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hi there does any body know a good place to get cheap brake calipers for my fzs 600 x plate. the ones on it have seized as the numpty i bought it from didnt look after it.they have been stripped down but but one piston on the rear wont budge so before even looking at the front ones i have resigned myself to needing to buy all three. mail order/web sites any help. cheers in advance for any info thanks friedegg

hi im sure that r6 calipers are the same,but il tell you a trick how i free up seized caliper pistons.half fill a bucket with hot water frm the kettle.hang the caliper over the bucket still attached to the brake line but not in the water.leave it there for 20mins the steam rising will loosen all the crap trapped round and behind the piston.you shld then be able to pump the piston out and clean the seals and the rest of the caliper and put back together.hope this helps

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Where are you friedegg if you are in the uk contact Nick Chambers RDbitz

he will sort it out for you, very likely rebuild it using stainless pistons, it will be better than new and cheaper than a replacement, you could get a secondhand one from ebay but there is no gurantee it will be any better than yours


Pistons can appear to be really in there tight, but there are ways to get them out. unless the caliper has been badly butchered I wouldn't change them for unknown used items.

My trick involves a big propane tourch and a 100psi air line. I've not been beat by a seized piston yet!

  • Moderator

Pistons can appear to be really in there tight, but there are ways to get them out. unless the caliper has been badly butchered I wouldn't change them for unknown used items.

My trick involves a big propane tourch and a 100psi air line. I've not been beat by a seized piston yet!

Beware red hot cannon ball in the shape of a caliper piston, make sure the piston cannot fly out and hit anything if you try this method, most of all keep your fingers out of the way, a grease gun can be used to hydraulic em out as well


Soak a small towl in boiling water from the kettle,

spray wd40 on the piston,

wram the caliper in the towl and leave for a while till towl starts to get cold,

the hot towl will expand the caliper the wd40 will make its way into and arround the piston,

then pump out the piston with the brake leaver,

Dont burn your hands.

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