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Just wanted to let you all know - Claire and I are engaged!!



Congratulations!! My girlfriend and I got engaged Christmas eve last year :) It's a special, special time for you ahead. Make sure you know how to use a vacuum cleaner ;)

Congratulations, once again :)

  • Moderator

way hay!! congrats to you both :thumb:

hope Claire likes bikes as much as you? :kisses2:

Congratulations to you both :love-struct::beerchug:

These are for Ttaskmistress :kissflowers:

  • Author

hope Claire likes bikes as much as you? :kisses2:

Err.... You do know me, right? :lol:

Claire has the exact same model of bike as me and rides in a patched Sisterhood. ;)

These are for Ttaskmistress :kissflowers:

She sends massive hugs to ya for that, Barkie!!!

Congratulations :)

congrats mate :)


Here's my nickle's worth of free advice.

If there is a choice she's asking you about (napkin color, candle size, or shoe color) and it is of little concequence to you, avoid saying "I don't care"... it gets misinterpreted into "I'm indifferent to our future", causing tears, and thoughts of "does he REALLY want to do this, he can't even decide on how big the candles will be..... he hates me"

A simple "I trust your judgement" will pull your hind out of the fire.

I wish someone told me that.... I learned the hard way.

  • Moderator

Congrats mate. having a wife saves spending evenings chasing women to get a leg over i tell ya, i have been married to mine for 27 years now. still not really sure about he though

Congratulations mate!...

When do we hear the wedding bells?!?...



  • Author

April 2012 is, I believe, her date in mind.....

Congrats Ttaskmaster,:thumb:

Will ya's be heading to the chappel in one of those Trike's-----best man behind the controls and you two sittin in the back !!!

  • Author

Best man cannot ride (long story) and Claire is too much of a traditionalist for a Biker wedding.

Besides, if we start down the Biker route, we'll have to invite all the friends from Patched Clubs, deal with arguments over Colours and so on...

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