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Been back on bikes now for over a month, having spent the last 17+ years driving due to having 6 kids. I figured hell they all growing up now i can use the midlife crisis trick as an excuse to get a bike and it will save me money cos its cheaper to run and dammned good fun!!....well it aint cheaper to run atm cos i spend so much time riding now im using more fuel than the car lol....i went out to get a paper the other day 20 miles away....then thought id just pop a little further up the road and get me a nice bacon n egg bun and a coffee from the burger van...may aswell just go a little further up the road ......70 miles later im home again lol. £10 in the car i get 2 days worth of town driving (more on long runs) £10 in the bike = hours of fun, covered 1500 miles so far in over a month :lol:

I find myself falling asleep so to speak in a car...yes its nice to do the shopping in and keeps u dry n warm in bad weather but its just so boring!!!

Ironic though isnt it?, considering your name translates from german as "Drive" :lol:

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thats what im getting at ,when im on the bike i mellow out,i feel untouchable ,and when im in the car ,other drivers mistakes quickly get to me ,hens me thinking that they are t...s

And THATS when you start to make mistakes........

Ok dare I go against the grain???? :unsure:

I enjoy driving my car and riding my bike, both still thrill, especially on my journey home from work, roads are great at 3am! pmsl :D

Ok dare I go against the grain???? :unsure:

I enjoy driving my car and riding my bike, both still thrill, especially on my journey home from work, roads are great at 3am! pmsl :D

'Home from work at 3am!' :blink: What do you do? (If you dont mind me asking :D )



roads are great at 3am! pmsl :D

i can vouche for that, sometimes i stay out past midnight with my ped crew, we hold the annual Traffic Light TT in Newbury ;)... i was the champion once upon a time until my mate got an Aprillia RS50... :(

Ironic though isnt it?, considering your name translates from german as "Drive" :lol:

Tis true lol but Fahren is a shortened version of my online gaming name from years ago...Fahrenheit-451 (from the book) back in the days of Team Fortress Classic etc.

I've only been riding since 2005 and before that my only experience of driving was when my dad let me drive down the street in his Audi 80.

I've found that I need to have a driving license to follow my career goal so before sorting out lessons I had a drive around a car park in my girlfriends Corsa and as expected it was very strange.

I picked everything up pretty easily, no stalls, changing gear, bit of reversing and did some figure of 8's but already had bad habits.

The steering doesn't feel connected to the wheels and the clutch is annoying compare to a bike where you just lean to turn and the clutch is easier to manage with the hand.

I think that when I finally pass a test and buy a car, I'd probably want something small and light so I can 'throw it around' a bit.

I liked my XT125x because I could literally dive into corners and fly around the roundabouts with minimal effort.

I feel safer on a bike because I can see everything, in a car it feels like I'm surrounded by walls.

Ok dare I go against the grain???? :unsure: I enjoy driving my car and riding my bike, both still thrill, especially on my journey home from work, roads are great at 3am! pmsl :D

Nowt wrong with that.

I'm sure I'll love driving when I finally get my APC!!!

Tis true lol

Nay, 'tis FALSE!!

Fahren is German for 'travel', not just driving but by any means (except the foot) ;)

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Cages are a necessary evil....UNfortunately! <_<

My biggest issue is trying NOT to drive my YamaHauler like I ride my bikes! :lol:

And THATS when you start to make mistakes........
touch wood ive not made one in twenty years .{i know, its a bad omen saying that}.

but im holding mi noggin.

but im holding mi noggin.

Ive heard it called some things but never that. :unsure: You'll go blind you know B) and become a Volvo driver :o



I love driving but i hate our roads people in britain have no road sense and their motorway skills are terrible, i've always loved driving cars since owning my old 205 gti brilliant fun but i got fed up with always being stuck behind something slow seemed pointless me paying out loads on insurance and petrol and never have any fun so i got into biking since then i keep a car for practical use only big estate thing does the job lots of mpg but very dull, maybe if all the other road users suddenly vanished like in vanilla sky maybe then i'd get back into driving but untill then i'll stick to my two wheels. I get too frustrated and angry behind the wheel best stick me on a bike.

as it stands im on a provisional license and CBT, so for now my bike is my only method of transport (that involves me riding/driving). However getting to work everyday for now is with the wife since we work on the same base but different buildings, so it makes sense to use one lot of petrol, but she's leaving her job and going back to uni (has 20 working days left!) so then i'll be on my yami everyday to work and back :D

i'm sure odd 'detours' will crop up, where i'll just be forced to take the long way home ;)

Ive heard it called some things but never that. :unsure: You'll go blind you know B) and become a Volvo driver :o



its nothing at all to do with hoggin ma nog,

I drive my car more than i ride my bike - i have to. I have 3 kids.

I would much rather be taking the bike - well except when im doing the weekly shop!

I am (apparently) according to my OH - an "aggressive" driver - i dont think so - i just want to get there in once piece without some myopic arsehole trying to ram his range rover into me!

I used to drive an ambulance - and i guess i still have the "get outta ma way!" mentality :rolleyes:

How did you get to be an ambulance driver goff? have you got medical background i'd love to do that job. not fussed on the sick people though


Edited by cranaj

maybe thats a stupid topic to start on a bike forum, but I hate driving cars! No just getting stuck in traffic, but the actual process of driving those big metal boxes around town feels like trying to manoeuvre a very big thing down a very small passage (insert smutty remark here lol). In contrast when I'm on my bike I feel safe, i have a great field of vision, I'm able to anticipate other road users, can nip through the gaps that cars get stuck in and i love every single mile. When I jump back in the car I'm nervous and to be honest feel completely useless behind the wheel! Its probably a case of inexperience, I passed my test years ago but haven't driven regularly since, but then again, I loved the bike from day one.

Anyone else the same? In fact it would be interesting to know how many people use their bike as their only form of transport...

My cars sit outside of the house ,all year round I ride to work and back come rain or shine I hate driving the car and getting stuck in traffic i'll take two wheels any day

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