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  • Moderator

WWho would have seen that coming? The unmoderated moderator spouting more verbal sewage!

Just WHAT is your problem with me????

You seem to love quoting only my posts and having a pop..... i dont see you quoting anyone else, so im guessing you dont like women and have a small penis......

As for being unmoderated - yeah, you're right. I say what i like and i like what i say, and its never been a problem. I wouldn't be a mod if it was now would i :rolleyes:

So please..... let us know why you seem to have a problem with me or shut the fuck up cos you're getting on my tits now........

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now who wouldnt want to get on thosesmile.gif (you asked for that).laugh.gif

you're getting on my tits now........

Just like me to turn up when the queue is already forming....

*pushes into the queue*

Ill have some of those apples....

Just WHAT is your problem with me????

You seem to love quoting only my posts and having a pop..... i dont see you quoting anyone else, so im guessing you dont like women and have a small penis......

As for being unmoderated - yeah, you're right. I say what i like and i like what i say, and its never been a problem. I wouldn't be a mod if it was now would i :rolleyes:

So please..... let us know why you seem to have a problem with me or shut the fuck up cos you're getting on my tits now........

You just don,t get it. Your gender has nothing to do with it. You don't see that you are the only site mod that chooses to lead by example by presenting that it is quite okay to be antagonistic and foul mouthed. As a moderator you don't seem to be content until you are ripping someones head off and crapping down their neck. If forum members choose to reply to posts in this manner and the site has no promlem with that,so be it. When a moderator chooses to carry on like that and be proud of the fact that they will say what they like in any fashion that they like, well doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of having moderators? At any rate this is the last I will be saying regarding the issue because, quite simply, if the site administators do not see a problem it is time for me to, as you say," shut the fuck up". You asked! Paul.

You just don,t get it. Your gender has nothing to do with it. You don't see that you are the only site mod that chooses to lead by example by presenting that it is quite okay to be antagonistic and foul mouthed. As a moderator you don't seem to be content until you are ripping someones head off and crapping down their neck. If forum members choose to reply to posts in this manner and the site has no promlem with that,so be it. When a moderator chooses to carry on like that and be proud of the fact that they will say what they like in any fashion that they like, well doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of having moderators? At any rate this is the last I will be saying regarding the issue because, quite simply, if the site administators do not see a problem it is time for me to, as you say," shut the fuck up". You asked! Paul.

As a newcomer to this forum, you don't seem to get it.

As a moderator, it is indeed Goff's right to have unrestricted say over everything. Her forum, her rules.

So far, those rules have proven to be extremely lenient compared to most forums.

I guarantee she will say or do nothing online that she'd not immediately do in person and this place is one of the friendliest forums going.

The site doesn't bother posting objections to her foul language, because no-one cares. We are grown-ups here and, as Stephen Fry once said, "There is nothing wrong with a well-placed "FUCK....."" :D

We are nice and polite here, but realistic too - If you cannot handle the adult world of the biking community, I suggest you join somewhere else.

We know Goff well enough to vouch for her good character and in general, she is the most polite, caring, honest, accepting, helpful, fair, encouraging and lovable moderator on any forum I've known. She is still human and will behave as such. If something pisses her off, she will say so and as a Mod, her say is final. That's the way it goes and we will defend her to the end....

AND THE REST OF YOU...... Lay off Miss Goff's anatomy!!!

AND THE REST OF YOU...... Lay off Miss Goff's anatomy!!!

*sulks and skulks off into the darkness*

"Ill be back for my apples, mark my words!"

As a newcomer to this forum,

Erm...... December 2008, thats three months later than you .........

Stephen Fry once said,

He is an Ausie, not sure if he'll understand the refference there

AND THE REST OF YOU...... Lay off Miss Goff's anatomy!!!


He is an Ausie, not sure if he'll understand the refference there

i heard stephen fry was quite big down under. :lol::lol:

Erm...... December 2008, thats three months later than you .........

Then he should know better then, shouldn't he!!

In order of cunning wit - There is God, Oscar Wilde, Stephen Fry, Bill Hicks, George Bernard Shaw and then the rest of the mortals.

Dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip certifies that he is the 11th Commandment - "Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry".


WOW i miss all the fun stuff by being over here in the states.

our resident mistress cracks the whip and a line forms at her tits....

missed my only chance to say " aww come on goff, give a yank a yank...." :lol:

none the less, i want to make a note:

I just changed out a wayy over worn rear sprocket the other day. you know like when the teeth start to wear to a forward pitch? anyhow,I will post a pic.

the reason i mention this is that it looked remarkably like a saw blade, jagged microchips on the ends of the teeth abound, so while your minds are mostly thinking of a well maintained chain and sprocket, i can only guess that the fellow who lost his fingers, probably had a nasty sprocket like mine. after all, it looked like safety want top of his list.

not that it made any real difference, as the end result would be the same new or old sprocket.

NOW, moving on to mister "just me" seriously.. I do not think i have seen a more narcissistic name choice, but i have to admit that at least its accurate.

looking at his list of rides im not surprised to see that he is a gixxer rider. it truly is showing out loud in his posts in this thread without it being said.

my point is (i guess) that we are all friends here, and we are capable of being forgiven and accepted (lets not bring up my first post here at YOC.. it was awful) but i moved on and play nice now. so "just me" unless you want to be chased to the village square with pitchforks and torches, I might suggest that you play nice until we get to know you. while you might argue that we should play nice all the time,I will have to say that we do. it wasn't until you started being a twit that the claws came out.

if you continue to be confrontational, you can expect more of the same from everybody here, we are friends and protect each other. and as you run through the village, look for me. ill be selling the pitchforks and torches.

  • Moderator

I thank you all for you're comments.

You may help yourself to the Goff Lurve that is now being handed out across our lil forum tonight :wub:;)

I thank you all for you're comments.

You may help yourself to the Goff Lurve that is now being handed out across our lil forum tonight :wub:;)

goff, make sure foamy gets an extra helping.... he is a growing boy after all. :D

  • Moderator

alls well that ends well! B) ......or is it!! :icon_eek:

  • Moderator

alls well that ends well! B) ......or is it!! :icon_eek:

It is if you keep your hands and other dangly bits away from moving chains!! :lol:

thats like the perfect ending to this thread goff!

The End

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