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Hi, DT125R 2001 and please someone tell me where the coolant tank is ? because the dope i have bought it from says the small tank at the back left is 2stroke oil ! and so is the one up the front right !

Im thinking this is now BALONY and that the tank front right that has oil on the lid is 2stroke oil, and that the small tank at the back left is the coolant tank !!! CORRECT ??? if so, i have run the bike so i now presume i have a radiator full of oil !!!???!!! any remedies ?

Thanks for all your help guys on my other questions, as you can see im new to dtr's so all the help is gratefully received !


2stroke ray

Hi, DT125R 2001 and please someone tell me where the coolant tank is ? because the dope i have bought it from says the small tank at the back left is 2stroke oil ! and so is the one up the front right !

Im thinking this is now BALONY and that the tank front right that has oil on the lid is 2stroke oil, and that the small tank at the back left is the coolant tank !!! CORRECT ??? if so, i have run the bike so i now presume i have a radiator full of oil !!!???!!! any remedies ?

Thanks for all your help guys on my other questions, as you can see im new to dtr's so all the help is gratefully received !


2stroke ray

You are correct--- oil is up the front right !

If you havent put too much oil in the coolant tank then drain the rad and the coolant tank and reflush the system with fresh clean water about 5 or 6 times. Then on the last drain refill with new coolant.

How much oil went into the coolant tank ?

:o On my DT the 2 stroke oil tank was behind the back left side panel. The coolant tank was a little top up bottle behind the back right one near the exhaust... I would have thought yours would be the same, mine was a 2005 model and an re.
  • Moderator

On the earlier one (2001) the oil is up front, it says oil on the cap as has been said.

The coolant expansion tank is inder the rear fender, it says coolant on the cap ;)

I wouldnt worry too much if some numpty has put some oil in it. Oil floats on water and because ther is no actual circulation from this tank it will just sit there on top of any coolant that was there. Pull off the pipe from the bottom of this tank to drain it of oil / coolant, then rinse it out by shaking it with white spirit inside of it.

Only then should you drain the rest by removing the drain plug and radiator cap, leave a hose running into the radiator for a while. Then re-fit the expansion bottle and re-fill the system with coolant.

  • Author

Thanks chaps, i can now confirm that on dtr's up to 04 the coolant tank is under the back left panel and oil up front right.

ur right, have taken the COOLANT ;) tank off and the oil was sitting on top of the coolant ! have drained and flushed through and refilled with coolant :rolleyes:

Again, thanks for all ur help.

p.s have a bit of a knocking noise comming from the rear wheel, chain is adjusted ok sproket is a little worn but not knackered, maybe wheel bearing ? donk donk donk donk donk ! <_<


2stroke ray :)

  • Moderator

p.s have a bit of a knocking noise comming from the rear wheel, chain is adjusted ok sproket is a little worn but not knackered, maybe wheel bearing ? donk donk donk donk donk ! <_<


2stroke ray :)

Sounds like a stiff link, look ot for it on one of the straight runs between the sprockets.

Sorry thought it may have been the same :o

  • Author

hhi, thanks but it was the wheel bearing knackered, replaced it this afternoon :) no mre don donk donk donk donk !

just wanted to ask, my bike seems to run a little hot on the gauge, if im at a set of traffic lights it almost reaches red then drops when moving again obviously cooling with the air flow. cant be right can it ? if u read my previous comments above u'll see i have flushed the system, BUT i diddnt refill the rad only the coolant tank. this is wrong i can feel it !

2stroke ray

  • Moderator

hhi, thanks but it was the wheel bearing knackered, replaced it this afternoon :) no mre don donk donk donk donk !

just wanted to ask, my bike seems to run a little hot on the gauge, if im at a set of traffic lights it almost reaches red then drops when moving again obviously cooling with the air flow. cant be right can it ? if u read my previous comments above u'll see i have flushed the system, BUT i diddnt refill the rad only the coolant tank. this is wrong i can feel it !

2stroke ray

If in doubt, flush it out.

Like i said earlier.

But meantime, remove the radiator cap when the bike is cold. You will see ....

1: If there is a correct full level.

2: If there is oil on top of the water.

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