by the time the steel is chromed your looking at a pretty penny.my concern was ending up with a very expensive set of shiny curtain poles lol.


id sugest getting hold of a brand new set of standard exhausts so u can put them on for the mot, then on the old set chop the muffler about half way (at an angle) then ul b left with some nice slashcuts il show u in a pic. soz for the quality lol but i had to use paint but it gives u the general idea :D



oh wow.

It's harder than i thought then....

I was pretty much planning on making the shell and fixing it on somehow haha :( silly me.

I'll look into it.

That fact that I'm building it is mainly due to me having a lack of money :(



Oh and thanks for the pic paul.

I don't get it


pipes like that LOOK like they would fit the 125... why on earth wouldn't they???!

I can't really afford a new set of pipes though - if I'm honest. Moreover, it's harder to find cheap pipes for the xvs125.



From what you are saying you don't have the experience or equipment to make a good job of this. I'd pay someone to do it or buy a ready made system.

What I'd do is buy a selection of stainless angles and tube and baffle mesh. I'd TIG them torgether to make a Harley style set of drag pipes. Apart from the welder you'd need access to a lathe and selection of other tools to make up the collars and flanges. I don't take on this work any more as you can buy ready made stuff for less then half what I'd have to charge for my time.


If you're lucky, I *might* have a set of old 650 Drag pipes knocking around.

The pipes themselves are shot, rusty and one heat shield was wrenched off by a car... But I believe the mufflers are complete and in reasonable nick. Perhaps some slight spotting from light rust or summat, but nothing a bit of elbow grease won't fix.


Wow cheers guys.

I don't have the tools myself - but I know a friend who does!

Moreover, he's just finished a motor sport engineering diploma, which may come in handy...

Cheers for the responses though!



Oh and if I were to slash-cut a different set of stock ones, as Paul suggested, what would be the best tool to cut em with?



one tip, use a plummer's heat mat to wrap round the baffle first, then pack the baffle with fibre glass - lasts much longer like that.


Oh and if I were to slash-cut a different set of stock ones, as Paul suggested, what would be the best tool to cut em with?


for best results id suggest a decent hacksaw and take the time to get a good finish.

personally id crack out the grinder with a metal cutting disk on it and cut it that way but dont know what it would do to the chrome due to the heat(could crack/peal or turn a funny colour) but saying that...it is an exhaust so might be ok. but you will need another exhaust for it to pass the mot and ur looking at about 300 quid for a standard set. :blink:

i did something like this with my sachs roadster it had a similar exhaust system to the drag but needed a new one, so i decided to hack at the old one and took the top muffler off and the baffles out, its now a very loud 2 into 1 straight through pipe. :D looks good too!


Oh right.

As me and ttaskmaster discussed - the biggest problem is re-jetting.

What price would I be looking to do that for (considering I don't know how to do it myself)



Oh right.

As me and ttaskmaster discussed - the biggest problem is re-jetting.

What price would I be looking to do that for (considering I don't know how to do it myself)


oh re jetting is easy! the only problem ul get into is finding the right size jets.

if u pay someone then uv got to pay for the jets plus whateva they charge for labour!!! so going off £36 per hour and say £7 for the jets ur looking at £43 quid!

the only hard part to re- jetting is taking the carb off.

i think the dragstar has a 90 main jet so if u put a straight through exhaust ul b wanting a 95 or 100 main jet (buy the 100 1st to see if its ok if its too much then go down to 95)

if it starts and runs with the new exhaust and jets then do a plug check, adjust the carb to get the mix right..... done

if it wont start after putting the exhaust on then ur going to need a 0.5 or 1.0 bigger pilot jet to sort it out. then just hope you dont blow ur piston rings lol :D

best thing to do is bring it to mine and pay me 20 quid to sort it out lol, i can get main jets for £1 a pop but the pilot jets cost anywhere up to £7.


ahhh I would bring it to yours. althought - it says you're in Derbyshire. I'm in London. Sorry matey :)

I watched a video the other day on how to take the carbs off and re-jet. The main jet is the bigger one and the pilot is the smaller one next to it right???

I don't know much about it - but if I went to use 100's, will I get a "richer" fuel source and therefore get more power from my bike (just an assumption - more fuel combusted = more power) or am I wrong. So much for A level physics - I still don't know shit about an engine... haha!

Okay so I mean - any more tips? I always feel like I'm raping the forum of information by asking SOO much - it just seems that I know SOO little :)

cheers guys.



when u take the cover off the carb the main jet is in the middle and is wider than the pilot jet (which is next to it and is quite long compared to the main jet)

now cause its a 4 stroke you wont increase top end speed by putting in a bigger main jet ul just give it a little more torque but if u do decide to put straight through exhausts on then it will sort of equal things out a little.

il give u a tip (if you decide to do it) do one thing at a time wether it be putting in a main jet or changing the needle length cause u dont want to do a load of things to find it wont run properly and have to go through everything uv done to source the problem (its a pain in the arse when that happens!) but yeah its quite simple just a bit tedious. but if you get stuck just pm me and i can go through it with u.

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