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If you like them and already have experience of them, then either of the Viragoes will be a good buy!!


have had Vulcans the VN750 twice never again, my main reason for buying a virago firstly it aint water cooled and its reasonably easy to get spares esp filters plugs the normal consumeables unlike the vulcans hard to get and not readily available .

The main reason is i like the rideing position plus shaft drive as hate chain driven bikes just a pain to maintain , my 535 is a 1991 with only 12000 on the clock is realy in excellent nick , price wise it owes me around £1200 worth every penny .

Cheers Charlies xv

  • 3 years later...

I am considering returning to motercycling after a long history in the UK, but a long layoff since coming to Canada - so please excuse my ignorance! However the 535 looks interesting, so ...

Two questions - one about this "starter clutch" Wikapedia suggests this is only a problem with a couple of years (88, 89?) Is this the case? What exactly goes wrong? Is there any warning of impending failure? is it a total tear down vs simple replacement part, or ...?

Secondly is it possible to get paniers and a rear rack and top box to fit, or is this a major tube welding job to add these?


To start with, ill be blunt..............the 535 is a complete puffs bike (in my opinion as been descussed in many a thread) it looks crap, all out of proportion and as prooved by Gizmo who went from a dragstar to a virago back to a dragstar the dragstar is a much better bike.

Secondly its best you shoot over to the new members section and introduce yourself. One you have posted on a dead thread (which aint a bad thing) secondly you wouldn't get a nice reply if you dont tell us who your are what your hobbies are etc etc

Stuff, yes, no, yes if you like Givi, no... respectively.

Details happily upon request, but only once ye get that Intro up, fella! ;)

Noisy, the 535 is NOT a poof's bike... just designed for certain smaller riders. If I'd actually bought the Viggie I originally had my eye on, you'd be eating yer own heart out!!


To start with, ill be blunt..............the 535 is a complete puffs bike (in my opinion as been descussed in many a thread) it looks crap, all out of proportion and as prooved by Gizmo who went from a dragstar to a virago back to a dragstar the dragstar is a much better bike.

Secondly its best you shoot over to the new members section and introduce yourself. One you have posted on a dead thread (which aint a bad thing) secondly you wouldn't get a nice reply if you dont tell us who your are what your hobbies are etc etc

Dont let this guy put you off, he rides something that looks like its been crashed, and never checks his oil level

535s sold by the shed load, reliable, easy to ride, easy to maintain, still plenty of spares available

Panniers/saddle bags/boxes should be easily availble without any drilling/welding etc, there are bolt on brackets availbale for fixing

If you like the bike enough to buy it, then have it

My mate jonesy has one and swears by it. But that said. He is very short and also he's a poof

My boy has owned one for about 6 months now, he is on a restricted licence, so its set at 33bhp. That aside he certainly enjoys it. He is 5'11 and although he looks a bit big on it, he says its comfy when out and about. He has very loud pipes on it and I think thats actually what he likes about it

So - no-one here knows anything abut the "starter clutch" issue?

They likely do... but, as hinted at, you might want to post an Intro first. Good 'Nettiquette and all that ;)

Noisy, the 535 is NOT a poof's bike... just designed for certain smaller riders. If I'd actually bought the Viggie I originally had my eye on, you'd be eating yer own heart out!!

I always thought the 535 was the "Lady's" cruiser :P

ok i'll jump in here i think

the 535 is an ok bike thats about it

its ok at handling

its ok at running

its ok at about everything

buts thats all it ever will be is just ok

it lacks in low end power to cruise at a decent speed you have to rev it like hell

at 70-80 mph it sounds like a lawnmower on speed

when two up the power drop is so bad going uphill you'll be dropping gears like hell

seriously have a look on ebay how many are for sale

a lot right ..................should say something

the starter clutch on the virago's (all of them) is an issue

they do tend to knack up so look for a virago that has had the starter reconditioned(A MUST)

another issue is the carb diaphrams (which are expensive to replace) which tend to pinhole

but to avoid dissapointment i would say dont get it

if you do i bet within days you'll be complaining about lack of power

and just to let the haters know i spent a lot of time,money and effort bringing a 535 back from the dead

only to be so dissapointed with the power of it up against a dragstar

so i know what i'm talking about

I own a 750 Virago ok it's not a 535 but essentially the same bike. The starter was only a problem on the earlier models and was sorted around 92. I love the Virago as I tried a Dragstar before i bought a bike and found the forward foot controls too far a stretch for me. I am 5'4" and of slight build. (And no I am not a poof) Yes the virago is not a performance bike and is not really a full blown cruiser but it is a joy to ride, reliable, and what's more it isn't full of electronics that can go wrong! Servicing is simple and cheap and the addition of a shaft drive in my opinion is a godsend compared to a chain. It is a nice sedate ride but has when needed on occasion surprised me with it's acceleration. I am very happy i bought it and would buy another tomorrow.

Dont let this guy put you off, he rides something that looks like its been crashed, and never checks his oil level

Bit harsh :biglaugha: not my fault that it looks like it been crashed.........................................actually wait.

Sorry chaps i just hate the look of the virago, i mean come off it even the name sounds a bit limp wrist.

And Tasky, sorry but it would have to be a VERY special 535 for me to even consider eating my own heart.

Oh, it was...
Customised to buggery with forward foot controls (yeah, on a Cruiser), straight bars on a hi-rise, twin Streetfighter headlights, remodelled bodywork, a larger tank off some other bike, complete straight-through pipes, along with all the other little things like mirrors and stuff. It still looked like a Viggie, but a much meaner, nastier one... Best of all, it had something done to the jets and fuel system as it ran faster than the Drag. The only downside was that they'd kept the original blue colour, so the additional chrome stuff actually made it look gay (in a Rob Halford kind of way), but I was gonna matte-black it anyway.

However, Fate intervened and I ended up with the Drag Queen.

it's funny you should say that, cos jonesy's a drag queen :eusa_think: .

Check out some of these, then:


thats boring Ttasky,

for one moment i thought it was a link to a drag page :eusa_shifty:

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